
1 Post – 306 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

It likes bots writing to the site, for the engagement; it doesn't like bots reading the site (for free).

The first is on GOG as well, for only a few cents more.

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Instructions for a better browsing experience can be found at https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/browsers/

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LMAO. The only time I visit Reddit any more is when it dominates the first page of search results. Spez has failed upwards for so long, he thinks he can fly.

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That Tencent investment money is coming home to roost.

A person's music taste seems to crystalize at some point in their teenage years. The bands you loved at 15-17 are probably the bands that you'll love forever.

Likewise, I'm finding that my relationship with information services as a whole probably crystalized a while ago, and the new era of "apps for every individual thing" is just wholly unappealing. Give me a web browser to interface with your information. If I can't get it done with that, I'm more likely to move on to some even older tech and skip your product altogether.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm late to bingo. And get off my lawn.

Me: "seems to" "at some point" "probably" while making a minor, secondary point. Others: Severely Triggered

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If it's a persistent problem, and a tow truck isn't an option...

Get a set of cheap car dollies, then you can move it out of the way. THEN you can place it perpendicular to the parking spots with the bumper at that support beam and he'll be stuck until the blue car leaves.

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Nothing changed on the UNSC when Russia vetoed the resolution to leave Ukraine.

I'm not educated enough to say which is a "worse" violation of the principles the UN stands for, but I'll go out on a limb and say nothing will change this time, either.

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Sketchy Chinese data brokers: 👎
Sketchy US data brokers:👍

Signed, Congress.

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Musk got a lot of fans by driving the electric car revolution, but he really was always a d-bag. It just got excused or swept under the rug.

The first public crack in the armor really came in 2019 when he inserted himself in the Thailand cave rescue effort in the worst way. Then in 2020, he basically declared himself a public health expert and spread plenty of COVID misinformation.

But well before that, his first marriage was apparently pretty awful: https://www.marieclaire.com/sex-love/a5380/millionaire-starter-wife/

He's always believed that population collapse is a huge problem. He comes from a big family, and has lots of kids himself.

His management style is also pretty terrible: https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-management-leadership-style-at-tesla-spacex-2022-4

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It's just right-wing buzzword scrabble with that guy. No need to even speak in complete sentences, just say a bunch of words that your voters want to demonize, and take home the money.

"Radical" "Obamacare" "Left-wing" Triple word score!

In a sane world, the party that has only won a plurality of Presidential voters once since 1988 would try having at least a tiny shred of self-reflection. In this world, they double down on the crazy.

"Dog shit vs horse manure -- which tastes better on a sandwich?"

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Right. Here's how it works: Your game is on Gamepass, and a user installs it. Now instead of Microsoft paying you $0.15, then you paying Unity $0.10, Microsoft will just pay us directly the $0.10, and you still get your $0.05! See, it's a great deal! Everybody gets their money and you don't even have to deal with the Unity costs! Please, don't go!!

When you start a new language, you learn "The Rules" first, and wonder why your first language doesn't have such immutable "Rules."

Then when you get fluent, you realize there are just as many exceptions as your first language.

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"And that's why we, the benevolent and peaceful police, need to track all your movements at all hours of the day. For the children. You don't want to be anti-children do you? Skynet told us where you live."

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A cynical person might even say this is an attempt by the state and insurance companies to justify not having any sort of security net for victims' families. If one person can be held financially responsible for the kids, why should anyone else have to step in?

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the entire government will be using [Olvid], the world's most secure instant messaging system," French digital minister Jean-Noël Barrot confirmed on X.

Clearly they're very discerning when it comes to their choice of communication apps. 🙄

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Looks perfectly suited to the new reddit.

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And don't even frame it as a nameless hypothetical. Get specific.

"Are you arguing that Joe Biden could order the assassination of Clarence Thomas and Donald Trump, and if the Democratic Senate doesn't convict on impeachment, he gets away with it?"

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Not sure why NA is being singled out here. Bottles are largely the same shape (with a few functional differences, see below) no matter where they come from.

The round shape is mostly a historical artifact from early designs that were hand-blown. A hexagonal (bestagons!) shape would pack better in an infinitely large container, but since most shipping crates are rectangular, there will be wasted space either way, and round is far easier and cheaper to mass-produce. Also, as a carbonated beverage, sharper corners could create stress points and exploding bottles.

