141 Post – 332 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

You are lurking too hard

It makes it funnier because it implies that earth women are a dead end for this gamer

Oh it's reddit? I thought it was censoring out a name of a planet.

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I did, but at least I did something about it. Haven't heard as much about the ol triangle lately have you? Yeah, that was me. You're welcome

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The only way to stay on top of the new shit is to heavily use tiktok. As soon as tiktok became the main thing I completely fell off the meme culture since I won't use tiktok

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NFT bros

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I can't see them as face down.

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The fact that it has GPU graph already makes it better than other tools.

It was only funny with barbenheimer. Now I don't trust any other mash-ups to be community driven. A bunch have been corporate shills

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At this point I've adapted to somehow reading and seeing the picture at the same time

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Ratio >= 2.00

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As a Slavic person. This isn't that exaggerated. Usually stems from high alcohol consumption.

Not to be that person but some haven't even played the first game.

Oh yeah that activates my trap card

It's a good brand. I have their laser printer and it's great. No annoying registration, 3rd party toner cartridges are allowed. Super fast compared to inkjet. Overall a great experience compared to my HP printer which won't let me scan unless I register on the HP app.

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Technically still usable and exchangeable at the bank

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You are being watched. The government has a secret system, a machine that spies on you every hour of every day. I know because I built it. I designed the machine to detect acts of terror, but it sees everything. Violent crimes involving ordinary people, people like you. Crimes the government considered irrelevant. They wouldn’t act, so I decided I would. But I needed a partner, someone with the skills to intervene. Hunted by the authorities, we work in secret. You’ll never find us. But victim or perpetrator, if your number’s up, we’ll find you.

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Explain this then?

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I Herby title you the scourge of ice cream cones

I recommend "Law Talk With Mike" on YouTube for a lot of quite similar court silliness.

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They will also soon be forced to allow app sideloading. This might be huge and the only way I'd consider an iPhone

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They censoring the word Israel now? Wild.

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Smash I guess 😮‍💨

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Torx is only good if your screw is non rusting it rounds off too fast with almost any sign of rust.

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Free hosting is never free

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Nowadays buying games at release is doing yourself a disservice. You pay way more for way less than someone 6+ months later who gets it on sale with fixes already done

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A website I had several years ago once got YouTuber coverage and unfortunately after it got popular the free hosting people took it down and held my site for ransom essentially.

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Even if true. Bitcoin isn't Bitcoin anymore. That's why there's BTC classic and so on.

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Miata owners at any opportunity:

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Will literally use anything but the metric system. Smh

AI is getting more cringe by the minute

The even more annoying one is when the listing says "Confidential" for both the salary and the company that's hiring.

Fast and easy way to contract a disease. Wouldn't recommend

Impressive ngl

Just start doing things using it and lookup how to do things you don't know. Enough time and you'll be good at it.

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Every time. The funniest for me is when they tailgate me then speed around me just to stop at the same traffic light as me a few meters down the road

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The "demon core" was a subcritical mass of plutonium-239 that was used in two criticality accidents at the Los Alamos laboratory in 1945 and 1946, resulting in the acute radiation poisoning and subsequent death of two scientists. It was called the "demon core" because of these incidents.

Again? Can't have anything nice on Lemmy.

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