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Joined 12 months ago

I am pretty sure these laws have nothing to do with "protecting children"

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One of the best, if not the best password manager I’ve ever used.

What’s up fellow youths?

AND additional responsibilities!

I can almost guarantee these jobs require 15 years of experience with AI technology.

Congratulations! Haven’t played FF 1 in years, but I still think about it.

Here is an OLD 8-bit comic “based” on the story and characters from that game. Always makes me smile.

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There is a scene in the TV show Newsroom (with Jeff Daniels) where he (the news show anchor) is interviewing a climate scientist about the climate change situation. Everything the scientist says eludes to the fact that we are completely screwed. That everything we are trying would have been great things to start doing 20+ years ago. At this point we have already passed the point of recovery.

It was aired in like 2015, and I think of it every time someone talks about this, and what a surprise this whole thing is.

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Right now, because it’s still growing and developing, Lemmy has this sudo-wild west felling to it. Like anything can happen.

This was how things were in the early days of the internet. With no way to know how things are going to turn out, people are just hanging out. Smaller groups interacting with each other, and just having fun.

It feels like a reboot, or a modern revision of the how things were.

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Don’t worry, it’s not him. It’s those damn woke liberals from Iowa that are stopping people from getting to the event with all their… wokeness. (…wokness? ….wokenness? ….wokenism?)

He 100% believes his kid is autistic because of the government vaccines.

I mean…. well done? Way to not allow anyone idiot completely fuck everything up.

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If even ONE thought in her head disagrees with MY world view then she is useless and NEEDS to be destroyed!


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I was just thinking, wasn’t there something a out having to watch ads, and if you looked away the ad would stop until your eyes returned to the screen….

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I always love this one, just it sounds so crazy

As opposed to hiding behind religion or quoting that one passage in the bible, the dude straight up said that he thinks gay people are icky. That level of honesty is rarely found in these discussions.

I have family members who are covered in tattoos, wearing blended fabrics, worship football, and will quote that passage as to why being gay is wrong. It infuriates me to no end.

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It’s just such an impressive array of insults. The variety, the scope, the diversity. There’s so much, I’m in awe

Paper is scary. Plus, there’s a really good chance they don’t know what the “ > “ symbol means, so they are freaking out that it might be “woke”

Asking the real questions.

… and I hope to the gods it’s Jay-Zed

I saw someone wearing these on the train last week.

Could not believe it.

I was under the impression that we, as a society, had decided that was a terrible idea. But I guess all fashion is cyclical.

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to quote something I just saw earlier:

I was having a good day, we were all having a good day....

now.... no sleep. thanks

Ha! I read, and re-read my post at least 3 times and could not figure out why it felt wrong.

you have TWO bridges?!?

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Hell, at this point we’re not even asking for good

It's either the total destruction of all the worlds forests, OR I take a huge financial hit with my unimaginably terrible investment into leaves as currency.

As you can see, by this logic it is ... um ... better for the economy ... that we destroy all the world's forests.

I always think of this farside

Nah, that’s just tiny peepee anger. They finally can be the asshole bully they always were.

Forgive my ignorance, but what’s the difference between this and a towel or bedsheet?

I honestly do not know

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I'm just happy that there are efforts being made into alternatives to oil... at any level.

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And their quarterly profits!

Thanks for doing the bare minimum.

And it’s there forever. No matter what they say or do… that paper is still there with the same message

Ah, but you forget about the rubber band finally snapping. When it is released there will be push back and things will happen quickly.

Now the real question becomes, how much more can we take. I believe we are reaching a tipping point where the uber-rich either help, or are removed. And I think they are starting to see that too.

while I do completely agree with Apple depressing lack of any innovation recently, until modern foldable phones become commonplace, there is only so much you can do with a brick of glass.

I like the theory, but is the original Legend of Zelda retro?

Cause Nintendo puts that up for sale every new game console release. But that is one of the original adventure games from 1986.

In my personal (very, very amateur) opinion; less than 10 years, where things keep running as "normal"

Humanity is awesome at adapting so I think it'll be a very long time before things become impossible to deal with, but there is going to be a lot of transition and disruption over the next 20+ years

dude…. I love Firefox, but just use BitWarden.

Well of course, but that’s a given assumption

Oh. Well shit.

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