Toppling over could potentially be reduced with a wider base, but fitting in the hand is a hugely important factor for any drinking container. There are larger-based bottles, but they also need more specialized packaging and storage space. By using bottles that are similar size to aluminum cans, lots of infrastructure can be dual-purpose (I'm thinking of things like can/bottle storage in your refrigerator, for example).

Double the volume of what? Glass bottles have to be thicker than other materials, so to get the same volume as a can with the same size base, it has to be taller.

If you want to do a lot more reading, here's a few sources I borrowed from:


Regarding the functional design features referenced above:


Those ‘shoulders’ we keep mentioning remain in modern beer bottle design mainly for aesthetic reasons. Their original function was to provide a handy place for the yeast residue and dregs to collect, so that these didn’t pour out into the glass with the beer. Nowadays, most beer is filtered, so this design feature is no longer needed. Unless you’re bottling a yeast beer like a Belgian beer, of course.

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So instead of making occasional pithy comments for a useless gold star, you get to work an unpaid second full-time job, dealing with the worst of humanity, using awful support tools, for a useless gold star?

Everytown Law is about to get a lesson on how Section 230 works.

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A 2022 survey finds 7.1% of Americans identify as LGBT:


Also in 2022, Texas had 9.0% of the population of the USA.

That's close enough that we can call being from Texas "abnormal" and start restricting all sort of rights.

It dOeSn'T sAy "sUpPoRt"!!1! ChEcKmAtE lIbS!!

(I feel dirty now)

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Musk is killing it!

("it" being whatever shred of reputation he had left before the last year or so)

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Give me a solid car with an electric motor, but all old-school buttons and knobs in the cabin instead of a touchscreen that will be out of date in 5 years and cost 10k to replace if the kids get their grimy hands on it.

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Every accusation is an admission, example #3,237,621.

Kamala Harris becomes President, and the GOP implodes under the weight of a million conspiracy theories.

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It is certainly a weird conclusion. You CAN defend yourself. You CAN defend yourself with a gun. You CANNOT defend yourself with a gun indoors?

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I wouldn't mind the separate pages for username / password if the "remember me on this device" checkbox weren't fucking useless 99% of the time.

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99% of gamers knew this years ago.

It's always been a race to gobble up the handful of whales that keep the mobile game industry alive. Now add hundreds more desktop and console games to that list. Sure, there are lots of people that will happily spend thousands of dollars on any shitty game, but once you've got the entire industry spending billions fighting over those players, the well runs dry eventually.

If you subscribe to all the services, it can be expensive. But it's still FAR more flexible than traditional cable, since you can pick and choose which services you want on any given month, and cancel when you've binged all the shows. The shows that don't shove ads down your throat every 5 minutes, BTW.

This just reads like an ad for cable companies. "Please stay with the worst customer service in the country, the competition is just as expensive if you ignore how people actually use it!"

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GOP: We can't get universal healthcare because that's putting government in control of your medical conditions.

Also GOP: Let's pass a law that makes "Kentucky woman seeking court approval for abortion learned her embryo no longer has cardiac activity" a real headline.

What if the Russian asset doesn't want to go to Ukraine, and wants to stay on his Florida golf course instead?

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Unverified account? Straight to jail.

It wasn't compromised. If you can't be tracked and cross referenced with all the other data that brokers have, your activities aren't worth anything to reddit and they don't care about that account.

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tl;dr with commentary:

On testing errors: Yep, we're trying to be better. [i.e. Let's move on and forget this ever happened.]

On the Billet auction: We're trying to do the right thing after a miscommunication. [This one's probably the best response, but that's not a high bar.]

On the Billet hit piece: We were only assholes to them to get them to be better. [MAJOR abuser vibes. "I wouldn't have beat you if you didn't deserve it".]

On releasing knowingly inaccurate videos: This is actually a good thing because we show our mistakes with footnotes. [WTF]

On conflicts of interest from corporate partnerships: Crickets [No surprise]

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The security of their cash flow.

This is a serious situation, so I'm sorry if this seems a bit flippant, but anyone who's "startled" that a 14-year-old can be a racist dipshit hasn't met many 14-year-olds.

I saw so much praise for this game, which got me to buy. Then I genuinely felt like I played a different game than everybody else.

Not that I thought it was bad or anything, I just walked across the landscape for 2h15m and then haven't thought about it since.

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