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Joined 1 years ago

Religion, and British imperialism

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No good person would put up with being a mod for reddit after this shit show with spez. The only incentive to put up with that is the financial gains of allowing astroturfing as a mod (for example) or having a really weird power trip. Very curious to see how reddit will evolve with that kind of leadership

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USA is absolutely a huge hypocrite. But that doesn't mean other countries are justified for doing the same

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All settlers are extremist and the fact they're called settlers instead of occupiers stealing land is ridiculous

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Some of those government websites only work on chromium too, which is irritating

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He has a cocaine addiction

And just like the real world, as annoying as vegans are, they ultimately are ideologically right

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Possibly, but the trend of American elections where we'd typically see 8 years of one candidate being president then switching to the other party for 8 years is likely over now. The average boomer has started retirement, and the young voters replacing them are increasingly left wing given the last 20 years of failures from U.S geopolitics in regions like the Middle East or even domestic issues like how fewer and fewer people can own a home.

Historically, the midterm elections should have been a right wing blowout, especially with the economy in its current state.

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My dad had a fellowship at Harvard that he got kicked out of for not being supportive of Israel. This was decades ago, but that's how deeply rooted this shit is

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5.5lbs of copper is apparently about 20$ worth

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I don't support the actions of men in this article, but all gender roles are toxic, and there are societal expectations of men that are genuinely toxic.

Again, women have gotten the shit end of the stick for muuuuch longer. I don't want to minimize that. But saying mens rights activists are pathetic?

60% of male suicides report no off behavior from the man before commiting suicide. This suggests it isn't a mental illness causing the problem, but circumstances in their life cause them to kill themself because they truly see no other solution or way out for the predicament they're in.

How come men are twice as likely to be homeless than women?

Why isn't it socially acceptable for men to take on the "care taker roll" like a stay at home dad or a nurse?

I could go on, but I don't want to make this a rallying cry for men in a thread about a tech conference for women. I get meninsts is like a men's rights group that was created to troll feminists, but men's rights and woman's rights should both just try and be egalitarian

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The Firefox Mafia would like to have a word with you

That is literally the only French word where spelling makes sense

Well, you can't arrest a sitting president, and Senate was majority Republican and they tow the party line so yeah most Democrats could do was impeach and let the Republicans bail him out

But now he's not president, and has to face the courts as a citizen. The investigators aren't going to rush a case like this, but you also can't risk it going over to the election before getting a conviction. Honestly the timing on all this seems pretty on point

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What if S-curve instead of linear rate?

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Capitalism isn't necessarily bad, but unregulated capitalism encourages the most cut throat to thrive.

Capitalism is a great economic model when you can have a competitive market, but oligopolies, monopolies, and monopsonies are natural. After you have no where else to go, labor is a cost, and capitalism encourages the cut throat to minimize that by any means.

Also, even right wing economists agree there are some market failures within capitalism. It encourages you to not consider the economic impact outside of your company. These are typically referred to as negative externalities.

Smokers are a negative externality to the health care system. When a corporation gets hacked, their clients suffer the consequences for when their stolen data is abused. No corporation can stop all other corporations from polluting with cheaper energy, and the most cost effective will thrive in a capitalist system. So all corporations have to choose dirtier cheaper energy.

These are all examples of market failures. Regulation compatibile with capitalism include taxing negative externalities and using that money to subsidize positive externalities.

Tax smokers and use the money to fund health care. Fine corps for getting hacked and subsidize hackers to pen test systems. Tax dirtier forms of energy and subsidize greener sources.

Because people who don't live in the Levant caused these issues 80 years ago, and actively fund it today

So, before I say "capitalism" like everyone else id like to argue many of the monetary/economic policy can be used by either authoritarian state capitalists or free capitalists alike. Edit:

This can be useful^ it's a brief read. Also I love Adam Taggart, he's a really good person to follow on YouTube for economics.

