Michael Bloomberg is worth an estimated $106 billion — but you won't find him on the Bloomberg rich list

return2ozma@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 199 points –
Michael Bloomberg is worth an estimated $106 billion — but you won't find him on the Bloomberg rich list

His wealth has roughly tripled from $35.5 billion in 2015, making him one of only 14 people worth more than $100 billion by Forbes' reckoning. Excluding his fortune leaves a sizable hole in the Bloomberg index.


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Why do they have so much, and why aren't they systematically targeted and eradicated.

They’ve successfully fended off a class war by stoking the flames of a culture war to keep people preoccupied…

Easy to keep the throne when the peasants are happy to continue fighting each other.

Because their patriarch owned every drop of oil in the country for a while.