Israeli forces kill, wound Palestinians waiting for food aid in Gaza to World – 415 points –
Israeli forces kill, wound Palestinians waiting for food aid in Gaza

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I don't know how much of the news to believe, but I'm not really on board with all this indiscriminate killing.

They shoot both the people waiting for aid but also the aid trucks themselves.

I've been to Israel a number of times and have several good friends there. I don't know what to do, really. They would be the ones protesting against Netanyahu, rather than the ones raving in the way of an aid convoy.

The first thing I said after the attacks last October, other than "are my friends okay", was literally "fuck, the response is going to be completely disproportionate". They've got a fucking horrible government and there's an undercurrent of nasty, nationalist Israelis, including literal Jewish supremacists.

I'm not an antisemite - my best friends genuinely are Jewish, that's not a smokescreen. I've been shown more kindness by Jews in my life than by my own family. But I'd say, on balance, I am anti those particular semites. And I think a large percentage of Jews also are. I know my friends will casually say things about the ultra-orthodox community that I definitely can't repeat.

More Jews live outside Israel than in Israel. Being against the Israeli government doesn't make you an antisemite.

It's the apparent double standard, such as by calling Israel an apartheid state when it's a majoritarian democracy.

Israel is not a majoritarian state. Very few Palestinians are allowed to vote or get any proper representation in government. How can they be ruled by a majority without even the right to vote?? It's no different than when women and blacks couldn't vote in elections in the US, and it's no diffenrent than south Africa.

But does that phase you one bit? Nope.

The "response" has been disproportionate for 60+ years.

At what point are they no longer "responding" and move on to become the aggressors? Because the balance of power there shifted a very long time ago.

They’ve got a fucking horrible government and there’s an undercurrent of nasty, nationalist Israelis, including literal Jewish supremacists.

Let me just say: It's not an undercurrent. The right wing in Israel has been dominant for a long time and is growing. I understand you want to distinguish yourself from Antisemites, but their government is accurately representing their constituents. It's just that more than half their constituents see nothing wrong with genociding Muslims for Lebensraum.

70% of eligible voters voted.
the current government's parties were voted in by 49.5% of those voters.
out of those, 14.13% were ultra-orthodox parties who always go with bibi because he gives them everything they want. about half of those are non-zionist.

I'm not really on board with all this indiscriminate killing

VERY controversial opinion! It's a good thing this is a safe space where saying such things won't cost you your livelihood!

I'm not really on board with killing so many children and starving 2.4 million people to death.

Does that make me antisemitic?

Not according to sane people, no. According to unhinged mecha-zionists on the other hand..

Ironically, equating the actions of the Israeli government with all of Jewdom is itself EXTREMELY antisemitic.

Ironically, equating the actions of the Israeli government with all of Jewdom is itself EXTREMELY antisemitic.

Which is why a typical Israeli's participation in any political argument starts with attempting to show that logic doesn't belong there.

Hey now, far from all Israelis agree with the actions of their government.. they got 49.5% of the vote with 70% voter participation. That's 34.3% of the eligible to vote Israelis and an even smaller portion of the total population.

Granted, it's still FAR too many votes for a fascist apartheid regime, but my point is that far from all Israelis are the unhinged zionists we're discussing..

OK, typical politically-active-in-the-web Israeli, which is the same thing as paid bot.