
10 Post – 136 Comments
Joined 3 months ago

Reality is a dream. Truth is falsehood. A wizard tried to wake us up. The Matrix has you!!!

No wait. Penis.

We're talking about the realness of reality here.

This gender stuff seems rather petty, comparatively.

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Sauerkraut milkshake

Give it a generation, it'll be perfectly normal.

The plot is discovery and progressive revealment of big weird thing. The climax is flashback-heavy explanation of big weird thing.

One miracle at a time please.

I doubt that. I think the pushback starts when you threaten somebody's cash flow. The women thing is a red herring.

I think that you are rendering your personal drama in inflated terms. A tempest in your own personal philosophical teapot. It is large and important because it's up in your face. An ant on your nose that you mistake for Godzilla. A trick of perspective.

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Or maybe whether you paint your fingernails or not is an issue because you make it an issue. You. Not the cosmos, the creator or society. You.

Which, yes, doesn't make it any less of an issue. But, again. Perspective.

Because, and I think I can say this objectively: fingernail polish is very very small.

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A billion years ago we figured out acquisition. Grab all the stuff.

A million years ago we figured out language.

Now we use language for acquisition. If we do that efficiently enough we can convert language to acquisition 100%. Which deletes all value from the language for us. But what a great business!

Pizza cats sleep

Sorta star wars too.

Nice. Thanks.

You people are the drunkest, horniest person at the party. You will do literally anybody. Philosophically speaking.

If you don't care about it then you shouldn't be investing your (valuable, finite) attention in it.

So all that weak stuff, be slackful about it. Squeak by on the halfassed minimum.

And the stuff that matters, do it perfectly.

That's what every great artist/inventor/scientist/philosopher/etc has done since forever.

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Meditate more

Check out mr moneybags here with dirt next to his door.

Whenever anybody tries to talk about anything strange and significant you people get defensive. It's as if you actually prefer to be boring, mediocre and shitty. You've got a deathgrip on it.

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So you are the source of the issue. But you are not in control of yourself.

So.... perception and finesse?

Sounds like concentration meditation.

(Aka samatha and a few others)

It'll give you the clarity and the amazing can-do power.

And unlike drugs, it has no ceiling. You can pump up that power to crazy heights.

Most of us use "mind" to refer to intellect. The thing we think with, where all the ideas are.

But the Buddhists are referring to your "attention". Like a flashlight, you direct it at stuff. Sights, sounds, thoughts, etc.

That's 2 quite different things. "Open your mind" is a different thing there.

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Look at those downvotes. People don't pause.

We can but the solver won't come from the mainstream, it'll come from the edge. One of those insane weirdos that everybody knows is badwrong.

So be kind to weirdos.

The normies you can safely pound to paste tho.

  1. The book.

A book is a stack of rectangular sheets of processed plants printed with text, all held together on one side.

So it depends on the threat level. That's prudent.

I can think of worse.


My mom (80) has 20 mil or so. (Dad dead)

But she cares only about partying and home renno and refuses to even buy her kids a cup of coffee.

So we wait like vultures.

I'll just put you down for option B.

What's up with all the masks? Do they want to be anonymous?

Was about to post this.

Bonsai people, expert in a couple years, vs regular people where it takes a decade.

But those bonsai people aren't really experts.

Funny. I just saw such an ad. Advising that you use their deodorant spray everywhere, yea everywhere. (Lady in commercial proceeds to spray her crotch)

Hmmm. Maybe just to sell more product. Or maybe it's a mindfuck.

In the 50s they sold Lysol to deodorize sinks, toilets, rugs etc. Then advised to ladies to spray their crotch with it too. Basically saying that a woman is just another home appliance. Which is mindfucky

I prefer a bit of funk on a girl. With a touch of floral perfume.

Simply ignoring a question is difficult for me.

I feel compelled to answer. And kinda literally. This has faded with time but still.

I'm trying to do it your way. It seems healthier. Especially in this place.

Ya I've seen that one. Usually less innocent tho. More of a you are damned for even asking, kinda interpretation.

That is a very good question.

That's a good question. Wavelength mismatch I guess.

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I was going for "strength of character" actually, speaking of limited. Thanks for clearing it up.