2 Post – 234 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

News posts on /c/Turkey are automatically made by a bot I wrote under my account.

The real question is, if you defend yourself with a gun is it considered self defence or just the assasination of the president?

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A religion that aims to have well built and healthy bodies to earn the favor of the gods from said religion.

Remember, it's always morally ok to pirate a Nintendo game.

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Would reccomend osu!. A cool rhythm game with support for different gamemodes. The lazer version is open source and is on development to ensure it can match all expectations.

Bomb to d5 (similar to bomberman logic, bomb is kickable when you try to move into it and has three blocks explosion size, the bomb explodes three turns later)

GPU artifacting typically means one of the four things, in the order of severity

  1. Cable is fucked
  2. Monitor is fucked
  3. GPU drivers are fucked
  4. GPU itself is fucked.

To test 1) try changing your refresh rate and resolution to see if the artifacting occurs similarly. If it ceases, change your cable. If one of your monitors displays properly and another monitor artifacts, this is also the main culprit

To test 2) plug in another device that uses the same port your PC uses. If you see similar artifacting, change your monitor

To test 3) try booting your PC off of a live USB with any OS. If you don't see artifacting, you're gonna need to change your GPU drivers. Refer to your OS's documentation on that, not me please.

This step also tests for 4. If you see artifacting, it's highly likely that your GPU is fucked. Try disconnecting the GPU and use the integrated graphics if that exists, or an old GPU. Use that as a temporary solution until you upgrade your GPU.

Not even kidding, Mr.Beast would topple Trump way easy in elections; While he certainly is the type of person that knows to communicate with millions of people, I doubt he's a person that wants to be president. Making crazy internet content and leading a country are two different things after all.

There was an infamous conman in my country by the name Sülün Osman. He has managed to con people by claiming to sell the Galata Bridge itself. After he was caught, his defense was "As long as there exists idiots that believe I can sell the bridge, I will keep selling this bridge."

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Another fun fact about North Korea: They have their own Linux Distro by the name Red Star OS, which has its 3.0 version leaked to the Internet, while the newest known version is 4.0.

My observations while trying out the leaked 3.0 are:

*It is a fedora derivative,its package manager made me think it's something close to CentOS 6.3.

*It's visuals are really similar to Mac OS. Perhaps the state official behind this project really liked Mac?

*Every piece of software installed has its credits removed, they have help prompts that refer to them being made in some sort of university.

*It leaves strange markings to created files. I couldn't understand what they do exactly, but I assume it could be used to track the computer that made the files.

*Their browser does not support https, and does not have English support at all.

*Packages intended for developers aren't installed by default, doesn't have a remote repository but instead was intended to be installed with a physical media drive.

*Just for fun, I tried to request the Linux kernel's source code that the developers behind used, as it's licensed by GPL. I was unsuccessful; which means this is the first time a state sponsored software is violating GPL.

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Biggest difference between Ubuntu and Pop is that Ubuntu aims to popularise usage of snap and uses apt as a backup option while Pop aims to deliver its software through apt and flatpaks, in the priority that the user wants.

Flatpaks are more consistent to run, they can run between all distros but install dependencies seperately so could take up more space for installations.

Apt makes use of the native debian installation, which works well for most but sometimes you could be stuck in a dependency hell between some software. Uses the storage more efficiently as it can share dependencies between multiple installed packages.

Snap sucks. There's literally no point in using it. It can run apps on all distros similarly to flatpak but its worse in every possible way. It hits noticably to run time of applications.

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As far as I can recall, EMPRESS called them out for linking malware to her crack releases. Please someone correct me about its details as I don't fully remember it.

Edit: Looked it up, there was a torrent with a bitcoin miner injected that 1337 mods appearently didnt remove which caused the whole ordeal.

From what I could see from their site, they sound like a cloud provider that has support for folder sharing with guests. Nothing that specifies usage of torrents.

If you dislike it, join another instance that doesn't defederate with it; it's as simple as that.


This is over a developer accessing GitHub? WHAT THE FUCK?

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The idea of forced automatic BIOS update is dumb. BIOS only should initialize its required components and fuck off afterwards.

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Even if this was a real terrorist, this is the worst move security services could've done.

They could bar a suspected terrorist from entering the plane via a temporary arrest. If they're wrong, just reimburse the travel costs. If correct, you didn't let a terrorist possibly hijack a plane.

They could use the "randomly selected for a search" card as an excuse for detailed screening. A terrorist can't blow up a plane without some sort of smuggled troublesome equipment anyway. If they're wrong, you spent like 10 minutes searching a random dude. At least you didn't gave a terrorist chance to hijack a plane.

They instead let a suspected terrorist enter the plane as usual; then tailed him with fighter jets. What the actual fuck was the plan if the suspected person was a terrorist? Blow up the fucking plane so all the civilians inside die?

Imagine the call done to the authorities

"This is airport, we've detected a suspicious individual that could be affiliated with a terrorist organization"

"Since you detected him, I assume you've detained him? We'll be sending units"

"Umm... no? Just let him board the plane"


The fact is i don't care about these things. All it matters is that Brave uses Chromium, therefore I'll never touch it.

