المنطقة عكف عفريت

@المنطقة عكف عفريت@lemmy.world
69 Post – 1690 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

"Once you've been to Gaza, you'll never stop wanting to beat Benjamin Netanyahu to death with your bare hands."

Seeing them both together after hardly being able to watch the debate has made my day considerably worse.

Some digital libraries have systems set up to lend you a book for X number of hours for free, making it both limited and accessible at the same time. Are those treated as regular libraries?

Is this the next Chiquita?

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Imagine if every Palestinian Israel killed or raped had a wikipedia page.

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Both sides are bad yada yada yada but only one side is a colonial ethnostate that is committing genocide. Let us not forget.

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Missing as in a euphemism for "died painfully without their guardians under the rubble or starved to death"

Thanks, Isreal!

Ah yes let me just get the fuck out of this open air prison as an 11 year old little girl :)

These excuses are just getting lamer.

The reality is probably that even more are dead. This is the new holocaust.

I think you may have lost your mind indeed.

No one gave them too much power. They just woke up early and took it before anyone else could.

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Because the hate is based on their shitty OS. They did a fairly good job with VSCode. Our hate isn't blind.

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Good luck "silently removing" a github repo. That shit don't fly.

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Actually what this guy said is:

"International law stipulates that [the reaction] must be proportionate. Civilians must be taken into account, and humanitarian law is very clear on this. I think this limit has been largely exceeded"

But the Times of Israel likes to erase this from the title and make it sound like they just went one woopsie too far. Poor genocidal Israel... pout

Everyone else who grew up eating them (and fucking loves them) looking at this thread is like:

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I am writing this not to undermine any witness testimonies. Yes, it's extremely likely that women and men were raped in this situation. This is something we know happens in war, no point denying it.

I just want to point out that this particular site that this article is from is a right wing pro-Israeli nationalist site that also dabbles in conspiracy theories.

You can check the rating here: https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/tablet-magazine/

Seems to mostly publish factual information, but it is good to know what the source is and what to look out for.

They are the only ones with any story about this now. I for one would rather wait until the investigation is done and we can understand what happened in that massacre. That being said, rape is a likely outcome.

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Should one be allowed to have a national state if that national state is an ethnostate, practices apartheid, and commits genocide? I'm seriously asking because that is a standard I would hold any country to. And I don't see how it means that "Jewish people can't have a homeland", just that it's unacceptable to build a homeland on the mass graves of the natives.

and it must restrain itself impeccably when fighting against terrorists with human shields.

Ridiculous. How does that single out Israel? No other nation shoots through 30 members of a single family to kill a "terrorist". How are Israel held to a different standard?

Sounds to me like a genocidal excuse fantasy.

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And yet another feature no one ever requested or ever will

Ahhh, nothing like the sound of a company being screwed by another company

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— With love, your employer who is investing amounts of money beyond your comprehension in a government of a country now being tried for genocide with undenial and ongoing human rights violations.

This feels like a humanitarian crisis that will soon become a full genocide.

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I was shocked to learn just the other day that my boyfriend is a dirty leecher

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While it's easy to not sympathize with a person like that, no inmates should be getting stabbed in prison. It's still wrong. And still a symptom of the bad justice system in the US.

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I am yes to see that on Lemmy in the way you describe /: seems like everyone agrees that killing civilians is wrong, including when Israel does it.

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Every time Amazon has layoffs, remember that all Jeff had to do was give away an insignificant portion of his wealth and save the employees and the company.

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I shit you not but one coworker I had dared call himself a data scientist and did something really similar to this but in Python and in production code. He should never have been hired. Coding in python was a requirement. I spent a good year sorting out through his spaghetti code and eventually rebuilt everything he had been working on because it was so bad that it only worked on his computer and he always pip freezes all requirements, and since he never used a virtual environment that meant we got a list of ALL packages he had installed on pip for a project. Out of those 100, only about 20 were relevant to the project.

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A witness told the Euro-Med monitor, “Thirteen persons were shot dead and several more were critically injured. The Israeli soldiers later threw shells at the women, who were being held in one of the rooms.” Euro-Med Monitor also recorded a rise in field executions following reports of attacks on Israeli military vehicles by Palestinian factions. This suggests that the crimes being reported are part of Israel’s unlawful retaliatory policy against Palestinian civilians, which is in violation of international humanitarian law.