Things were getting bad for a while, and we kick the can down the road until an exponentially worse problem arrives, then repeat. Let's look at COVID for now tho instead of going back decades

COVID happens, society has to adapt, and now there's growth issues with the economy (growth domestic product or gross domestic income)

First, government gives a shit ton of stimulus checks to the consumer market. A market is a collection of buyers and sellers. The consumer market is a collection of buyers and sellers who spend their money on one thing and don't retain that value. So most of the stimmy money went from consumers to corporations. To give you an idea, over the last 3 years we've seen 35% of inflation that is never going away, it will forever weigh on the consumer market (and that's the market that needs to be well off for an economy to be anything more than the stock/financial market)

Second, Fed sees an incoming recession so they lower interest rates to make banking loans cheaper to encourage investment to increase growth again. This means people who are not suffering from the economy can easily afford another house since they're basically not paying any interest on it, then rent it out to Airbnb or whatever.

All these things cause growth in the short term, while making inflation a much worse problem in the long term.

FED starts raising interest rates slowly over the last year or 2. Now they're about to lower them again which is a sign we're in for another recession, but let's look at what raising interest rates did:

Banks operate on a very tight margin and raising interest rates hurts banks in the short term and takes a while for markets to react to (which is part of the reason why we saw so many bank closures like silicon valley bank)

But raising interest rates also makes it more expensive for people to afford mortgage payments.

H.O.P.E: housing , orders, profits, employment

When mortgage payments got more expensive housing got expensive. When housing gets expensive orders go down and/or credit card usage goes up (which is another separate problem / indicator). When orders go down profits go down, and when profits go down employment goes down.

It should be worth noting the one thing J Powell did right was creating slack in job openings to prevent a complete crash in the labor market, but that's the last thing to crash in a recession so we're still just kicking the can down the road.

That's the best analysis I can do with respect to COVID, but some other interesting things:

The average boomer is 2 years into retirement. The labor force is going to continue shrinking for the next 7 years. It won't be this bad in America, but in south east asian countries, there's going to reach a point where there are more old people than young people, and when that happens there's not enough people to care for the elderly and support the rest of the economy, so both tend to suffer. America will feel this pain as well, but our population "pyramid" is more of an hourglass, where south east asian is an upside down pyramid

Also, geopolitical tensions are likely going to get worse over the next few years. China manufactures everything consumers like that don't have to do with defense, so things like smartphones are going to get much more expensive , and tech stocks are likely to suffer. Edit: not to mention food and gas prices increasing from Ukraine war (which isn't in the Feds basket of goods for inflation which is HILARIOUSLY STUPID considering that's their excuse for inflation)

Also, there's tons of shadow banks with stealth liquidity where there's no information how much money they have. So however bad inflation was the last few years and will continue to get with the Fed cutting rates, it can get MUCH worse once those banks start releasing their liquidity.

So, things are bad and they're going to get worse before there's a chance things get better. I really recommend listening to Adam Taggart and the people he interviews to help form your decision making

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We'd have a real election race that's for sure

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Interesting, is that leaked on any forums? Been a while since I've searched for leaked databases but all my old go to forums got raided (understandably so)

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As mod of conspiracy_theories, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that's bullshit

If you listened to the mainstream media, the last few years you'd think the economy was booming. If you did your own research and listen to experts like Adam Taggart or Wealthion, fractures in the housing market were apparent for almost a year before the mainstream media started reporting that

We grew up being told we fight for freedom when really we fight for a fascist apartheid ethnostate in the middle east

We grew up being told Weed was worse than alcohol

We grew up being told if you didn't go to college, you couldn't get a job, while cost of tuition and textbooks outpaced inflation

The media doesn't exist to inform people. Whether your left or right wing I think that's something everyone can agree on. From a political science standpoint, the media exists to create an agenda. Often times, that includes misinforming people.

Can doing your own research get you into some conspiracy theories? Sure. The problem with that is everyone's conspiring, even the mainstream media

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I moved my Lemmy app to the same location I'd habitually press sync for reddit. Im as addicted to pressing that part of my screen as I am reddit itself

Hmmm... Nice, nice, that's nice,

Which university??

I would argue 99.99% of crypto and nfts are complete scams. But Blockchain is a change in how we manage and distribute data, and can remove centralization of power from humans that we would otherwise need to trust for managing autonomous systems like the data in a banks public ledger.

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You live in the most sheltered country in the world and somehow have a very in depth perspective for what it's like to live in a battlefield?

