UN Human Rights Office - OPT: Unlawful killings in Gaza City

المنطقة عكف عفريت@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 807 points –
United Nations reports Israeli forces are carrying out mass summary executions in Gaza


I swapped the original article at the request of a mod to from a source deemed more reliable, but to avoid confusion when reading the comment section prior to this edit, here is the link to the original article. I chose the Relief Web source listed by some who commented. Cheers!


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If anyone is still wondering why Hamas and other resistance factions are fighting, this is what happens when the IDF wins.

Fuck Hamas. They are not "resisting", they killed innocent civilians, women and children, and don't give a flying fuck about the Palestinian civilians either (cf Moussa Abu Marzouk's declaration that they are not responsible for defending the civilians in Gaza). They are a creation of the Israeli apartheid regime's own making when they were hoping to destroy the credibility of the PA, to perpetuate their colonialist narrative. Hamas and the Israeli apartheid are two sides of the same brutal, inhuman coin. Fuck Hamas as much as the Likud and the ultranationalist Israeli right to the seventh pit of hell.

on the radio I heard two scholars discussing recent polls that reveal a surprisingly strong level of support for Hamas among gazans even now, despite the level of backlash that has resulted. when asked why, they said that Palestinians have long given up any hope that negotiations could achieve their goal of freedom and independence. they said that since negotiating has clearly failed for decades, Palestinians feel that the only remaining option Israel has left them is aggression and violence. and Hamas is the leadership that is willing to resort to violence.

while I certainly feel awful about any innocent Israelis getting caught up in the original attack, I can't help but feel like Israel has done this to themselves. they have caged an entire group like wild animals for decades and somehow have the audacity to blame them for lashing out.

but let's be honest here. we have all heard these points and most of us have already made up our minds about it.

on the radio I heard two scholars discussing recent polls that reveal a surprisingly strong level of support for Hamas among gazans even now, despite the level of backlash that has resulted

That's what trauma does to you. Initially, support for Hamas had dwindled before October 7th, but after you literally drop bombs and bombs on people until they have to carry whatever is left of their children in blankets and plastic bags, well...

It's hard to not let your emotions take over, but Hamas only exists because of the hatred of Israel.

Hamas exists because Israel doesn't want Palestines to exist.

Terrorist organisation typically don't continue to exist for extended periods of time without external assistance.

That's what I said:

They are a creation of the Israeli apartheid regime's own making when they were hoping to destroy the credibility of the PA, to perpetuate their colonialist narrative. Hamas and the Israeli apartheid are two sides of the same brutal, inhuman coin.

This is silly, not mentioning Iran as the actual people training and funding Hamas is either very deceptive or evidence you have no idea about anything happening in the middle East.

Also acting like Hamas are the only terrorist organisation in the middle East and a total novelty is absolutely absurd, when people call them freedom fighters without any reference to what they're actually saying they're fighting for is again totally deceptive or from a total lack of understanding - they don't want freedom they want a theocratic dictatorship and death to all non Muslims.

That's not too say everything Israel have done of good or moral but painting Hamas as innocent people just fighting for their freedom is laughable

Oh blah blah blah, this whole situation is alot simpler that Israeli defence Muppets like.

Israel is NOT a poor developing nation. Their military is on par with the UK. Their economy is doing fantastic. Quality of life in Israel is growing.

Israel wether you like it or not are always going to be the bad guys in the situation simply because they should know better. They have been taunting, attacking and murdering Palestinians for 70 years. The only countries other than Israel that are to blame are the US and the UK.

So being successful when everyone is trying to kill you makes them bad but rich countries like Iran failing repeatedly to complete the genocides they fund makes them loveable roagues who can do no wrong?

You'll excuse me if I don't subscribe to your philosophy of life.

Because you're acting like it's an army Vs an army, it's not it's an army Vs civilians

No, it's when you keep trying to slaughter Palestinians for colonial and racist reasons and succeeding at it continuously.

Israel is a country where Palestinians queue in cages and are strip searched only to be humiliated.

Fuck Israel today and every day until it stops what it's doing.

Bastards killing civilians one direction. Bastards killing civilians in the other direction.

If the bastards could fucking kill the other bastards and not involve civilians, that'd be pretty swell. If the IDF and Hamas actually fight each other and no civilians are hurt, everyone wins.

For fucks sake, Hamas is not a "resistance faction" and pretty much nothing was happening until they decided to poke the bear. They're a bunch of worthless shitstains who don't give two shits about the welfare of Palestinians.

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When IDF wins? They could have done this years ago with Hamas started their raine of terror over Israel following Israel trying to do a good will gesture in Gaza. Instead Israel agreed to ceasefire after ceasfire that Hamas continously broke with thousands of rockets fired at civilians. This last massacre by Hamas was simply the straw that broke the camel's back.

You know why Hamas are fighting? Because their goal is to murder every jew they can. They don't want peace, they want blood.

No, this is what happens when you give them an excuse.

There is never an excuse for blatant warcrimes.

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