2 Post – 322 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Ukraine doing anything bad is Russian Propaganda™

once the javascript gets that information from the browser it's kinda impossible to prevent it from being included in a request without just blocking all requests. It could be anywhere in arbitrarily structured data and/or encrypted

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It would at least be a very intensive process to do so, and that doesn't even solve that there would be other ways to glean the same information without accessing it directly. For example, one could create an element with 100% screen width set by CSS and query the element's size instead of using the simpler window.innerHeight. How do you detect every possible way a script could determine the viewport dimensions?

solidarity? what's that?

an entirely separate game of Go plays out on the corners of the tiles

I worked at a large financial company that you've probably heard of. Unit tests were basically non-existent, code reviews were a joke, and I saw some of the worst code I've ever seen come from senior engineers.

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jesus, what an extremely late understatement

Israel is defending itself against an antisemitic terrorist group which attacked it for no reason

the biggest treat

hilarious typo

Dictatorship of the bourgeoisie in action in the land of the free

well there was the update that removed the open api, and the update that made half the site require using the app

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Important note to those unfamiliar with the geography when reading this: the part of the Gaza Strip they want evacuated includes the entirety of Gaza City, the most populated city of the Gaza Strip. They are ordering the migration of 1.1 million people into smaller towns and cities to the south, to empty Gaza City. In 24 hours. This would be disastrous even if it was possible. But there are countless factors making it not possible for people to just pick up and leave, much less in 24 hours, including that the primary hospital of the entire Gaza Strip is in the evacuation area, and is full of injured victims of the bombings the IDF has already undertaken. They have also bombed the caravan on primary roadway people are taking out of the city, according to several news sources

no one in here is actually a member

This hurt my feelings

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I love having uBlock Origin on my mobile browser

this is just a menacing try/catch!

wild how Iran launched missiles at Israel and then was struck by Israeli missiles... the Israeli missiles weren't launched, though. They just sprang into existence above Iran

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navigate the social landscape of a corporate office

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I don't think OP was at the Jan 6 riot

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this is one major reason i switched to a projector. The "smart" malware trend has not caught up to home cinema projectors

communism has killed 100 million people

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Tweets are now eXcretions!

The nurse that called 911 on her should be deeply ashamed of themselves

Can we please leave this awful mindset behind on reddit

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She did clarify that she was talking about Palestinian civilians filming the missile attacks on civilian homes and such, calling them freedom fighters for documenting atrocities

good now do arbitration

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when an entire critically endangered species decides to fuck you over instead of fucking eachother

Dev of joke project is having fun, dev of production software is not gonna do extra work they don't have to

touch grass

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that story was to do with him being charged with assault and unlawful imprisonment

Damn imagine the side eye you'd get being one of the 3 nays

CSS has a pseudo-class, :focus-visible, that matches when an element is focused using keyboard navigation. It also has :focus-within, which matches when the current focused element is the selected element or one of its descendents. However, this applies not only for keyboard navigation but also mouse and tap focus. A pseudo-class that combines the two, :focus-visible-within, would be useful, but does not currently exist. Here's an article about it:

The code in the meme implements the logic of :focus-visible-within using the new :has() functional pseudo-class, and has a snippet of fallback behavior for slightly older browsers

I often will dissociate when in a new work environment, and it causes these symptoms. It will also feel like I'm not really the one moving my body, everything is far away/in a cave, and I'll get incredibly startled by any person coming through a door or turning a corner. First time it happened at work when I was a teenager I sat in my car for 30 minutes after work because I didn't think it would be safe to drive. It felt like I was intoxicated.

I was diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder and then later autism

Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.

Jean-Paul Sartre

there's been uhh a few developments in the last 10 days

Leaving it up to the states will not be advocated for in the long term by either party because that either 1) puts half the country in a dangerous position of not having access to healthcare or 2) still keeps half the country sinning against the emotional support daddy

Also this is goes to show that dystopian laws aren't political

The word you're looking for is partisan. This is absolutely a political issue as it is an issue of policy. And it is partisan too; the major parties have vastly different overall views and goals on reproductive healthcare, even if there isn't 100% agreement in each party

enslavement is also barbaric

not uncommon for data to be displayed on UI

That's what change the system means

Only the second is antisemitism

No. No theocracy or ethno state has a right to exist. Brutal apartheid is baked into these concepts. For some reason most of the world can get on board when it comes to oppressive governments like Iran or even China spreading Han culture. If the myth of "a people without a land to a land without a people" were true there might be a case, but there is no such land, and certainly not in Palestine.

as it implies that Jewish people and their nation should not exist.

This is wildly incorrect. The only inherent implication of saying the state of Israel has no right to exist is that the state of Israel has no right to exist. That is, a state foundationally for and only for a certain ethno-religion, forcibly and violently founded in a land already full of people who aren't a part of that ethno-religion. Such a state is oppressive by its nature, given that the majority of people within its borders of control (and especially people within those borders and displaced from within those borders) are disenfranchised and do not have equal rights under the law or under the enforcement of law.

theoretically one couls create a lemmyverse archive that crawls the lemmyverse and subscribes to all communities it finds and archives all federation activities that it receives

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