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It's comparing apples to oranges, that said, the current version of Debian is much closer to the UX of Debian 6 than windows 11 is to windows 10

If the point of windows is you're paying for an operating system and should then have better support than a free alternative, they should be able to push security updates, especially if they're already committed to ensuring old windows app can still run inside new windows

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The stress will fuel productivity

Probably got eaten by one of China's 5G cell towers... Always a bigger fish

Duh just take shrooms

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The meat industry overall is bad for everyone, the amount of food it requires to feed the meat we eat is extremely wasteful. From an economic standpoint, meat is "bad", let alone the lobbying done by the meat industry.

Eating meat increases the chances of heart disease. Some protein is good, but we eat way too much. From a public health standpoint, meat is "bad"

In general, it's good to lessen harm. Factory slaughtering living things that grew up in what's effectively a prison is not lessening harm.

But, I do like the taste of meat unfortunately. Ill splurge on lab grown meat when it becomes available, but even though I'm a hypocrite for liking the taste of meat doesn't mean vegans are wrong because they're annoying to deal with

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Spez looks like Ken trying to figure out how the human world works in "Barbie"

Absolutely, the margin of votes needed to win in swing states is only 2%, where the mortality rate of COVID if you're old is 10%, Republican counties are around 30-70% more likely to spread covid

Looking at our reaction to 9/11, id say 100%

What's funny is that Palestinians are literally Semitic

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My sister showed me a fun drinking game recently:

One person closes their eyes until the other person/people decide on a number 1-10.

After they all agree, the person opens their eyes then asks the group to rate an item from a category 1-10. Do this with 3 different categories. At the end, the person tries to guess which number was agreed on.

So, the group could agree on 7/10 and the guesser could ask "types of beers" and the group could say lagunitas, skulpin, etc ...

Other good questions involve "people we both know", "sexual experiences"...

Even our ads are unpaid and FOSS

It's some shitty Lemmy clone


What kind of pretentious loser names an opinion blog site after himself, and bestows a ".org" at the end

The more I read this crap the more obvious it is this bullshit article relies on lengthy annoying paragraphs that no one wants to read and a ".org" at the end to sound more official

Myth #1: Israel is guilty of “genocide” in Gaza.

The term “genocide” has a clear meaning—it’s the destruction or attempted destruction of a whole people.

Yes , 95% of people starving in the world were in Gaza when Israel chose to withhold aid to them. That is the attempted destruction of a whole people

Myth #2: International Humanitarian Law Requires that Israel’s response to Palestinian aggression be “proportional.”

I'm as anti Israel as it gets, and I've never heard this argument that you're legally bound to proportional, sounds like this author really likes the title of the blog counting up to 5.

That said, there are tons of MORAL arguments against disproportionately killing civilians, but the only legal one that comes to mind is when Israel evacuated Gazans to a region in the south, then bombed that region with white phosphorus

Myth #3: The Jews Are Colonizers and the Palestinians are Indigenous People.

Not the Jews, but, the Israelis are colonizers. Biblically they were a nomadic war faring tribe. They never were a country. The west created a colony to project power in the middle east because they had no other allies there. Israel is a country in a region called Palestine. Palestinians never formed a government that resembled something the west could do business with

In colonialism, the colony has superior technology. The middle east just industrialized, how the hell could Palestinians have been anything but natives the last few thousand years

Myth #4: The atrocities committed by Hamas (and over one thousand Palestinian civilians) on October 7th were a legitimate response to oppression.

Israel left Gaza in 2005—forcibly removing thousands of its own citizens—and billions of dollars in international aid have since been spent there. So the “oppression” of the Palestinians in Gaza—by Israel—is at least debatable.

This is so fucking stupid I'm just going to leave this here. "Oppression" lmao, why the air quotes? Being born in a ghetto doesn't count as being oppressed?

Myth #5: The two sides in this conflict are equally civilized, equally entitled to respect, and equally worth protecting.

I actually agree with this. You can't compare violence between two groups when one group (Israel) is occupying the other (Palestine). The violence from Palestinians against Israel is like violence from black people to the police. It's not good, but it's not the same. One group is oppressed and radicalized from that, the other group is systematically oppressing the other

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Ruby was recommended to me by my comparative programming languages professor. I haven't picked it up, but there were memes that this professor was so good at programming he was secretly built by the university in C++ to teach students how to write better code.

While quantum mechanics certainly gives random jumps, by no means is anything in control of those random processes (otherwise, they wouldn't be random)

So, even though the universe may not be fundamentally deterministic, that doesn't mean free will exists