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RISC-V is a set of instructions implementable to processors that do not need licensing fees and controlling restrictions imposed. Due to its reduced instruction set; it uses less power in general but is harder to write compilers that work on it.

Having it more popularised opens up the doors for more enthausists to enter developing with it.

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Linkedin is the only social media I would reccomend to put yourself out (as in, put your successful projects in) as it's used more as a networking tool to land yourself in better jobs.

Fuck other social media. Anonymity is best.

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The group used “sophisticated computer scripts” and software to scour piracy services

that's way too fancy talk for these programs LOL

Interlinked Jellyfin Instances that you can access if you're hosting a server, similar to fediverse. Gather all interlinked libraries in a single frontend for the user so they can have a massive library available for them for all sorts of media.

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As a fun experience, try downloading any sources you can on libgen about a low level programming language and then try to code on it without ever looking up the internet. Just these sources.

The fact that this is doable speaks volumes about how big of an information source it is. Not everywhere has good access to internet, but the knowledge to progress further is certainly obtainable.

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The things that come to my mind are

-The country has a set goal to improve in tech industry, aiming to rival big countries like China.

-The people definetly know their spices. While they use it a bit too much at times, it certainly works well.

-The country is overpopulated, leading to talented people having harder time to succeed.

-If you're watching an Indian man's tutorial on any topic, you can assume it'll work well.

-It has a noticable split in religious beliefs.

-fuck the remote scammers operating from Kolkata. The people in India also hate these people.

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When I saw this, I was like "why did Riley not release Delta and instead released GBA4iOS under a different name?"

Appearently because the release wasn't authorised by Riley and they haven't provided the source code per GPLv2 demands anyways; clearly against its licensing. Scummy move.

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GitHub sucks with private repositories anyways. If any company needs a sizable source control utility, just hosting their own GitLab instance will be way cheaper and safer than entrusting it to Microsoft and paying an unnecessary enterprise rate to GitHub.

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I don't get what the manga publishers aim to achieve from this. I've bought official translation paper versions of like 20 manga series that I've read through scanlations. If I didn't read the scanlations, there is no way I would ever buy them let alone read them.

There is absolutely no fucking way I would pay per episode like publishers want digitally. They put the dumbest restrictions like I can't screenshot, I'll need to pay if I want to access it and all that crap. That's absolutely not happening. People don't start reading new manga that way.

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The source filesize 4.3GB seems really odd for a >100GB game. Why is it like that?

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Google Talk flashbacks anyone?

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ngl, this looks way cooler than the current Elon Musk.

You're usually fine using a cheap item. If you use it enough to break it, then you need a quality item.

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Wine is done on clean room reverse engineering, it doesn't use any propetriary code as reference. If they had done so, Microsoft would have grounds to sue them.

This can't enforce anything on CUDA versions below 11.6; but any functionality introduced to CUDA after 11.6 needs to be clean room reverse engineered, so this will make ZLUDA development on those versions more difficult.

You cannot get VAC'ed from a game that doesnt have VAC. I know this because at one time I tried to get an experimental Steam account to get restricted by the most games out there. (I got 7 VAC Bans and 43 Game Bans on said account). Game bans disable certain features within a certain game. VAC only works based on the game it was on (except the whole Source/GoldSrc group bans, which I consider as a single ban).

What you could be referring to could be account bans can be issued based on fraudulent activity on the account. I assume this would cause these sorts of bans.

Though I would typically need to write code that injects the game just right to trigger the anticheat; if this causes game bans this could make getting future bans a lot easier for said account

Doom was open sourced later. An example of a game that got reverse engineered just fine is Super Mario 64

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Free speech platform my ass.

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I recently saw a channel called ChatCat. This dude summarises these videos in like 15 seconds, it makes you wonder how this guy talks about said topic for this long

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I'm betting half of those are the typical domains; which after domain seizure moves to within minutes.

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Does this apply to developer accounts? Because if so this would be dumb as fuck.

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break top

break bottom

insert shit ton of rocks

set gravity to 2g for faster gravitational acceleration

I have acquired rocks that can keep falling and build up velocity forever.

live life as usual; when I'm old enough to near death, aim for anywhere within the planet with said rocks.

Assuming I fill the 3x3x3 box half to half with sandstone and air; its weight will be 33kg.

If I live for 70 years more, assuming the gravitational acceleration is 19.72 m/s^2; I can generate stones that can go up to 156.8 billion km/s (or 145 times the speed of light)

Using the kinetic energy formula; I'm pretty sure unleashing this anywhere will be enough to destroy a huge chunk of the existing universe and in the end I'll be the person to go out of the world with the biggest bang.

Well, specifics about the big bang is not known; but I'll be its closest contender if it is correct.

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There is a crack team called MKDEV that targets Football Manager series which uses a slightly weaker version of Denuvo. They didn't crack the 2024 series so far, but chances are they will sometime soon.

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