
0 Post – 1070 Comments
Joined 13 months ago

she cute

I think a better word might be needed, to be honest.

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she cute

I have conclusions.

Yes it's very weird.


You are a person with opinions.

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"whoa there, pardner"


that's a lot of tablepoons

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I'm just using it to prevent my depraved, shameful porn searches from entering my browser's autocomplete corpus. Learned that one fairly early on.

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boobs so yes okay

They can't use computers! Sorry to generalise, but I was called a genius for using the task manager and just basic Word formatting. The thing is, we do have our 10,000 hours, maybe I am the equivalent of a chess grandmaster in Word. It's just jarring to hear from a university student.

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But yeah, I don't think this is real.

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Something ate a dead possum.

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Eugenics sounds really cool. Not the mandatory sterilisation style, but breeding superhumans? Don't pretend that wouldn't be cool.

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Do people really do that? I just kind of meet people and whatever happens happens.

Nobody should do this to anybody, ever.

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Different word mate.

As an American, I don't know what opinion to have about this without knowing the woman's race.

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Is it cool if I just don't watch it? It doesn't really appeal to me.

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I guess it's that guy who said he was going to break the site. Remember that guy? Something about not being allowed to open loads of communities or something.

No, it makes you fat on a nice white carb and grease diet. Let's be realistic, we have calorie sufficiency in the developed world, it's malnutrition in the face of excess calories that is the problem.

What do you mean "instead of"? I always heard it was a three year product lifecycle anyway, which is already annoyingly often.

Good, fuck everyone.

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I can help with this one - she's actually talking about peanuts, on account of being a blue M&M, rather than testicles. Although testicles may colloquially be referred to as nuts, they typically don't trigger anaphylaxis.

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I think this soldier should be given a lengthy prison sentence.

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I don't understand what's going on with her hair.

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Napalm sticks

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How could you not love that stupid face?

Why do they have so much, and why aren't they systematically targeted and eradicated.

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The bacon narwhal stage of platform development.

Literally kicked Bibi out, and he got back into power. It's crazy.

ass-fucking setup, and yes I've seen the XKCD

New Xi-Land

I think those are regular bath salts, as opposed to "bath salts". I think you really just put these in the bath.

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don't care don't care
i like cats


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I don't know how much of the news to believe, but I'm not really on board with all this indiscriminate killing.

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