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I mean I'm from the UK but votes in Texas absolutely do matter, arguably more than most states. Get your shit together man, it's not just a presidential issue, it's the entire government and the supreme court appointment at stake.

I get around this by simply not buying a Mac. Free's up so much money for ram.

I mean I develop software on an 8GB laptop. Most of the time it's fine, when I need more I have a desktop with 128GB ram available.

Really depends what type of software you're making. If you're using python a few TB might be required.

This is resource reservation, it happens at an OS level. If chrome is using what appears to be alot of ram, it will be freed up once either the OS or another application requires it.

It just exists so that an application knows that if it needs that resource it can use X amount for now.

Growth slowing is fine when your economic system doesn't require infinite growth. If we're looking for shrinkage we need to change economic systems... Which I'm personally all for

Alot of people don't like Microsoft, but they're pushing for zero password authentication for a reason. Passwords are getting really insecure really fast.

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If you watched the piece, there is video evidence of him being a disgusting piece of shit regardless. There was footage of him forcefully kissing a presenter and undoing her bra. The police failed to investigate. These women were failed by lazy, misogynistic police, just like they always are.

To top it off, slander laws in the UK are very strict, no one is going to post accusations like this without serious evidence to back themselves up.

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Try to take your emotion from the discussion. There is finally a way for people with an illness (in this case pedophilia) to "satisfy" urges without causing harm to children. They need professional help which cannot be gained easily in the UK due to a certain government removing funds.

This isn't a give pedos stuff celebration, it's a discussion that needs to happen and if you're not mature enough to not get emotional, don't partake in the conversation.

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That's it boys, time to blow up every hospital in Palestine as that seems to be the only reasonable response to this.

Well kinda but not really, he owns around 4% of Reddit which is where the $193m comes from because of the $5b valuation.

Still, fuck spez

Chernobyl was a worst case scenario. It has affected millions of people and will have an unknown death toll due to the inability to measure it.

It's still less harmful than any non renewal able energy source.

Nuclear is a safe, intermediate bandaid while we find a long term solution.

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Because it's looks stupid to use the word whilst censoring it, say it or don't say it. No point in trying to pretend you're not saying it.

I know this is a joke but we should stop making it. It confuses the dumbasses.

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Just FYI, an electric car isn't environmentally friendly, a brand new electric vehicle is worse than using a second hand diesel car.

What we need to do is build working and viable public transport and to stop cancelling massive projects so the Tories can throw the cash at their mates.

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It's just bots, they scan IP address and open ports looking for vulnerabilities. I remember my first experience with this putting my first game server online for a game I was making, thinking to my self "who the fuck are these people trying to connect to my game? How did they even have it". It's nothing to worry about unless you have lack of or poor authentication.

Exactly, and they're doing a fantastic job of punishing the children of Gaza, keep up the good work Israel! Soon there won't be any children left.

If you take an industry, and make it owned and run by the workers, take the NHS of the UK for example. It's paid for by taxes, therefore owned by the public, and is run by the public, that's socialism. But just paying tax alone to have more services isn't socialism. Socialism is defined by the ownership and regulation of business and service by the people.

So paying taxes for the government to pay a private company to do the work is not socialism, for example madicaid in the US.

It doesn't seem like a big difference at first but the results are massively different.

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The bullet also helped

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It's hard to not let your emotions take over, but Hamas only exists because of the hatred of Israel.

Hamas exists because Israel doesn't want Palestines to exist.

Terrorist organisation typically don't continue to exist for extended periods of time without external assistance.

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I mean, the question should also be, does league of legends have a big enough cheating issue to justify having an invasive anti-cheat. I played the game for 10 years and not once did I knowingly encounter a cheater.

And here I am, putting 16gb in every machine I work on because it's so damn cheap there's no reason not to future proof

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Whilst I am doing a CS degree now, for the last 9 years I was a 5 axis CNC machinist for stone products. I still do It part time as they haven't found a replacement yet (after a year lmao).

"experienced programmers" in would have web developers fall under that umbrella, I'd guess web developers are less likely to adopt adblockers if their livelihood depends on them

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Wow I think we've found the most insecure person on lemmy

They could even sell the server for a final income if they're greedy enough

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Banning the sword does not delete the sword. It will still exist, killing a person with a sword is already illegal and people still do it. It's a much deeper problem

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Not to be pedantic but a laptop is a PC

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Go on, you can't call me dumb and not go into more detail

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Obviously you've never heard of a night shift

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The biggest barrier for "most people with moderate skill" is having to acquire equipment to replace the battery. Once it becomes too much effort and cost it's better for most consumers to take it to the manufacturer or 3rd party service for replacement.

I stopped replacing batteries once I needed to heat the adhesive to remove the back and screen as I don't have that equipment to hand, and initial attempts caused damage to the screen and back cover.


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So you are mostly wrong here, I'll let you know my setup that costs me $15 a month.

A 4 core 8GB VPS: $5 a month. Unlimited cloud Storage: €10 a month.

I have Emby (Use jellyfin, I haven't changed out of laziness), Sonarr, Radarr, Jellyseerr all running on a VPS with caddy running a reverse_proxy to point a domain at emby via HTTPS.

No need for VPNs, but you can run OpenVPN on your VPS for maximum value for money if you want to use a high speed VPN.

It's all very straight forward to setup on Ubuntu 20.04 with lots of documentation. My server has been up for 3 months now and I have had 0 issues, friends use jellyseerr to requests shows and movies. Everything else is automated. Can even import lists from IMDb.

Make sure if you want to save space to use h.265 encoding where possible. Additionally, if you don't want to torrent you can use newservers. But that will cost an additional $10 a month.

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The way I see it is NSA have backdoors, Russian, British, Australia and Canadian etc agencies will also have backdoors, what's one more?

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If you don't know how to use a computer, I agree

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The difference is people in the UK don't need guns, there's no use for them except "in rural areas". While yeah you can ban swords, the people stabbing people with swords could just as easily switch to kitchen knives . And I don't know how I'm going to chop my veggies if we go down the road of banning every item people use to kill eachother.

The UK has severe mental health issues due to underfunding of health services. We also have severe poverty growth, we have alot of worsening of of situations for people that we need to address.

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I once watched a 60 minute ad because I wondered (what would a 60min ad even be about) and I can't remember

Hell yeah!

It's worth mentioning that windows will use as much ram as possible just because it can and leave available with what it considers "reasonable"

The problem people have with the death penalty isn't that they disagree a serial child rapist should be executed. It's that people get falsely sentenced. It happens, it always has happened, it always will happen.

Using adblockers and paying to use YT premium aren't inherently seperate, if you feel that's a fair price and are willing to pay that (like I am) no one should call you stupid for it. But people feel that isn't a fair price (which is also fair considering the amounter of users, $1 per month per user would bring in $2bn per month for YouTube afaik).