3 Post – 86 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

Important to note that Fortnite does launch on the steam deck, but the anticheat kicks you out a couple seconds into the match.

The game does run. It's Epic.

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So much for the free market and the ability to choose 🙄🙄🙄🙄

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thought you were serious for a second, for those who aren't getting the joke, driving your car is thousands of times more dangerous than taking a plane flight

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Y'all aren't boycotting?

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We need to thank the nothing phone for this. They're only responding like this after severe market pressure. Thank you Nothing

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I don't even want to read this but you made me scroll a foot ball field just to get past the damn post

apologies I heard someone say x12 was Wayland damn 😭

Run normal games like fortnite and warzone, and run other games not through steam without needing to install proto tricks and get the right dependencies for every damn game

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Absolutely. That and the recent vpn blocking changes has made using reddit absolutely unbearable.

Why the down votes? Completely reasonable response

no idea who this is but can someone please explain to me where this meme came from?

like born to shit forced to wipe something like that what does it all mean?? (/Gen)

Agree to disagree

They don't necessarily put market pressure on apple but they do put the messaging pressure on Apple. MKBHDs video explained it pretty well, if apple were to just shut down nothing's messenger methods, then they'd get a lot of negative press and the EU would have more reason to take action against them.

I think that apple's trying to get out of the EUs grasp especially with this move. But the pressure from Nothing seems to have done at least something.

Fortnite ratings be like:

Google already blocks apps they don't like I can't see this going well.

Year of the Linux deskt- haha just kidding. People are going to just go out and buy new stuff. All part of the system, even if it's capitalist hell.

Inhalable sensors? Maybe they did put a tracker in the COVID vaccine!!! (/s)

So when are they unlocking the bootloader?

insert specific versions of missing dependencies here for whatever program you try to run

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The difference is the EU coming up quickly and nothing making it much more public than what I've seen from other companies like beeper

Or their VR game

Pixel has the smoothest experience in terms of animations, but they also have the shittiest hardware. Samsung is okay, and the snapdragon versions have usable battery and modems. Pixel's SOC is hot garbage (though time will tell for pixel 8)

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Is it a headphone jack? What about an SD card reader. An unlockable bootloader?

Tbh I'd still rather use a Samsung s24 with snapdragon than something like a pixel with a shitynos processor

No algorithm

No they provide phones for the employees, at least in my area.I think it's up to choice, and the fact that the employees don't know.

I want an unlockable bootloader :((

I could understand that until I experienced discords new mobile UI and the countless competitors. Definitely discord is better than all the others

What's wrong with Blue sky?

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The search has issues but I don't fuck with irc channels because there is literally NEVER anyone there. I don't understand IRC, either. I'm young, sorry

One of my biggest pet peeves with Linux by far. Usually my use of Linux is generally just parsec and that's it. But I can't ever select the right driver, and then I forget, idk it's a whole thing and I just wish it was baked in and easy, but then again it is linux

Why only California? I was deceived by this too.

chultrabook discord

Heroic games launcher :3

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Ooshutup is wonderful

Only realized how Terrible Google assistant was when I started to use it with Android Auto.

Can agree to this, I've tried to play but it plays at like 30fps and the controls are all messed up all the menu based stuff is gone it's actually awful.

But be aware a ton of features that would work on ChromeOS don't work, I've done this to 4 and all have separate problems


Your AC IS CHEAPER than your NAS? There's no way, what kind of NAS are you even running??

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