8 Post – 404 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Not to sound like a dick, but how does this have so many upvotes? There's a button to skip it and never ask again right there.

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This is Clippy v2.0 and I'm sure it will be just as helpful.

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Oh no! What will I do without EA games?

Oh wait, the same thing I'm currently doing. Not even playing them when they're free on Gamepass.

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Count me as one of those new Linux users. I've been trying to switch since the 90's and Linux gaming is finally viable. I know this is in large part thanks to Valve, so thanks, Valve!

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I am Jack's COMPLETE lack of surprise.

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Garuda. It feels like being inside a gaming rig full of blinking RGB lights. Way over the top with the "gamer aesthetic".

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I spent a season working in a packing house for watermelons. They'd come in by the crateload and we were allowed to just grab one to eat any time we wanted.

The trick I was taught, and which proved to be pretty reliable over the course of the season, was to feel the veins. (This is possibly what's being described as webbing here?) Watermelons aren't smooth, they have wide "veins" running top to bottom and you can feel them if you put your hand flat on the side of the melon. The bigger/poofier/wider the veins, the more ripe is it.

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That explains why they look that way, it doesn't explain why a AAA game in 2023 was allowed to ship that way, though.

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You know with Android, you can just sideload any app you want. Still not sure why anyone buys Apple products, but hey at least you get different colored chat bubbles!

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"The days get shorter in the winter."

Actually winter begins on the shortest day of the year so the days are getting longer in the winter.

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I've found that Active, which is the default, is pretty useless as it tends to be a self-fulfilling prophecy sort of thing. Everyone sees the most active stuff and they become more active, keeping them at the top.

Hot works better for a balance between New and Active.

I recommend changing your default sort in your settings to anything but Active. While you are there, might want to change the default grouping from All to Subscribed.

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Shame. If people keep paying for “head start”, companies will keep selling them and making bank off FOMO.

On the plus side, plenty of guides getting created so I can start tomorrow without fear of fucking up my first character too badly.

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Linux can be a hobby, not just a tool. If you want to have fun with a new hobby, distro hopping will have plenty to keep you busy. But if you just want something to run your computer and your current distro does it for you just fine, then you're not missing out on anything but a headache.

It's funny, I'm in an opposite situation. I don't want to distro hop, but my current one has some issues that I'm getting a little fed up with (issues that are a result of my hardware and use case) so I am working up to swapping distros to find something with fewer issues. For me, I just want my OS to be transparent. I don't want a hobby. That's why it took me so long to swap to linux in the first place.

Anyways, IMHO, unless you're really into the idea of playing with your OS as a hobby, don't let FOMO trick you into making the mistake of throwing out what works in the hopes of greener grass.

I feel like this post is guerilla marketing for "TempleOS", which I've never heard of before and will absolutely not be looking up after this.

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I just got my Tesla back after 11 months in the shop waiting on Tesla to provide the parts needed after a relatively minor fender bender. I love that car, genuinely, but NOBODY should be buying a Tesla until they get their supply chain shit together. It's certainly the last time I buy a car from a manufacturer that isn't well-established (sorry, Rivian, Lucid, etc.)

So fully blocking ad blockers other than the most popular one? I guess we should be glad they weren't this bad at programming 18 years ago when they launched Youtube...

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It doesn't matter what business we're talking about. If you can't afford to pay the costs associated with running it, it's not a viable business. It's pretty fucking simple math.

And no, we're not talking about "to big to fail" business (that SHOULD be allowed to fail, IMHO) we're talking about AI, that thing they keep trying to shove down our throats and that we keep saying we don't want or need.

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I admit, they fooled me into contributing to the Kickstarter. But at this point, anyone who has anything positive to say about this project is a paid shill (paid for by us!) or heavily in denial thanks to sunk cost fallacy. They say you can "play" it now, but it's still not a game, it's a tech demo and sandbox.

I'm perfectly happy to write this off as a failed Kickstarter, it happens from time to time. But when they keep trying to con money out of new suckers, it really pisses me off. Enough is enough. Assholes.

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Cyberpunk 2077 is the poster child for this. That game was easily 7/10 even when it came out as a buggy mess. Now that it's had a few years of polish, it's much better than 7/10.

But the public perception was bad mostly because of unmet expectations. I don't know if I'd call them "unreasonable" a they were set by the devs themselves, but either way, the game was and is much better than a lot of people think.

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The tipping for Uber Eats/Door Dash drives me up a wall. If I'm getting one small bag of food, why would I pay the delivery driver a percentage of the cost of the food? Why should a delivery from Chez Snooty tip more than a delivery from McDonalds if they're both the same amount of work for the delivery driver and they're providing the exact same service?? Now the LOWEST option in the app that's not custom is 18% and it defaults to 20%. WTF?? I already pay extra for the delivery!! You're supposed to use that money to pay your employees. If you can't, then your business model isn't sustainable!

/deep breath

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I mean I get what they're trying to do, but I feel like the people successfully making money with spam/bots will not really have a problem with that fee.

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I have an idea to help more people play our games! Let's put a kernel-level anti-cheat on them so nobody who uses linux can play them anymore! Oh wait...

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It's funny to see this because I have found it to be the complete opposite.

First, the amount is surprisingly copious for a DLC. The new area they added is deceptively large because it has so much verticality. The main story missions for Phantom Liberty are also much longer than normal missions. The "like 5" you quoted is ridiculous because not only is it WRONG, it discounts the size of the missions.

