Some of y'all need to see this and drop the superiority complex... to – 1161 points –

Image shows a tweet with the header "and people STILL try to convince me Linux and Windows are better when the DATA clearly shows otherwise. SMH" with an image attached showing the following:

"Operating systems by current version" Mac OS: 14 Windows: 11 Linux: 6


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I use Mint 21. Checkmate.

Nixos is at 23.11 :) Also, rolling releases are kinda fun: the latest commit so far is 46ae0210ce163b3cba6c7da08840c1d63de9c701 which roughly translates to nixos-unstable 403509863565239228514588166489915404446713104129 :D

You could take the revision number. nixos-unstable has 567011 commits currently.

Laughs in Fedora 39

This is a rare case where it matters that Linux is not an operating system.