2 Post – 273 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

For a quick and dirty clean room run the shower really hot for a few minutes to make a bunch of steam and then wait for the humidity to naturally equalize, boom you got a few minutes to do your swap job.

I've never heard of this... what's the idea behind it? That you get the RH near 100%, and any dust particles will be a nucleation point for water to condense on, causing them to literally rain out of the air?

If LEGO and soda cans, which are very low cost, can do this, so can we.

This man is a certifiable idiot, and I feel bad for anyone working for him.

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Not discounting your mild infuriation, but I am 100% certain that if they switched to being individually wrapped tomorrow, a complaint about excessive packaging would be one of the top posts here.

I'm not sure about Germany, but these have been sold in the US for decades now, and have always been 2 bars per wrapper as long as I can remember.

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I have this exact puzzle!

The small differences actually make it fun to put together, and my spouse and I both enjoyed it!.

7/10 10/10 with rice

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Because it's a little TOO easy.

Your body and brain know you didn't put any effort into it, not because you were in a rush, but just because you couldn't be arsed to. So it punishes you by making you hyper aware that you're consuming the uncanny valley of food. It's not NOT food, but it's not FOOD.

To be clear, I'm just using "you" generically. Absolutely no judgement here lol

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I've always thought it would be an interesting experiment for all (or most) proposed laws to be written as though they were scientific experiments, complete with:

  • Hypothesis (what is the law intended to accomplish?),
  • Metrics (how will effectiveness be measured),
  • Effectiveness period (when will these effects be realized?)
  • Success cnriteria (what is the minimum effect to consider the law effective?)
  • Side effects (what might go wrong, and how will that be evaluated?)

There's probably lots that does not cover, but the main idea is that any new law comes with quantitative ways to determine its effectiveness against its stated goals. Any law that does not meet those goals in the predefined time period is scrapped.

But again, as Zeppo said, without an informed and interested electorate, it's all pretty much moot.

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RTFA. There are a whole list of exceptions, and appliance bulbs are the first bullet point.

Isn't that just kind of... how names are supposed to work?

Something hot in an open bowl sounds like the worst food to eat in a shower TBH.

I'd go with something cold in a tube, like an ice pop. Or maybe a beer in one of those fancy insulated tumblers with a closeable lid.

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"Backordered" or "On backorder" are the normal usages as an adjective.

But "In backorder" would also be perfectly understandable.

On a scale from "a lot" to "all of them", how many marijuanas did you inject before you typed this out? 😂

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God... I can barely remember the time before the top comment threads of every goddamned post were always lazy strings of circle-jerky jokes that you could predict before even clicking into the thread.

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Is this your first time in an "unpopular opinion" thread? lol

There are two types of people in the world: People who pick their nose, and liars.

Seriously though, slowly pulling out one of those boogers that tickles your brain is a unique joy.

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Not a liar, a bullshitter.

Lying requires some respect for the truth. It implies you are trying to deceive by denying or obscuring the actual facts of the matter, but lying still involves trying to convince someone that your alternative story is true.

Trump and Co. are just straight up bullshitters. Reality is completely irrelevant, and they just make up whatever sounds good on the fly with zero regard for whether it's even consistent with what they said 10 minutes ago.

The maddening part with bullshitters is you can't even debate or reason with them because the truth literally doesn't matter to them or their audience.

In 20 years or less this will sound as stupid as if some "innovator" of the early automobile days had added a galloping motion to car seats or a lever you could pull to dump fake manure in the middle of the road.

Look, I really enjoy driving a car with a manual transmission, and I will probably own one until they are as expensive to own as a horse is currenrly. But I can't for the life of me imagine why someone would take a system that has none of the disadvantages of a manual transmission system, and... add them back in a completely superficial way for some reason.

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TBH, that's significantly better than I would have expected for photos of the stars taken on a phone.

FYI stars (and anything over a few hundred feet actually) is at an infinite distance as far as your phone's optics are concerned. So it's not a matter of focusing, it's a matter of trying to resolve what are effectively pinpoints of light on a black background while in your hand, where the minutest movement will smear them across the sensor.

Photographing the stars is not trivial, even with a real camera and a tripod.

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Paypal has altered the deal. Pray they do not alter it further.

So much this. The way headlines like this frame the situation is so ass-backwards it makes my brain hurt. In any sane world, we'd be celebrating the automation of mundane tasks as freeing up time and resources to improve our health, happiness, and quality of life instead of wringing our hands about lost livelihoods.