They also added a ton of side missions and gigs, as well as two completely new side activities in car missions and supply drops. It's a lot of content and just saying "they only added x number of missions" is reductive and frankly deceptive.

And maybe more important than the amount of content they added, the quality of the content is off the charts. The art style and creativity in the new areas is fantastic. It doesn't feel like just more Night City, it really feels like a different area. It's visually distinct from the original game; you know you're in the new area without being told.

And the missions... the main story missions are completely different than anything in the original game. Fighting through the wreckage of a downed airplane to rescue the president and then getting thrown into a spy story complete with James Bond style banter over a roulette table! Idris Elba is amazing. Even the side missions are interesting with different ways to resolve them.

If you liked CP2077, I don't see how you could possibly not like this DLC. They added more of everything that was good about the original game and did it at a higher level than the original game.

When I think of some of the other DLC's I've paid for that are basically just a few extra missions and maybe a new companion or something, it makes this seem even better.

Now just so I don't sound like a complete fan boy, I will say they added in a bunch of new bugs making the game less stable than it was in 1.63, which is really frustrating. But everyone gets those regardless if you paid for the DLC or not. So as much as it sucks that they added those bugs, it has nothing to do with whether you think the DLC is a good value or not.

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What's X? Oh right... he's still sticking with that huh?

"I told you, my name's not Steve anymore. You have to call me Dragon Master!"

No I don't mind them. I am a linux noob myself and these kinds of posts are what helped me decide to switch.

While we're complaining, you know what I don't like? Completely incomprehensible posts about some super specific subsystem. "fdplq updated to 0.5.pi.007.69!" Wow, that will change my life the next time I boot up my computer to read some Lemmy and play a game for an hour or two.

But they are all part of the linux community. I'm not gonna say the way I use linux is any better or worse than anyone else.

And fortunately, nobody is forcing us to click on those posts we don't care about.

The only one that really sticks out is Starfield. Most other games I played I knew what I was getting into. For some reason Starfield surprised me, probably because it was on Gamepass (so effectively free) and because I trusted Bethesda. Oh well.

Considering the number of great games this year, that's not too bad.

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JFC. There's an opioid shortage too and for the same apparent reason: the federal government setting limits on manufacturers.

I have cancer and have been on oxycodone daily for many months now. Last time I needed a refill, I almost couldn't get any in time before running out. Got it literally the night I took my last one. Can you imagine dealing with cancer pain AND opioid withdrawal symptoms at the same time? Why should I have to deal with that?

And why should all the families dealing with ADHD have to deal with shortages of drugs to treat that? This whole situation is fucking absurd.

Not reddit exactly, but RES has the ability to track the amount of karma you've given specific users. It also let you tag users with custom info.

These two features helped me recognize when I'm interacting with people repeatedly, which really helped it feel like a community. Especially useful the bigger the subreddit was.

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Origins is definitely the best and the closest to that classic Bioware feel you like.

DA2 was polarizing but I enjoyed it. Very different from the first mechanically. Worth playing tho, IMHO.

DA:I was... not fun for me. I feel like they tried to modernize the formula and added all the worst parts of modern (at the time) games, namely HUGE time sinks for no reason because it's not a fucking MMORPG that makes money by the hour. /deep breath Sorry, I am still a little bitter at how that game turned out. Anyways, probably worth checking out, maybe you will feel differently. But it wasn't for me.

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It was funny laughing about Musk changing the name of Twitter to X. Seeing journalists having to actually use that ridiculous name, it isn't so funny anymore. The name is confusing and reeks of dot-com-boom edginess.

Oh, instead of giving money to the developers and charity, we can instead give money to thieves and scammers? Wow! Thanks! Fuck charity and the people who make the games I want to play, amirite?

Windows 98 enters the chat

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Oh right, I forgot that people insist on humoring that change. I feel like if everyone keeps just calling it Twitter, he'll just quietly change it back.

Regardless, X was used to represent a variable for about a thousand years longer than Musk has been using it, so I will keep using it that way too.

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First time trying a new game at launch?

Pro-tip: plann for queues and crashes for the first day at least.

Pro-tip #2: maybe read or watch a review before buying. That game looks terribad and reviews aren't particularly good.

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They found out what? Their business wasn't affected at all as far as I can tell. They should have been broken up and shut down but instead they got caught doing the same thing AGAIN.

So yeah, not sure what Tesla is going to find out other than "money means you can get away with anything", which Musk already knows well.

And just to be clear, I own a Tesla. I just got it back from the shop after ELEVEN MONTHS because those fucking tools would rather sell more cars on false promises than divert some parts to repair the cars they've already sold. I love that car but I'm selling it. Nobody should go anywhere near Tesla cars until they get their supply chain shit together.

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I am in shock at the number of people upvoting positive comments about this scam project. Until they refund all the people they defrauded to get the project off the ground, they will continue to be dragged down by their own fucking karma.

Suckers want to spend money on it now, knowing everything we know now? That's on you. But plenty of us didn't know we were being conned at the time.

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I'm confused by the word "but" in that headline. Seem like they are trying to imply cause and effect when the reality is that readers trust outlets less who use AI whether they label them or not.

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"Kick his ass, Sea Bass!"

Serious question: do you or anyone you know use cloud gaming ever? I feel like people keep trying to push it and it inevitably fails because it's a product NOBODY is asking for!

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Not a fan of market consolidation. It's bad for the consumer at the end of the day.

But if I were to look for a silver lining: 1 More quality Gamepass content and 2 Maybe MS can save Blizzard from itself.

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