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The problem isn't AI itself, it's that comapies are willing to do that and then fire any customer support or human you could ever talk to. They let their automod ruin people's lives and accounts, then barricade themselves, impossible to reach.

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Israel's global narrative be like:

✅ Collateral damage:

- most hospitals non-functional

- 18,000+ dead

- bakeries can't make food

- infants dead in incubators

- patients forced to "evacuate" under gunfire

- dying of preventable diseases

- 10k people missing/dead and still under rubble

- hundreds held and stripped, others detained in an "unknown location"

- journalists, UN workers, doctors dead while on duty or while sheltering with their families

😥 Tragedy:

- 3 Israeli hostages killed "by mistake" despite having civilian clothes on and being unarmed

Disclaimer: yes, of course, it's a tragedy, but also proof that the IDF targets anything that moves.

I think it's news because her body was taken around on a truck while people spat on her.

Ah yes, the Olympics season, the time when we can trample human rights the most and hurt our most vulnerable.

Everyone world wide has a huge problem with the death toll, except for pro-Israelis. That irks me.

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Ai 𝘞𝘪𝘓𝘭 𝘵𝘈𝘬𝘌 𝘖𝘶𝘙 𝘑𝘰𝘉𝘴

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Civilians, most likely. Why, are you okay with treating ANY human being like this?

But of course the IDF won't say who they are or why they are holding them in this position that with all honestly invokes images similar to the holocaust or some other fucked up human tragedy.

Edit: I think your comment is quite shameful. It is an attempt at excusing Israel's humiliating treatment of Palestinians. If you read the article, these people were arrested for simply being men and for being in the North of Gaza... And yeah, you'll probably think anyone in the north deserves to die after Israel told people to evacuate... Even though it bombed them in the North and South and in their homes and shops and streets and everywhere they go. Fuck Israel. Zionism is facism. This is facism. And supporting it is supporting a Hiterly figure who dehumanized Palestinians like Hitler dehumanized Jews. When I see someone see these images and still excuse the crimes of Israel, it makes me hate living in this world.

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The news just said that Israel is withholding fuel as Hamas might use it.

They left out the part where Israel is committing ethnic cleansing out in the open.

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This might prevent a lot of women from going to school or work if their male guardians don't let them step out without Niqab or Buqra (which is the real problem).

I wish people would just leave women the fuck alone when it comes to their choice of dress and put this much needed focus into ensuring that all women are able to make their own choices.

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The whole 'why is Israel singled out?' is just Israel's main PR and main excuse for genocide. I find it hard to take anyone seriously when they make such a claim. You can tell them all these facts and they'll pull out of their ass some other country with a shitty history and say, "OMG why are you holding us Israelis at a different standard?" as if we all forgot how it was after 9/11, how people protested the Iraq War, how no one justifies what Americans did to the natives... These people live in their own reality where everything is skewed and malformed to allow them to live in peace knowing too well they are committing ethnic cleansing and genocide.

I really applaud all the Israelis who refuse to serve in the IDF and who see it for what it is.

Basically they killed them because they shot at any civilians.

That's what war and siege does. People lose children a lot so they have more children.

This is what it means to live in Gaza:

0–14 years: 44.1% (male 415,746/female 394,195)

15–24 years: 21.3% (male 197,797/female 194,112)

25–54 years: 28.5% (male 256,103/female 267,285)

55–64 years: 3.5% (male 33,413/female 30,592)'

65 years and over: 2.6% (male 24,863/female 22,607) (2018 est.)

Edit: source https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_the_State_of_Palestine

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And by dependent upon them for resources you mean it's an apartheid state that locked 2 million people up in an open air prison and has total control over their water and resources.

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And why are they demanding it? Just scrape it like the rest of us.

As a woman who got harassed nearly every day in the country I lived who responded to at least 40% of those with yelling and middle fingers, it's not fun, it takes a toll on you, and some days you have to choose your battles carefully. That being said, I carried a taser gun and it made my life easier. When I left to another country that was safer, I gifted said taser gun to an American girl who was in that country in exchange and was sexually harassed by a taxi driver who drove her somewhere "hidden" and tried to kiss her and she found it hard to handle things after that.

Edit: made some things bold

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To shift the focus away from the two million people (nearly half of those are children) with no water and under constant bombing.

Edit: and also to give Hamas an ISIS feel.

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