Identity politics and universal pseudonymity arose at the same time.

spiderwort@lemm.eebanned from sitebanned from site to – -31 points –

More accurately written as "Being an insufferable asshole happened due to the rise of identity politics and pseudoanonymity *convergently."

Edit: yeah we're definitely not talking about the same thing judging by your comments.

The term identity politics may have been used in political discourse since at least the 1970s.[19] The first known written appearance of the term is found in the April 1977 statement of the Black feminist socialist group, Combahee River Collective, which was originally printed in 1979's Capitalist Patriarchy and the Case for Socialist Feminism,[22] later in Home Girls: A Black Feminist Anthology, edited by Barbara Smith, a founding member of the Collective,[23] who have been credited with coining the term.[24][25]

But it didn't become a big thing till the last decade, IE when we all got on social media.

A hundred genders. New pronouns. This is a new thing.

Do you mean gender identity? That's not the same thing as identity politics.

Nope, I mean identity politics. IE popular concern for the details and ramifications of identity, so great that it rises into the political realm.

Tell me that you didn't notice.

hey look the monkeys are upvoting you

Everybody that disagrees with me is because of their identity politics

Several of your comments/posts are being reported. You can find the code of conduct here:

There is nothing shocking in there just basic thing like no name calling. Which I suspect is why this comment was being reported. And is why I took down your other post.

Text is very poor at communicating a lot of subtleties that you get in other forms of communication. So it's helpful to expect the best intentions of others and maybe ask clarifying questions.

If you look through other posts and comments you will find that people tend to be pretty chill, looking for a laugh or to make others laugh, and enjoying curious observations about life. People also get passionate about certain topics but I like how the code of conduct puts it "Criticize ideas, never people."

There's been like 9 variations of gender in the Hebrew biblical books for thousands of years.....

This isn't new, but the bigotry towards it is. Kinda like how being Homo was fine in Roman times but not in Confederate times. Hate is a social construct.