'Know why I pulled you over?' Fortunately, California police can't ask you that anymore

gAlienLifeform@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 457 points –
Opinion: 'Know why I pulled you over?' Fortunately, California police can't ask you that anymore

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Absolutely this. If anything is going to change, we're going to hear about those changes like this. If the reaction is always "fuck you -ACAB!" the change won't work.

I actually strongly feel that ACAB, but I'd like to live in a society that could have fair and just policing, not one without police.

Yes. We need police in a society, as a force to prevent and stop crime. But what we have now across the US as police are shit. We need them to be rebuilt from the ground up as community policing with a focus on protecting people, not just enforcing violations.

ACAB makes sense with the system we have. But I kinda doubt we're going to get many tear down-rebuild efforts. Our best bet is to focus on stuff like this: institutional change in huge areas that change how police think and operate.

I prefer PEB: Policing Enables Bastards.

Shorter and more accurate, given the US alone has 800k cops and there must be some podunk department of two officers who treats the ten citizens in town well and just has to pull cars out of ditches and calm down drunk spouses or something a few times a year.

Also if all good cops get fired so the rest are bad, there are some cops they’re working to fire as we speak and I want to respect them.

Any system of government will require some way to handle unlawful/harmful conduct, yeah. It's just a matter of making it not complete shit.

No idea if it would work in practice, but I once heard an idea where policing is a (mandatory?) duty for all citizens, but in regular rotation. Meaning, at any given time, some % of the population is now cops, and once your turn is up you're back to a regular person with no enforcement obligations or privileges. No idea if that would work in practice, but it would give people real consequences for being a shit cop. Nobody could just be a terrible cop in perpetuity.

Just make working in retail a mandatory service. That would fix society in a few years.

You have too much faith in humanity. Some would gain empathy for people who have to do that kind of work. Some would think they've earned the right to treat retail workers like shit because they did their time and handled it, so can you. Some would walk away with a better idea of how to fuck with retail workers or avoid detection when shoplifting.

I think doing police work properly requires more training than we can expect from random citizens in a rotation.

I would, however, support this kind of arrangement for legislators, where it's called sortition.

We could start with training our existing cops

Just because the existing solution is bad doesn't mean a different poorly thought out solution wouldn't have its own problems.

I think that plus a strong system of court martialing could be worth a small country trying

Unfortunately you won't get that. ACAB has lost its original meaning completely. It should be about police reform, but instead it's about shitting all over the institution, regardless of if there are improvements. This post is the perfect example of that. An actual improvement, but it's just people spouting ACAB. The circlejerk is annoying.

>ACAB has lost its original meaning completely. It should be about police reform, but instead it’s about shitting all over the institution

i think you are making that up


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