And so he spake unto them to Lemmy – 711 points –

I might not even be exaggerating with this number, but 99.9% of these types video game videos (someone talking to the camera) are the most stupidest topic ever. They take a non-issue and just blow it up. I get that negativity gets more clicks, but it’s still sad at how many clicks they get compared to actual insightful videos.

Critikal absolutely milks the YouTube algorithm. I feel like he just checks the Frontpage of Reddit and reacts. It’s crazy watching him get 1.2 million views in a few hours just by reacting on bad thing being bad.

1 more...
1 more...

I recently saw a channel called ChatCat. This dude summarises these videos in like 15 seconds, it makes you wonder how this guy talks about said topic for this long

It's actually impressive how much you can drag out a topic by saying "woah that's crazy" followed by uneducated waffling on a topic you don't know shit about but have some feelings on how it should be. Joe rogan even made a living off it.

A billion years ago we figured out acquisition. Grab all the stuff.

A million years ago we figured out language.

Now we use language for acquisition. If we do that efficiently enough we can convert language to acquisition 100%. Which deletes all value from the language for us. But what a great business!

Because all of these YouTubers are just tryna feed the stupid fucking algorithm. All of these clickbait shitpost videos can be summarized in 10 fucking seconds. But they create clickbait headlines and drag the video out to generate more traffic for their channels. Youtube is fucking aids.

is fucking aids

No we have treatment for that now.

Prostate cancer then. We aren't getting a cure for that any time soon

So it can only effect ~50% of the population?

Still seems like you should be apologizing to a certain cancer.

Have you ever tried to think that maybe there are people that enjoy watching long yap sessions? Clickbait def works but i doubt if penguinz gets unique viewers every single day.

Looks interesting but woah those videos are a sensory overload. Could do without the music and vortex background and actually showing more than one thing on screen at a time. (is this what adhd people like? )

I love their channel! Subbed at the first video. I'm more impressed when ChadCat shortens hours long videos int seconds of information. It's impressive!

Well, you don't make as much money off a 30-second video...

"10 minutes of me staring into the camera silently."


I mean, Vsauce made a 3 hour video of just saying prime numbers in sequence, nothing else. 18m views.

This is the efficient resource allocation, organization of labor, and innovation for which capitalism was created and a real-life example of why government should never interfere in its miraculous operation.

it’s not his fault he was born a professional-grade yapper

I never got what people thought was cool about this guy

His voice is decent to listen to and I started watching him when he did infomercial reaction videos personally.

Me neither. He appeals to the misogyny crowd and riles them up anytime Pokemane so much as leaves her chair.

Even if he doesn’t hate women, he appeals to his audience who does. Which might be worse.

Of all commentary youtubers out there Charlie is probably the least problematic. I'd rather have him at the top than any one else.

To be fair, from this screenshot, I can't concretely tell if he's actually speaking words. He could be staring in the camera going "ma ma ma bababa wiwiwihiiiiiiiii baba" for 10 minutes straight. I turned my phone all the way up, but the picture still doesn't have sound, so I don't know :(

Complete valid points. Will add sound to the image in the future.

Why is everyone hating? I have adhd and i like having this guy in the background. You are still free to watch all the informative videos. Lol

I'm always kinda impressed when people can fill silence with a lot of words without actually managing to say anything.