The correct framing is that the money and profits generated by those mundane tasks are still realized, it's just that they are no longer going to workers, but funneled straight to the top. People need to get mad as hell not at the tech, but at those who are leveraging that tech to specifically to deny them opportunity rather than improving their life.

I need a beer. 😐

That one usually is successful by disabling your network adapter, then re-enabling it. Basically....

Have you tried turning it off then back again?

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Sarcasm detector did not go Brrrr

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Wtf people... Finally a post that is actually mildly infuriating and OP is getting shit on for not being infuriating enough!

This post is doubly mildly infuriating, so I'm going to log in with my alt and upvoted twice.

From the truly ancient days before Impact was adopted as the official font of memese

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I'm not sure whether to update or downvote. The first sentence doesnt seem too controversial, but hoo boy you nailed it on the second lol

Screw it, upvoted.

One of my favorite examples in (American) English has to be "There's more than one way to skin a cat"; meaning there are multiple viable strategies for the task or problem at hand.

I never really appreciated how morbid it is until I saw the shocked face of a fluent but non-native english speaking colleague after using it in a meeting.

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The boring answer is that we'd use different materials for construction. Or we'd find a way to make them suitable for construction, like how we turn sand and gravel into concrete, or pack snow into ice blocks.

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The only disruption a rich, white, old, NYC real-estate mogul provided to the system was saying the quiet parts out loud and forcing establishment R's to choose between embracing his bullshit or alienating their bigoted base.

But then how will you appreciate the 1000 different variants on a clown face labelled "Liberals" ?? 😱

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Going off OP's thought--the pump or spray bottles whose design and/or straw length makes it literally impossible to get the last bit of product out. I've had some where the straw just plain ends about 1/2" from the bottom so there was never even a chance to use all the product you paid for.

The worst part is I've also used spray bottles that--through very minor design tweaks--enable you to get virtually every speck of liquid. So it's not like it's even hard problem to solve, but fuck you just throw out the last 10% and buy a new bottle!

It's honestly kinda wild how many comments here are in favor of cops kicking down doors to enforce this law.

I know, I know, Lemmy isn't a singular person. But it's rare to see the anti-gun crowd advocating for aggressive police action--apparently it's okay just because they are gun owners?

I absolutely believe we'd be better off with less guns floating around this country, but that necessarily is going to be a slow generational shift unless you're advocating for violent standoffs between well-armed citizens and an even more well-armed state.

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I don't. By all accounts, he personally made the call to interrupt Internet service in a way that directly impacted a military operation.

If he had personally made the call from the start not to allow Starlink to be used for any military purposes, that would align with his claim to not want to take part in the war.

I didn't invent the phrasing, but I think most of these things can be summed up as people not understanding that driving needs to be a cooperative team activity rather than a competition.

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Isn't a pipe just a stronger hose?

It would have also included a fuckton of people who had nothing to do with naziism but were disliked by someone with the power to decide who was a Nazi. And probably also a whole separate fuckton of people who fell into some bucket that was arbitrarily "close enough" to naziism when the original Nazis were running out. Etc etc

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Yeah anything is possible with enough time and money, it's just that is about the most textbook example of comparing apples to oranges I've seen IRL.

Also, I suppose Lego bricks might be considered low cost if you're a billionaire, but in the grand scheme of molded plastics they are very much a premium product.

Not even indestructible, just big heavy destructible death traps!

There's a video floating around of a midsized sedan from the 60s and the 00s in a frontal offset crash and the old car is absolutely demolished.

I think the falcon is perched on her upheld right fist, and her left arm is tucked into her vest/bib

On the chance you're not just making a funny - The walls of your house keep inside stuff inside and outside stuff outside. A thermos is just a wall for heat, whether that heat is trying to get in or out.

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I think it depends. Most people could already get away with a lot of immoral or antisocial behaviors without super powers, but most of us still don't.

The Boys is an interesting one because there are hundreds of supes out there, enough to have a community of depravity. If you were the only one with super powers and you decided to majorly abuse them, you'd be a social outcast, even if you didnt face strict punishment, which most of us would really not want.

Honestly the best solution, as with most traffic annoyances, is just to quietly curse at them as you go about your day and let the police deal with enforcing the laws.

When trying to teach someone a lesson, you might get the occasional person who was absent-mindedly being annoying, but most people are just going to come away from the interaction thinking YOU are the asshole. Not to mention the person who is being an asshole on purpose looking for confrontation...

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