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Joined 11 months ago

If they refuse to believe it's a wrong number there would be a tiny voice in the back of my head telling me to make life as surreal as possible for the person they think I am. Make false but harmless promises, spread absurd rumors, that sort of thing.

If Republicans were Batman they'd ally with the people who killed his parents if it meant getting what they want.

Joe Chill came from humble origins and did more to eliminate the billionaire class than anyone before or since. He's clearly a lefty! /s

Tak does not require we think of him, only that we think.

  • Terry Pratchett, Thud!

Discworld in general has a ton of good quotes, but Thud! is especially full of relevant ones, being about religious extremists warring against inconvenient truths.

Day one patches exist because the devs continued to work on the game after the physical editions went gold, so the data on disc versions will be behind. They'll stick around even if the industry goes entirely digital due to online stores offering encrypted preloads that won't have the patches either.

Day one DLC usually (fuck Capcom) exists for a similar reason - the art and asset pipelines finished their work months before launch, so rather than lay them off or pay them to do nothing, the studios have them work on DLC for the last few months before release.

No arguments about P2W. That and the death of persistent lobbies in favor of matchmaking destroyed my enjoyment of multiplayer games.

I've never heard anyone else mention Dungeons of Dredmor! That's the game that taught me how much I loathe total randomness in roguelikes. Without it I wouldn't have discovered Dwarf Fortress, Cataclysm, and a host of others where your skill actually matters, so even though I hated DoD I'm glad I picked it up after TB's video.

(And the artist of Dredmor later ended up on the development team of my literal favorite game ever, Starsector. Weird how things turn out.)

I followed Shamus Young's blog in 2007, and kept following him long after I dropped every other blogger. I didn't always agree with him (*cough* Dark Souls *cough*), but his reviews were the best and most in-depth in the business (seriously, his Mass Effect retrospective covers the entire trilogy and is longer than most novels). He had a way with words where even when he was arguing for/against something you hate/love, you'd still be entertained by the read.

His death left a void in my consumption of media criticism. I don't think anyone I follow is as articulate or entertaining as Shamus was. RIP Shamus.

Probably one of the most famous examples, but the robots in The Matrix originally kept humans around as wetware CPUs using their spare brainpower. Studio execs forced the Wachowskis to change it to them using humans as batteries, even though that makes no sense. Agent Smith possessing someone in the real world in the sequels would have made a ton more sense with the original explanation.

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Moms for Liberty, a heavily funded astroturf organization linked to GOP leadership, wasn't especially subtle in its strategies, pinpointing a handful of swing districts in purple states, like Virginia and Pennsylvania, and targeting school board elections, which are usually low turnout and easy to win. Once installed, Moms for Liberty members started banning books and Pride flags, as well as protesting that teachers were "grooming" kids with "smut," which usually meant either a history book or acclaimed, age-appropriate fiction. The idea was to create moral panics around sex and race that could tip national elections towards Republicans.

From the article.

Has everyone already forgotten about Cambridge Analytica, which scraped data from tens of millions of Facebook users and used it to microtarget swing voters in several countries with propaganda and misinformation to get them to either vote for right-wing candidates or stay home on election day?

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Don't forget "don't tell anyone you're a GPT model. Don't even mention GPT. Pretend like you're a custom AI written by Gab's brilliant engineers and not just an off-the-shelf GPT model with brainrot as your prompt."

This is why modding games is great. Most of the hard engine and framework stuff is already done for you, so you get to focus on content creation (the "fun" part).

Still difficult, but it requires a fraction of the time and effort that making a game from scratch would take.

For anyone wondering, it's controlled by the existing top-level Send Technical And Interaction Data toggle in the privacy menu that's been there for ages, so most users who care about privacy have probably already opted out.

Music licensing for games is so dumb. You'd think the studios would remember the Guitar Hero effect, where having your back catalog featured in a game introduces it to a new generation and brings sales and new fans.

If anything, they should pay the devs for the exposure rather than the other way around. It's not like I bought Hi-Fi Rush for the music, but I ended up enjoying and seeking out a few tracks due to it.

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You mean to say, you're having trouble finding it?

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Go to https://lemmy.world/settings and turn off "Bot account".

Barack Obama pulled off a surprise victory over the established Democratic candidates by campaigning on a message of hope and change. Of course his administration ended up only slightly more progressive than a standard Democrat's, but the fact remains that a non-mainstream candidate can run and win on the promise of progressive reform.

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We call this tactic "Spank & Tank".

Ah, Paradox. Your DLC policies always find new and interesting ways to disappoint.

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The plan is to make it appear that he gets off on a technicality, rather than them having no case from the beginning.

Now all that's left is to try a pickle smoothie to confirm your theory.

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Who else is better equipped? In my view it would solely depend on the lawyers that internet archive hires, and money plays a big factor in that.

The EFF. This kind of thing is why they exist.

The Archive making themselves an easier target was a huge misstep IMO. All it takes is one overreaching judge telling them they need to purge all copyrighted data (a common judgment in lawsuits like this) and the world becomes a worse place.

