0 Post – 46 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

Another neat trick: X% of Y is equal to Y% of X. That is, in your example, 27% of 65 == 65% of 27. So check and see which combination might provide fewer steps/messy numbers.

13.5 (50% of 27) + 2.7 (10% of 27) + 1.35 (5% of 27) = 17.55

The true answer is unequivocally yes. Fuck everyone who says otherwise trying to justify this ghoulish shit.

Ah yes, let's make getting an accredited degree something only the wealthy can afford, that'll do well for the working class you betcha.

Class mobility is stagnant enough, I truly cannot see any upside to this for the vast majority of people.

Humor me, if you don't mind. What jobs require the use of Twitter?

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Maybe try winning a couple of world wars, euro-poor 😎


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This is such an ignorant take and yet you felt compelled to share it as if it's some obvious truth. I wish I could walk around with that kind of confidence.

You probably think they should just move too, right? Such a simple easy answer, I wonder why they can't....

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Is this some kinda weird ass gatekeeping-esque computer geek thing? What you said is so wrong it's not even funny.

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Would you mind answering his question though? I really would also love to hear your thoughts.

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Economy getting worse? What the fuck are you talking about? We've been on an upswing since COVID and have been avoiding what many predicted would be a serious economic downturn. I certainly agree he isn't the strongest candidate to go against Trump, but let's not make up reasons why.

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That's much close to a quarter year of full time work, but I get your point

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Thanks for sharing

Your recollection is incorrect, one officer died the following night as a result of his injuries. Two others also killed themselves within a week of it.

Also where the fuck is anyone discussing genocide here? Nevermind, I see you're using Biden's position on Israel/Palestine as a shitty rhetorical deflection.

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As someone who just replaced all his downstairs windows for under $4k I also would like to know where this is so I can avoid it at all costs. Literally an order of magnitude difference is wild

Path of Exile for me. I went in blind towards the end of Synthesis league (Q2 2019) and played completely SSF with a homebrew zoo witch. Managed to eventually fight and kill shaper but it was so draining I didn't even want to look at the game again... Til the end of the year when I hopped into the end of Blight league and I've sunk almost 2k hours since

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I've spent nearly 20 years in academia and professional software development and have never heard anyone pronounce it Gee-you-eye, funnily enough.

Gonna try it this week and see how many people look at me like I'm crazy.

Edit: spelling

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I recently saw Unity had been necromanced, I miss it to be honest. What issues did you run into that make it not a daily driver atm?

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I think these comments do make good points, but I think you're romanticizing the past a bit. Just because people didn't have computers/cell phones I can assure you plenty of people in the 70s were "doing nothing" in similar ways.

You're not wrong but I thought the number of hours we were talking about was 650?

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Would you mind elaborating on " our political system" perhaps with some examples and your stance on them? I'm exhausted and struggling to understand and find any examples aside from stacking the courts.

If not no worries, I'll be chewing on this for a while. I appreciate your perspective and your willingness to share it.

Which are your favorite on Lemmy?

So are ya gonna let us know what the site is? Maybe I missed it in the thread somewhere...

I know reading is hard, but I'm not arguing that its a complicated task; merely that your familiarty with it does not at all reflect career prospects of a "computer geek."

Nah you're literally gatekeeping what it means to be a computer geek. maybe it's not gatekeeping per se, but you sure are wrong and look like an ass

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It's a straight up 404, device is working with literally every other site/service so idk the deal. Thankfully a helpful user has presumably put the content here (hope that's ok with you).

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I believe it's on sale now actually, if you didn't know. The latest season (launched mid Oct) added lots of QoL and something like an endgame loop that isn't terribly mind numbing.

Pretty sure the whole point of them sharing a personal anecdote wasn't to invalidate yours so much as to point out that your experience is, in fact, anecdotal and therefore not concrete enough of a justification to make the blanket statement of "you can't criticize Dems on left-leaning social media" (paraphrased).

It's certainly your lived experience, but to generalize entire platforms based on it is asinine. Need more data to make a statement like that and not be challenged.

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Let's see if they get it this time! (Hint: they won't)

You are awesome, thanks!

That's super cool, never thought about that but I get it now! Thanks for sharing.

I'm getting a 404 error on your essay, are their some quirks to links I don't know about or is the link bad?

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Any chance you might be able to give some highlights of what you consider significant differences between 5e and PF1/2 (your choice)? My only experience is 5e tabletop and BG3.

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How can you so non-chalantly dismiss even a disorderly and seemingly disorganized coup attempt? Either you're ignorant of history entirely, have way more trust in those with authority than I do, or you're shilling. I truly cannot think of any other reasons that would make sense.

I've read all your comments in this thread and I'm still convinced it's one of those 3.

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Breonna Taylor*

Awesome, I'll definitely keep my eye on it. Thanks!

Absolutely mental, then. Got it.

It be like that sometimes lol, you're all good

I really appreciate that, it does sound like a lot of fun!

Apologies for the late reply, I guess I didn't have notifications set up correctly.

I think I see the point you're making, but I don't think that it contradicts my point. Your analogy isn't quite applicable here because no one is saying vocal-toxic-leftists don't exist, we're saying that just because you have seen vocal-toxic-leftists you can't defensibly generalize large groups with such little evidence.

It's early and I haven't had coffee, so I apologize again if what I said isn't so clear.

I'm also confused by this very narrow definition of conservative. The poster went on to say they are against " our political system" which honestly makes it even more confusing, as if the difference between liberalism and conservatism has no social facet.

Itemization is scheduled for change next season, around April I believe, the current incarnation does leave something to be desired.

I agree about the open world scaling as well, it takes away a lot of the power fantasy until late game when you just bulldoze shit 50 levels above you anyways.

I like to zoom zoom so I can't say I ever felt that the open world was packed; compared to dungeons (after the fix) and the new vaults, the open world seems so sparce tbh. And since I'm zooming I never really noticed mobs spawning either.

The game absolutely needs tons of tweaking and content be a full fledged arpg, maybe around season 20 or so it'll be there lmao.