
8 Post – 229 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

All clothes are no-iron clothes if you DGAF enough :)

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As a Russian bot, I'm deeply offended

Should've installed linux 🤷

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Nixos is at 23.11 :) Also, rolling releases are kinda fun: the latest commit so far is 46ae0210ce163b3cba6c7da08840c1d63de9c701 which roughly translates to nixos-unstable 403509863565239228514588166489915404446713104129 :D

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This is good, but I prefer this

I believe that joke about cow winning the same competition is also correct?

Also, I guess lobsters are expected to have a pretty aerodynamic shape (or is it aquadynamic at that point?) 'cause, well, otherwise they won't be able to move efficiently under water due to it's density or something, I'm not a physicist.

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But maaa, I want my own e-corp producing proprietary garbage 😭

BTW, nixos allows you to easily roll back to a previous generation on boot in case an update breaks something.

Just sayin' 😁

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That's the scariest horror story in 2 words I've seen so far

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Go has the single easiest to Google name of any programming language.

Ackchually Screenshot_20240215-004708_Mull

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> Hi mom, hi dad! Meet my gf [redacted]!


> Yes, she's a little bit dug up corpse, but don't say that around her: she's kinda sensitive about it.

(Stolen from a random video/podcast)

sudo, rm, rf

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Just finished another round of fucking with (or being fucked by?) Nixos's built-in containers, and can't stop thinking of continuing tomorrow. So, agreed

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Well, there are better reasons for getting rid of fossil software... Like xorg being a giant clusterhack :)

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Honesty, understandable: I partly like about half of those listed... But I prefer listening to recordings at non-deafening volumes while not being surrounded by a hell lot of humans. Sucks to be an introvert, I guess.

Welp, the message you've cross-posted was since edited to include

Edit: They claim they will make that part open source too, eventually, and it is due to behavior of another browser: https://github.com/Floorp-Projects/Floorp-core/issues/62

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That's the first scenario I've heard of, where the end would've really justified the means

Fuck programming then, I'll go read ancient Egyptian or some not-yet-deciphered crap. On the other hand, I bet it's not that different from APL


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makes me wander, what ai/prompt did you use to generate the pic. Looks neat!

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Why tf they even care about students' hairstyles? Tbh, looks like whoever came up with this brilliant rule is a bolding and jealous fossil :::|

E492: Not an editor command: voq

I suspect those may depend on choosing a particular response to some of the previous questions


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I prefer grabbing small amounts of solder with the tip of the soldering iron instead. Helps a lot when solderling small stuff, esp. smd components

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  • Newpipe doesn't let you leave comments (which was the reason I personally switched to it -- I used to spend too much time commenting like half of the stuff I watched, and I watched a lot) or login with a Google account;
  • newpipe doesn't have sponsorblock (which is currently solved by using tubular; note that it may or may not become abandoned like previous attempts by other ppl);
  • newpipe lets you download video/audio (although, admittedly, having yt-dlp in termux is still more than handy for bulk downloads);
  • newpipe has better (imo) background playback: you can either play or enqueue both videos and playlists (note: I haven't used yt app for a while, so mb it also can do similar stuff)
  • newpipe doesn't need play services whatsoever;
  • newpipe's ui takes some time to get used to (imo)

Regarding the picture: I lelieve that's not how you turn 2280 ssd into 2242...

std::shared_ptr p;

Idk, I probably haven't used Debian derivatives long enough, but isn't installing random .deb-s somewhat of a bad practice? I mean, repos exist for a reason (ignoring the fact they usually have like 3 packages in the official repos)

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Wow, the last one is quite unexpected. What a useful command

Yeah, I believe that won't work. The tape is supposed to be blue

There also was a cool one with a monitorhead

Oh, I just remembered another one or three. So, resizing the partitions. My install at the time had a swap partition that I didn't need anymore. Should be simple, right? Remove the partition and the corresponding fstab entry, resize root, profit. Well, the superblock disagreed. Fortunately, I was lucky enough to be able to re-create the scheme as it was, and then take my time to read the wiki and do the procedure properly (e2fsck, resize2fs and all that stuff).

Some people I've met since, unfortunately, weren't so lucky (as far as I remember, both tried to shrink and were past mkfs already) and had to reinstall. The moral is, one does simply mess with superblocks; read the wiki first!

Nah, that's when the fun really starts! ;)

Well, on the upside, it definitely works better than coffee or energy drinks :D

Also, nice save with the last one!

Get the chip, hack it, re-implement it on top of a librebooted x200 and wear that as a hat

Been there, and even without encryption: took me to reinstall a few times before I realized I can chroot again and repair 😅

I mean, it's simple, elegant, and destructive AF given the right circumstances. Basically a chaos grenade we didn't realize existed


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