17 Post – 1263 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

But before I hire you, can you please build a small house or a shed or a trampoline to show me that you have the skills of an architect. The exact details of what to build will be given to you when the test assignment starts.

This is for free of course.

6 more...

We should rename it to "Trackers".

Ooh the plan to announce something!

How very interesting, right!? Right?

Even better is Chat GPT4

Chat, j'ai pété fort ! (Cat, I farted Hard)

7 more...

A nice swedish summer evening (if it isnt raining).


I mean more series, uh episodes.

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A good search engine would be nice to have (again). How come even duck duck go or other (free?) search engines are also so bad now?

50 more...

In good health obviously.

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Yeah over ... checks papers ... Not treason, not murder nor terrorism rape or plotting to overthrow the government ... Here, I finally found it ; for ... copyright infringement??

What a total idiocy.

320x200 or if thats too complicated 640x400 or 640x680.

I'm old enough to have known the internet before the ads, and there were a ton of forums where you'd find both information and help for free. Obviously most hobby stuff but still.

I listened to podcasts about roguelikes for example, and hanged out on the popular video game dev forums and it was all free and good.

Serious question: what is the content people create that is so costly today?

I mean it's nice if you can live off your hobby expertise but there's also a question about monetising like everything? Or what am I missing :-) ?

16 more...

Me: "bets 1 infinity dollars"


Me: "bets 3 infinities of dollars"

I know it's not the full truth(maybe?) but I feel like we're not attracting the worst kind.

And you know what?

One and a half million people, I can work with that. I know it's not going to stay that number but it's seriously enough for anyone, except some soul-less megacotp ofc.

Yay! I love it!

12 more...

Use png and IDK I don't remember which cmd line soft but it stripped out unused colors and compressed images like that one hard.

That, without the red lines and circles, and without jpeg jitter should be like 1kb. Or less less.

Now, as an oldtimer, when you load that 1kb image up, it will still take like 640x320 bytes (it was all 8bit) so 200KB of RAM. But back in the day I guess it was more like the original GB 160x144 so 22.5KB RAM needed to show that image.

Did it work like that?

No, because cartridges didn't have a lot of space, and the consoles didn't have much RAM, so you used tiles. You had a tile map image, each tile was 8x8 pixels pointing to a palette (so you could use 4-bits for the color. More or less so, there were a lot of 'modes'). Each tile had a number and your screen was some 20x18 tiles x 1 byte numbers, designing the 'tile' to be shown at that particular position of the screen.

All done by hardware so way fast!

To make the scrolling run you had a 'delta' pixels to slightly move the "screen" around.

Fun times.

Time to go to bed 😪😴

3 more...

The kiss of electricity 💗

the government-controlled authority would then be able to intercept the web traffic of not only their own citizens, but all EU citizens, including banking information, legally privileged information, medical records and family photos.

What could go wrong ...

Quickly a game of chess becomes a never ever played game of chess before.

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If your hobby can pay you a salary, then quickly you'll have to pervert it to continue to earn enough I stead of doing it "your way".

1 more...

This no shit posting, this correct posting.

You got a Lemmy community nowadays?

Built my 3D printer from scratch back in 2013 because prebuilt was so expensive, lot of money later it worked well but now it's in the garage waiting for IDK something.

10 more...

Intetesing. But doesn't that like forget about bad actors? People arguing in bad faith and so on?

Also it's obviously waay different if you "debate" someone on the internet vs someone say at work when eating together.

8 more...


I thought it was someone making a bunch of bot accounts for the future...

I wonder what it's trained on 🤮

Are people still on about that? Haven't those ones moved on to the next thing after we didn't all die? Call them out, it's 6G cell towers now and eh, another kabal. Revelations Any day soon! Promise!


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$480.000 cancer treatment enters the chat.

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There is even military rules since quite long time that says never ever put two important persons in the same plane in wartime.

I mean even if Putin actually "forgave" them, seeing all of them in one spot just makes 100% sense to go get them all in one go.


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1890 beggars with ... Perfect teeth!

You know you can change the typo in the title right?

Yeah and let's pile it up on all the other ones we already found.

Don't get me wrong, it's cool that research goes on, but please stop lying in the headlines.

This new ability to trigger programmed cell death could open the door for improved cancer treatments.

This. This is the headline.

BTW cancer replicates so fast, in a shitty environment (not enough food for example, need to replicate too fast) so its usually mutate like a lot, so this treatment will kill off all original cancerous cells (say 600.000.000 ...), but not those three that evade this specific treatment (and the other treatments) and they'll just double every X milliseconds and continue the work.

It is good though, that there are new treatments coming.

IMO the best one today is still our immune system, we don't get lots of cancers at 20, but we tend to do at 70. Sure, that's also because of lots of other things basic aging has done to us, not only aged the immune system, but still, I think curing, or just reversing or if you want, repairing (damage done by) aging is one of the most important goals not just in biogerontology but in biology and medicine in general.


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The "levels" doesn't even make any sense, a splink of different color?

What a lol.

Windows : making Linux better by comparison!

13 more...

Narrator: "They couldn't"

Water! You can even carbonate it yourself!

7 more...

Oh no I'd this a Scientology church thing?

Fuck Scientology

Be fair, it's not always working but more often then not IMO.

I'd love somewhere to reporh those assholish designed (so illegal in the EU) ones, like the French CNIL or something?

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The market will regulate the market.


Or a sofa?

Next year: "Shadows!!!"

Yeah where the hell do those figures come from. They worked around the clock.

Yeah nah they didn't sleep on Sundays, there were stuff to be done on those days too.

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What a lovely place, I wonder if they're hiring?

"VALMOND! Your butt to non-butt is only at 87%!! You're also colder than your colleagues!"

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