
4 Post – 191 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

science and music. and beer. and dogs.

All the great song writers were mediocre singers. I'm talkin': John Prine, Steve Goodman, Townes Van Zandt, Leonard Cohen, Paul Simon, Neil Young, even Willie Nelson I would put in this category.

A weird exception is Joni Mitchell. IMHO one of the best singers of all time, and an a-list writer too.

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I mean, if we wanted our best and brightest (and most compassionate) to teach, we would pay them the best salary they could get with their degrees.

Note to good teachers out there (I'm a teacher too): I'm not saying there aren't any! I'm just saying that those doing the hiring can't afford to be terribly picky.

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When kids don't trust their parents, there's usually a good reason.

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The problem with Bill Maher has nothing to do with his age. He sucks, it's true, but lots of guys exactly the same age as him do not suck.

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Helping others to do their best, especially when it's something they are truly passionate about.

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The complaint is not about the terms "systemd" and "segmentation fault." Those are the titles of the affected artworks. Presumably the artworks themselves contain some trademarked property.

Also, this is utterly unrelated to patents.

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"Unlock the door" is a really strange way to say "lock the door." What a dolt.

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It has another danger too, when it glints in the sunlight and blinds other drivers.

Chrome was always a bad idea.

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Please don't take this as one of the rude responses you refer to above - that is not my intent.

Why do you want to use Mint in the first place? The only thing that distinguishes Mint from any other Debian derivative, is that they have made all these software choices for you, and you don't have to do anything to get your system ready for you to be productive. It's aimed at folks who don't want to think at all about any of the concerns you have about customizing.

If you don't like the choices Mint has made, there is literally no reason to choose it. Start with a minimal version of Debian, and add whatever you want. The end result will be the same as starting with Mint and swapping things out. The only difference will be the address of your repositories.

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Absolutely this. If anything is going to change, we're going to hear about those changes like this. If the reaction is always "fuck you -ACAB!" the change won't work.

I actually strongly feel that ACAB, but I'd like to live in a society that could have fair and just policing, not one without police.

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It's a hopeful idea, but it may be too late.

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They just want to remove their citizens from the internet, not themselves. It's too useful for disinformation and general fuckery.

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I am vehemently opposed to this law. It is useless, dangerous bullshit, done only for political signalling.

However, this artcle is bullshit too, having absolutely nothing to do with the law, except for the headline.

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you're missing 3 zeroes in that number.

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Innocent until proven guilty is about whether he goes to jail. He should resign from the because he can no longer fulfill his duties effectively.

Take a cue from Al Franken, ffs.

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HaHaHAH ha... huh?

This timeline. I can't take much more.

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Title: "AP sources"

link: "something else - not AP."

me: "why?"

Debtor's prison is pretty much universally considered a violation of basic human rights. In the US there is even a strong contingent of legal scholars who feel that cash bail cannot be justified.

I apologize I don't have time now to find a source for that.

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The photo was taken by an AP reporter. That's about as credible a source as you're going to get.

It should have been lifted when it was clear it didn't work. I'm convinced that it was a negotiating position, designed to prevent Russia from escalating.

Did your computer serve you ads?

Linux doesnt. oot

Did your computer send an archive of everything you've been up to back to the parent comoany?

Linux doesnt. oot

Did your computer cost hundreds of dollars in software alone?

Linux doesnt. oot

Did your computer's OS get an upgrade, but you can't usr it because your hardware is"old?"

Linux doesnt. oot

Does your OS just generally suck?

Linux doesn't! Ooot! Ooot!

  • I'm sorry, I just really enjoyed that typo ;-)

Electing someone who believes that we should have laws and enforce them is exactly what we should do.

When she was a prosecutor, it was not her job to change the laws or decide which ones to enforce. If we don't want non-violent drug users and truants prosecuted, then we should change those laws. We have a process for that, and it doesn't include prosecutors making those decisions for us.

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This is a ProPublica story. Why not post that instead of the ArsTechnica reprint?

The difference for folks in the EU is that ProPublica does not use tracking cookies, and therefore we don't have to click through their GDPR notice.

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I have self hosted my email for five years. I'm a hobbyist and it is no problem for me.

Occassionally (very rarely) an email to a new address I've never sent before will end up erroneously in a spam folder. This never happens when I send to a business. Instead of everyone throwing up their hands and saying email is way too hard now, how about we hold the big providers accountable for their obvious bullying?

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She stood for election to public office. During the campaign she literally said that she would not have sex with her employees (referring obliquely to a scandal of her predecessor).

She fucked up.

When you search for a problem like this one, often the results with helpful answers are on forums. These wouldn't exist if no one ever asked their question on a forum.

To put it another way, google doesn't create any content. That's what we're here to do instead.

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They aren't worried about alienating his base. They don't want to galvanize hers.

Google breaks Newpipe regularly, and then Newpipe always fixes it very fast. Sometimes I've been unable to use it for about two days or so. Totally worth it to not support Google.

Check for updates within the app itself. Those are more current than the app stores.

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OK, they described the content and background of the law. But the article is about 11 deaths that are utterly unrelated to that law. And the headline is a salacious attempt to link the two.

Do you actually disagree with my point, or is this just useless pedantry?

It's not about nostalgia. It's about passive aggressively needling Musk, and it works and I love it.

The article says several vehicle are in the water, including a tractor trailer rig. There was construction happening, but the bridge was apparently not closed.

I can tell you know this, I'm just tacking it on for those who don't:

Why do the nuclei stick together at all, once you've pushed them together? Because the nuclear force, which is attractive instead of repulsive, is just a little bit stronger. OK, so why then doesn't the nuclear force just pull all atoms together? Because it is short range, and only works once the nuclei are "touching."

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Nixon as well. It's almost like pattern.

Because of a different Lemmy post, I'm just now trying out Orgzly. It looks terrific so far, and I think it meets all your needs. It stores everything in plain text, so you just have to sync the text files.

edit: as noptys points out, Orgzly Revived is what you want to use (and what I meant to recommend).

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Thankfully, it is not the country yet. It is just a sizeable and highly motivated minority. Fuck them.

You're speaking of pundits and politicians whose opinions are public and widespread. There is little reason to believe that those folks are sincere in their public statements. They are motivated by greed to lie in an effort to sway the opinions of uneducated people.

Among the general public, those that sincerely hold conservative political views are cognitively impaired. Source: they vote for things that are objectively against their own prosperity.

You seem to be taking this a bit personally - did someone pour water in your bag?

An eye for an eye is not justice, and it doesn't lead to peace.

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The big players do definitely try to shut down independent email. We don't have to let them succeed though, and the way to fight back is to host your own.

Edit: *one way to fight back.

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Sovereign citizen is an extreme delusional fantasy that only the whitest idiots are entitled enough to indulge.

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Only for tablet and fold, so bascally all pixel owners are sol.