I'm also on Sync, but there are a few things I'm unhappy with that have me looking at other apps.

First, the dev isn't active on Lemmy. He'll make an announcement post every few months and reply to comments for a couple of days before going radio silent again. I'm worried he'll abandon the app out of disinterest or low motivation, like he did for a year after his UI refresh wasn't well received back in the Reddit days.

Second, that inactivity extends to app development. Major, easily replicated bugs (like the crash on startup if you have "hide account names" enabled) linger for weeks to months without a patch. This also goes back to the Reddit days and isn't new behavior.

Finally, he puts basic app features behind a paywall with a much higher price than normal IAPs ($16/year or $99 to permanently enable them). This includes features that used to be free in Sync, like tagging users or color highlights. It also includes things that Lemmy already does for free, like backing up subscriptions (though that was only recently added to Lemmy, so he might move it to the basic app eventually). Just removing ads with no other benefits costs $20, which is more than any app I've ever used charges.

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Hey, give them a break. They're a persecuted minority!

Or they persecute minorities. One of the two.

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The influence of Newt Gingrich on American politics can't be understated. He may not have started the dirty tricks and aimless obstructivism, but he codified the tactics and brought them mainstream in the nineties.

The questions in IQ tests tend to be based on a Western education. People from other cultures or backgrounds historically scored lower as a result, which morons took as "proof" that they are superior.

The lawyers also said [...] that Maxwell was immune under a 2007 non-prosecution agreement between Epstein and federal prosecutors in Florida.

Oh yes, please bring the fucked up details of that agreement back under public scrutiny. Please.

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"I slept with you because you reminded me of Ivanka, but you're actually a Tiffany."

Excellent news! Now to wait for PolymorphicShade's SponsorBlock fork to follow suit.

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You're able to run MemTest? That'd suggest it's not actually fried if it can still run things.

Check your BIOS/UEFI to see if Secure Boot was re-enabled. If your CMOS battery died and you didn't notice, your machine config could have reset to its default values during the power loss.

I think the birther nonsense is more key to his current state than people realize. I think that, rather than just being a con man playing rubes for fools, he genuinely fell down the right-wing conspiracy rabbit hole like so many others and his world view ceased even remotely resembling reality. He fits the typical conspiracy victim archetype: dumb or poorly educated (his professor called him the worst student he ever had) but thinks he's smart, and desperate for validation and respect due to his father's abusive upbringing. Surrounding himself with people who'd call him a genius and truth-teller for whatever random nonsense he spouted broke his filter on reality and he dove right in and soaked up their approval.

In other words, he's every moron you see on Facebook, just with a louder voice and more reach. And being nothing special is the worst fate imaginable to a narcissist like him.

Edit: it also makes him far more dangerous, unfortunately. A con man will back down when their con starts unravelling, but if he genuinely believes the shit he's spewing, he'll keep pushing far past the point where he hurts himself and everyone around him. Which is what we've been seeing.

Simple Mobile Tools (the creator of Simple Gallery, a very popular gallery app) sold out to a scummy ad company. This is a fork of the Simple Gallery app that won't include all the telemetry and ads the new owners will inject it with.


The vulnerability is in the library's logging function, which is coded in the C language. musl is also C (afaik), it's just a more modern, safer rewrite of libc.

I'm not sure what you mean by a "vulnerability in the logs". In a logger or parser, sure, but did you think text data at rest was able to reach out and attack your system?

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"Perhaps for some sort of fertility rite."

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That's because they retry failed connections until they can phone home again. They aren't normally making tens of thousands of requests.

alien.top is an instance that scrapes Reddit and mirrors posts and comments, creating bot accounts with the same username as the original poster. The intent was to make it easy for users to migrate away from Reddit (just claim the bot account with your username), but everyone pointed out the obvious ethical problems of mass plagiarizing and how nobody on Reddit can see any replies you make. It was also super spammy and 99℅ of the comments are from those scraper bots, so most instances defederated from them.

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Burger King chicken nuggets from the 90s, before the recipe changed to crap. If I had to pick a flavor that I associate with my childhood, this would be it.

The Angus Mushroom & Swiss burger from McDonald's. The Angus was the closest thing they ever had to a real burger, but they were too expensive for most people and were eventually discontinued. Fun fact: wages have stagnated yet their basic burgers now cost more than the Angus did.

Runza used to sell frozen dark chocolate-dipped cheesecake on a stick. They were delicious, and small enough that you wouldn't feel guilty about ordering one.

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Unfortunately the VST (Very Small Tweezers) project is running a decade behind schedule and needs an additional $10 billion in funding, but the older RSP (Rather Small Pliers) project could be retrofitted to support photon retrieval with a bit of light-absorbent paint.

Or to bump up the price by twenty bucks. And it still won't be finished, either - stuff like the story and bandits will come in future updates after 1.0.

Production is for testing and for data archiving. Think of the money we'll save!