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Never thought I'd agree with Zelensky about something related to Israel. Ukraine deserves aid much more than Israel.

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I read "finish up" as in "kill them all" not "stop".

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It's honestly insane that Israel is getting weapons while Ukraine isn't.

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If anyone is still wondering why Hamas and other resistance factions are fighting, this is what happens when the IDF wins.

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even though its own membership of the UN was made conditional upon Palestinian refugees being allowed to return to their homes and land.

Did anyone actually try to enforce that condition?

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This is the civilian population. Settlers are civilians.

I appreciate the sentiment, but calling October 7th a "holocaust" causes more problems than it solves. The Israeli propaganda machine has been active as soon as the attack started to make Hamas look worse than they already are (which is still pretty bad to be fair, but not "Holocaust" bad).

Thanks to Israel using people who weren't qualified for the job the numbers will never come to light, but let's not forget that a significant number of IDF civilians were killed by the IDF, not Hamas.

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This has the same energy as destroying confederate general statues. Good on them.

19000+ as of 4 days ago, and this is the minimum number since it only includes people Gazan hospitals physically counted.

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Yeah the fact that the state can just remove citizenship is very questionable but literally no sane person should have anything to do with ISIS.

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The place where 2 million people live has a government. Shock.

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Given the shit they're counting as "antisemitism" it's surprising this number isn't higher.

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Welcome to Palestine. In a way she's lucky she wasn't imprisoned just for being Palestinian.

No no you don't get it. Bilal was also Hamas. Hell, even the fourth letter is the same. The olive is a double-use substance that he was gonna used to make rockets with less fat.

The predecessors of Netanyahu's modern coalition actively cooperated with Nazi Germany so... yeah.

Edit: Now that I looked it up the matter, while there's a lot of legitimate criticism the Havaara agreement is a lot more nuanced than I assumed.

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Interesting that it's the Irish out of all people. For context, the Irish are Palestine's biggest (well, only) supporter in the developed West.

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Okay I understand that China wants to believe they own Taiwan but this is just a dick move.

Depending on how you count it Netanyahu has -8000+ children. You gotta work harder.

For anyone curious, the IDF doesn't take action against its soldiers. They didn't do it when they killed Shireen Abu Aqleh, and they won't do it this time.

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Its not like Israel has lived in peace for the past 20 years.

Israel created its current situation. No kidding they actively funded Hamas (and, more commonly, allowed foreign money to reach them) and intentionally created conditions where nobody but them could govern, all so they don't have to bother with peace. Hell, Israel signed two ceasefires in the past, one in 2008 and one in 2012. Well Israel didn't follow those ceasefires so nothing came out of them. Then in the great march of return, Gazans once again tried peaceful solutions (which had already failed thrice), and their reward was getting shot by IDF snipers.

Just what are they supposed to do?

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Israel is sieging their side of the border, and Egypt said they wouldn't let foreign nationals out until Israel allows aid into Gaza, which hasn't happened.

Everyone is Hamas. Especially the babies, those are extra Hummus—I mean Hamas.

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What the actual fuck. Israel does many horrific stuff but this a new low.

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I mean true enough but are you really surprised Israeli settlers are shooting innocent Palestinians? This has been the case for more than 40 years.

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It helps when you realize that home is an adverb in English.

I mean they've been like that since forever, but now they're showing their true colors (more than they were).

What that other person said, but also being charged under Israeli law doesn't prove much about a Palestinian's innocence or guiltiness. The word Apartheid is an understatement of what's going on in Palestine.

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So question to the Zionists: Is this a hostage? Yes/no.

I love how you don't see the Zionists on posts like these.

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It's easily arguable that Israeli settlement amount and the way the government basically encourages it amounts to ethnic cleansing by forcing Palestinians out of their homes. It's actual Lebensraum shit.

Young people not voting is very, very bad for Biden though.

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This is how Israeli settlers are. Welcome to the West Bank.

I mean yes they've been very clear about that. If Biden wants Hamas to give up all their leverage he needs to bring to the table something that doesn't mean Israel can just continue to genocide Gazans in two months.

They know the West will support them no matter what. This is actually not the first time they use white phosphorus in Gaza, and nobody did anything about it.

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re you seriously comparing a group that openly targets civilians, hiding in civilian infrastructure, with a group that retaliates?

Israel oppresses Palestinians, Hamas retaliates and Israel retaliates against their retaliation, rinse and repeat. The only ones with the power to change this dynamic are Israel and they're not doing that.

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Israel at least shows an attempt to target military and government buildings,

They're not doing that right now, that's for sure.

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Been off since at least 75 years but I guess it's more off now.

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No, these things are not black and white. Collateral damage, while obviously not good, is still less despicable than deliberate murders and the clearly stated genocidical goals of Hamas.

Israel has been deliberately killing civilians for a while now. Like full on bombing open-roof trucks full of women and children (including babies, like the ones who were supposedly beheaded at the start of the attack) evacuating along the supposed safe route. Calling what's going on in Gaza collateral damage only helps Israel whitewash its war crimes.

Muslim here. If you're worried, something kosher will do as long as it doesn't contain alcohol (kosher food without alcohol is automatically halal).

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I mean to be fair the police actively stopped parents who wanted to intervene.

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