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In some instances, you just sort of decide to wing it and jam for a bit until you all find a spot that works. So, sometimes, you get to hear the ending get written live! (Though, usually, you just end up repeating whatever you'd do when you were practicing the song before)

Source: Had a band, had trouble writing endings sometimes.

I like to go to my gay room and just kind of sit and stare at the wall and think about stuff. It doesn't accomplish anything.

Wow, I can't believe nobody's even bothered to mention the style from the definitive hacker movie. Just absolutely gobsmacked. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like:

Notably missing from this picture: rollerblades, fingerless gloves, neon dyed hair, tons of fishnets (which I guess you could probably stylize as fish.nets or something), puffy vest, etc.

In my day, being a hacker meant dressing like a weird raver/punk and sending people a GIF of a laughing skull, and that's how we liked it

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I'm biased towards Y2K from the nostalgia, since those were the prime years of my childhood right before my teenage years kicked in.

But, I love the design of that time because of how obsessed with futurism everything was. It took the future chic look of the mid-late '60s and revamped it, taking that hype for the future- with the Space Race- bringing it back, and updating it for the Information Age.

It felt like we, as a society, had so much optimism for the world that was to come. So, if anything, I think that's what I'm mostly nostalgic for. I was so excited to grow up in that world. Damn.

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No such thing as punching down when everyone is equally represented and cared for. Together, we can make the world a much more hateable place for everyone ❤️

To be fair, from this screenshot, I can't concretely tell if he's actually speaking words. He could be staring in the camera going "ma ma ma bababa wiwiwihiiiiiiiii baba" for 10 minutes straight. I turned my phone all the way up, but the picture still doesn't have sound, so I don't know :(

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Staying hyped for Dreamsettler even though I still have no clue what it's about outside of "also a '98 - '02 internet simulator" let's goooooooooo

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Just comes down to whether you want the prison to be external or internal

Rules for thee, not for m[y preferred politicians, but I'm too blatantly ignorant to understand that the rules are absolutely also for m]e

"Hello I would like you to fuck in me please"

(Accidentally typed in all caps first, which I think is way funnier, but I didn't want to startle anyone by being too loud on the internet)

Wow. I can't believe that actually worked.

(Tip: you have to keep it in there for a pretty absurdly-long time, or it'll still come out kind of raw. Basically, hold it in until you think you can't possibly hold it anymore, and then add another 2 hours)

nut sack ❤️

It's scary, but it's something we all face someday. One day, I'll go, too. The only way to go is forward, Ralph. Farewell.

Can't help it. The abyss has better acoustics. :\

Back when meme transmission was "hey, did you get that e-mail? I'll forward it to you the next time I log on"

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"You can do it, buddy. Shit your pants!"

I mean, I don't actually know if people ever say this or not, but you can start if you wanna be a cool trendsetter!

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Blenders. Gender ephemeral. Intangibles. An even cooler fourth option, probably.

There are tons of cool names you could go with when your identity lies outside of preconceived boundaries (and pretty much transcends them). But, non-binary's pretty clinical-sounding, so I guess it's easier to work into a professional setting or something.

Couldn't find it. Gave up.

Swinging it around like a helicopter ❤️

some people have more time than brain cells ❤️

Very tasty. And, healthy, too!

Just because we may stumble and slip doesn't mean we should stray from the path altogether. Even a toddler knows this, you fucking simple idiot ❤️

Oh! And be sure not to forget the part where Jim Jones then proceeded to turn his gun on himself and take the quick death instead of suffering the way he forced everyone else to.

Funny how often monsters turn out to be cowards as well. History rhymes, I guess.

Are you OK? Help is always available if you need it ❤️

The Absolutely Nothings

Absolver. It was the precursor to Sifu, but with slightly slower and more methodical combat (more like a Soulslike, almost).

The coolest part of it is, as you play and fight players and NPCs, your character will slowly learn and unlock the moves that are used against them, which you can then put into your moveset and chain together with other moves to create your own style. If you don't want to do that, you can join a player-run school, and be given the fighting style of that school's master, which your character will learn as they use it.

The story mode is pretty short. It's mainly about PvP (although, before development stopped, it DID get a free DLC with a co-op dungeon run that's worth killing a couple of hours on). Of course, a PvP-focused game with nobody playing it isn't exactly the most entertaining thing to spend your time on, so- outside of a small collection of diehards- it pretty much stays a ghost town.

It had heart, it had ambition, and it had creativity. My friends and I were really hoping the success of Sifu would mean people might start going back and maybe breathing a little life into it, but that didn't happen. We hoped maybe they'd announce a second one, but that hasn't happened yet, either. It'll probably just be another Sifu. That one was a proven success, so it makes more sense.

The servers are still up for now. No idea how much longer it'll be supported. But, if you've got friends you can play it with, it might be worth looking into and seeing for yourself what the game offered, and what could've been.

I'd like to say it'll be something pithy like "Thank God that's finally done with," but, more likely than not, it'll probably be "Ah, shit, aaaaghhh, fuck, this sucks, God dammit, this hurts like hell, ughhhhh shit," and then the sounds of me groaning my final breath and softly shitting my pants.

I'm not sure what I think the most beautiful song I've ever heard is, but I know my mind usually goes to two songs:

Pastoral, by a man who went by the name of Moondog. He was a legendary blind composer, playing on the streets of New York City between the late '40s through to the early '70s.

He's kind of a "your favorite musician's favorite musician's favorite musician" figure, and was known to play several instruments of his own invention (one of which I believe is used in this song, but I'm not sure). This is a very minimal song, but beauty doesn't always demand grandeur.

Second would be Slips Away by Peter Silberman, the lead singer of a band called The Antlers (who also have a bunch of really moving tracks in their discography).

This one is also very simple, and quite melancholy, but I think it says all that needs saying. If I have a funeral when I pass, I'd really like this to be played at it.

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It'll fit.

Louisiana's pretty easy to remember, as well- not just because it's the boot, but also because it's shaped like the first letter in Louisiana.

If someone showed me a map of a fantasy world they created with something like that on it, I'd think they were a hack. But, here we are, I guess!

I figure it's because the year can be seen as an optional appendage if you're talking about dates from the current year. Like, I can say "that happened on May 5th," or "I'll be there June 18th," and you can reasonably assume I mean in 2024 unless I specify "June 18th, 2063."

Now, as for why you can say "I'm going on the 18th," but Americans don't say 18th of June, 2024, I haven't a clue. We really only seem to have logical explanations for the way we do things about half of the time.

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