In Gaza, where nearly half of the population is under 18, a children's rights crisis is unfolding

المنطقة عكف عفريت to – 463 points –
In Gaza, where nearly half of the population is under 18, a children's rights crisis is unfolding

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That's what war and siege does. People lose children a lot so they have more children.

This is what it means to live in Gaza:

0–14 years: 44.1% (male 415,746/female 394,195)

15–24 years: 21.3% (male 197,797/female 194,112)

25–54 years: 28.5% (male 256,103/female 267,285)

55–64 years: 3.5% (male 33,413/female 30,592)'

65 years and over: 2.6% (male 24,863/female 22,607) (2018 est.)

Edit: source

Maybe I don't know, don't bring more people into the world if they live on a literal battlefield? I don't even want to bring kids into america right now. I can't imagine how selfish one would have to be to bring a child into a warzone where their life expectancy is half the norm and they will suffer the entire time.

This is just something all humans do during war. I would never want kids either but I won't blame others for doing a completely human thing. Not having children would mean a slow extinction for them.

You live in the most sheltered country in the world and somehow have a very in depth perspective for what it's like to live in a battlefield?

Yeah those damn Palestinians should just self-genocide because of the genocide happening to them! selfish, smh


Are you trying to argue that a battlefield is a place to raise a child? 😂

Maybe the isrealis should stop making it a battlefield.

Agreed! Both sides should stop the bloodshed. What's happening with this war is horrible.

It's only a battlefield when Israel makes it into one, and Israel hasn't invaded Gaza for something like 20 years.

This is such an ignorant take and yet you felt compelled to share it as if it's some obvious truth. I wish I could walk around with that kind of confidence.

You probably think they should just move too, right? Such a simple easy answer, I wonder why they can't....

Right, because Israel is forcing them to have kids. Great comparison!

It's either have kids or go extinct... And your comment seems like you are literally saying to them "go extinct because Israel has/had a right to control your procreation process and land".


If you want to bring children into a world where they will suffer and die young, that's your choice. I would rather go extinct if I'm not able to relocate (and no, I'm not saying relocation is an option for the people of Gaza).

More like I am against genocide and don't judge humans for doing human things. It's like saying people a crossed all existence should just not have kids and we should all die cause of your personal reasons.. just like a religious person should do, your should keep your views to yourself and stop preaching them.

I understand why humans procreate and sometimes don't have any control or luxury to that control like first world countries do.... But it sounds like you rather shame humans for doing human things than actually come up with helpful solutions.

Blaming the victims of circumstances for trying to still be Human doesn't make you superior, no matter how many times you type it from behind your privileged existence on a keyboard.

I'm an antinatalist, so I don't think anyone should be having kids, regardless of location, status, etc.

What a sad existence that you should just live out yourself and let others do what they want. Kinda like religious person.. do you, leave me and mine alone. Keep your life practice to yourself ☺️

I don't think it should be forced on others, I just view having kids as unethical. Aren't you the one forcing your way of life on children by bringing them into existence?

They aren't having more sex. You have 18 years to be a child, and then another ~60 to die. At low life expectancy, the chances of you being a child is very high.

They have a life expectancy of 74, which isn't really that bad. Egypt has like 71?

That's the life expectancy for the entire Palestinian population, not Gaza. In Gaza, only 2.6% (as of 2018) made it to retirement age (65 or above).

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