2 Post – 440 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

They're not a troll, they're just being sarcastic.

If Microsoft was a smaller company, this would completely ruin them and the next headline would be them declaring bankruptcy after failing to fight off 50,000 lawsuits. Fortunately for them, laws don't apply to companies their size.

It's absolutely insane that we have to talk about winning swing states instead of just having everyone's voice matter and vote count equally. Trump lost the popular vote in 2016 and his presidency was illegitimate. We will never have a functioning democracy as long as we have the electoral college.

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Who's Dessalines? The name sounds familiar, but I can't remember much else.

That would definitely help a lot. It wouldn't be perfect, but at least some people's votes wouldn't be worth 3x more than others.

It doesn't specify a cooldown on the teleportation. You could potentially move very quickly by rapidly teleporting, kind of like the old minecart trick in Minecraft.

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Now THAT is how you protect the children!

I agree, but only if it goes both ways. We should be allowed to use big corpo's IPs however we want.

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I was about to say that it's crazy they wouldn't just put up blank red banners and use CGI to add the swastika, but then I realized that the movie being referenced was released in 1965.

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Just sharing my opinion: I'm not a fan of these kinds of posts. You're obviously not the asshole and it feels like you just posted this for validation. There is no ambiguity here and the post definitely gives off reddit-esque, "AITA for leaving my boyfriend of 2 months after he cheated on me with 9 people and stole a family heirloom worth $200,000 to fund his heroin addiction?" vibes.

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That doesn't matter. You don't get to just unlitaterally revoke something people paid for because they didn't want to sign up for an account at a company that was unrelated to Minecraft when they bought the game. This should be illegal.

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If you're cold, you wear a coat. If you're hot, you get heat stroke.

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I'm not a fan of referring to fellow humans who have fallen victim to the endless tirade of conservative propaganda sub-human. It's very blatantly dehumanizing and promotes division along party lines instead of proletariat unity. We should be focusing on the shitheads pushing that propaganda in the first place. I know that Elon is one of them, but calling all conservatives sub-human because of him is just wrong.

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It should be illegal for companies to put ads in a system you paid for.

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I know you bought your car 10 years ago, but you refused to make an account with the company that bought your car dealer out after you bought a car from them, so now we're repossessing it.

That assumes a Lemmy link doesn't just instantly get you shadowbanned

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It's funny how people trying to manually correct AI being prejudiced just makes it even more prejudiced in different ways. This reminds me of when you could get ChatGPT to make misandrist jokes about men pretty easily, but it would lecture you about not making jokes about protected classes if you swapped out "men" with "women" and changed nothing else.

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But tax-based reparations will mostly be paid out from normal proletariat with little to no capital ownership.

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What do you do when they all do it, though?

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I don't know about DDT, but if you've ever had bedbugs, they absolutely dominate every aspect of your life and are nearly impossible to get rid of. I care about the environment, but I would rather hurt the environment a bit than let bedbugs continue to spread. They are an enemy of humanity.

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Everyone else:

"Pardon me, do you have the time?"


Inert gas hypoxia is painless if done right. This is Alabama though, so I wouldn't trust them to even use the right kind of gas, much less administer it correctly.

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It's physically impossible to perform any type of analysis on a low resolution video and end up with a massively* upscaled and accurate result no matter what sort of technology you use. AI just guesses from what it can see and what it's been trained on. It's the digital equivalent of hiring an artist to create a higher quality rendition of a picture.

*There are some tricks that can be used to "enhance" images and especially videos, but not so much that it's like having optical zoom. For example, a bunch of noisy video frames of the same thing can be combined to get a less noisy result.

Why is it legal to bait and switch people by adding ads after you pay for it? Every single TV should be refunded.

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I know. AI is capable of recreating many ideas it sees in the training data even if it doesn't recreate the exact images. For example, if you ask for Mario, you get Mario. Even if you can't use these images of Mario without committing copyright infringement, AI companies are allowed to sell you access to the AI and those images, thereby monetizing them. What I am saying is that if AI companies can do that, we should be allowed to use our own depictions of Mario that aren't AI generated however we want.

AI companies can sell you Mario pics, but you can't make a Mario fan game without hearing from Nintendo's lawyers. I think you should be allowed to.

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That's not a sex ed thing, that's just blatant misandry. So what if boys don't get periods, they still have to pee!

Google's "did you mean": 💪 Gboard's autocorrect: 💩

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It depends. Some dogs suffer from mental illnesses and can't really be trained out of it.

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Waking up early isn't natural. Where's my 2 PM gang?

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If you want to game the system, the best way to do it would be to ask something that has a ridiculously long answer so you can get the most information possible out of it. For example you could ask, "what are the full contents of the largest, most useful collection of knowledge humanity will ever have, condensed down small enough for us to process?" That'd probably get you a futuristic multi-petabyte hard drive that can still plug into your computer and has a version of Wikipedia from like 10,000 years in the future.

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I had a 1440p monitor and "downgraded" back to 1080p when it broke because I could barely tell the difference when gaming and I get a significantly higher framerate in most games at 1080p, which does make a big difference for me.

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That doesn't work AFAIK. It only works when the ads are served by a 3rd party.

If it's normal, why does it bother me so much? The feeling drives me absolutely nuts and I hate it.

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PSA: You should really be using ad blockers, but if you're not, Google lets you block certain types of ads in your account settings.

I don't think that robots should be allowed to take up space on our sidewalks. Sidewalks are meant for people to travel on and we shouldn't be inconvenienced by having to avoid some annoying-ass robots rolling down the middle of them all the time. They ought to be considered motor vehicles and banned from sidewalks. That being said, stealing people's deliveries is wrong and I don't think it's a good way to combat robots encroaching on our space.

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The "products" are not entirely YouTube's. They are more like a giant mall than a store. You can't just stop going to the mall because you don't like a policy they have because everyone else has set up shop in that mall. Unlike stores, if a mall didn't exist, most of the stores in the mall would just exist elsewhere. YouTube is not the product, they are the gatekeepers.

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I mean, that can't be legal, right?

It's always some VPN making wild bullshit claims about what it can do for your privacy. I respect Tom Scott for refusing a VPN sponsorship because they wanted to make him lie.

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I've been asking this and never got an answer. I think the answer is that it isn't.

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Eh... Blue light filter reduces image quality. I definitely 100% use it at night, but I'm not sure what benefit there is to using it during the day, especially when 80% of the screen is black or some shade of dark gray most of the time anyway.

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