
10 Post – 1032 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Or the single Wolverine stick claw.

Yep, I'm sure it'll be gone Verbatim.

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Also going to an idiotic blog so we can "donate monero" instead of to the actual yt video.. easy downvote.

HDMI in??

Imagine someone made this a few hundred years ago. Why didn't that happen?

I'm shocked. Shocked I say!

But that sounds delicious.. completely unbelievable that their ice cream machine was working though.

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Sweet summer child...


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Your first mistake was going to reddit at all. Your second mistake was going to the y'all qaeda subs.

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You think I care about 34 felonies

Your opinion is invalid. Thanks for playing.

OP needs to lay off the avocado toast for sure 🤣

34 is "there is porn of everything, no exceptions".

Wow, is it 2010 again? BRB gotta go see if there's a new version of Mountain Laurel for my gtablet.. 🤣

It's amazing that it's been 12 years since Elon had this image deleted from the internet:

Image of Elon being a douche

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Or lobby.

The truth is he's a jealous little turd of a person. The other reddit founders, the ones with brains and skills, got out early and got paid. Even the dead one was more successful. He wants to drain reddit of money while tanking it. He thinks he's entitled. It's a real shame he reproduced too, the poor kid is doomed with a godawful role model like that.

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Single click is for web page links, not my computer.

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Gotta give the (probably imaginary) recruiter credit for a classy response though.

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I use Mint 21. Checkmate.

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Poor Wells Fargo. Maybe they should sign a bunch of customers up to loans they didn't ask for about it to feel better.

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I won't. They'd have to fire Steve with no golden parachute, then maybe.

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Steve Huffman isn't here, so that's a huge plus.

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Look guys, Apple is innovating something that already exists again.

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as almost no one noticed this launch

That's because we're having trouble just getting food. A shiny new and expensive SSD isn't even on the list at this point.

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All it would take is someone getting AWS blacklisted for an hour, that law would disappear like it never existed.

A sample size of two is meaningless.

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I think he's the real reason the punchablefaces subreddit got neutered, because he's sure got one.

Elon Musk is a badge of shame.

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My source is I made it the fuck up!

That's a real thing. Buy Brother, brother.

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High five for the guy talking about jacking off, what could possibly go wrong.

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If any of us pulled a stunt a tenth as bad we'd be in the clink immediately. Put that pos in jail.

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I'm sure it's anyone else's fault but Elon, just ask him he'll say so.

Where this came from is commercials would add glue to the cheese to get the "cheese pull" effect for the camera.

I am not a bot. Probably.

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1, this is for shitposts, if you're getting your news here you're a complete moron. 2, there's a huge difference between the people of Israel and the government of Israel. Their government is evil and most of the people don't actually support it. Grow up.

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