3 Post – 681 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

Best decision of my life!

No offense but your friends sound stupid.

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Add Raytheon to that list.

It's crazy when you realize this photo is of present day. Humanity has gotten nowhere in the past few decades.

Sounds like a win/win then.

Mentally, yes. Financially, hell no. I was "essential" through the whole thing which certainly didn't help my mental state. To be fair, I was in a bad place even without COVID.

They really need to STFU with this "Millennials" crap. The entire population aside from the rich are being affected by the now destroyed economy. Nobody is getting a house outside of unusual circumstances.

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That article gave no reason for me to believe these claims. Also that website is horrible.

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Well the US isn't a democracy so our votes don't matter.

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Or just the usual treatment of a black man in georgia. We may never know which..

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The cop probably wanted to get home so he could beat his wife.

Sounds more like a way to ID everyone on the platform. And perhaps normalize this practice for other platforms going forward.

4 more... being down half the time probably made a lot of people think that this platform is trash and left.

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I had to explain to a girl that no, we should not have sex while you have a UTI. She was in her mid 30's.

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As wages and the number of employees per store has decreased (not just target but everywhere), the more of this kind of shit I see.

When there's only two people running a whole store while making 10 bucks an hour this is the quality you get. Your next quarter earnings might be great but your entire chain of businesses will go fucking bankrupt when everyone starts avoiding your locations.

I'm seeing this with retail and fast food places. Man I used to love Boston Market but I don't step foot in there now. Same with Dunkin Donuts, total shithole, every one of em.

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The police were worried about people's safety, so the police killed everyone, including Innocent bystanders.

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My gf wanted so bad for me to send my DNA to these clowns. I declined due to privacy reasons. She tried to convince me that they keep your info private. I told her that even if that was true, the government could still access it. She thinks I'm paranoid. And now her personal info is likely part of this leak.

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This is a failure of parenting. WTF is an 11 year old doing on Omegle?

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A Bidet has got to be the most life changing purchase ever. Not even expensive either.

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To be fair, we have a much better understanding of mental disorders now. Back when I was little, people basically fell under four categories (and these terms aren't my choosing, just what it was back in the early 80's): gifted, normal, slow or retarded. That was the extent of our understanding. At least based on my personal experience in an american public school system. I'm sure for older generations things were even more misunderstood.

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Just let the site die already. I don't understand why anyone cares at this point.

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This would have been great 20 or 30 years ago but back then "nuclear bad!". It would have been a great bridge between burning fossil fuels and wind/solar/etc. It probably would have prevented climate change from getting as bad as it is now. Oh well, here we are.

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And once again we're given the name of the victim but not the murderer. ACAB

We've had answers for decades. What we need is action from the people in power.

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Fuck you ya privileged cunt! Da hell fantasy clown world you been living in??

"The sound of children screaming has been removed."

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Magnetic USB connectors are a thing and can save your cables/devices not just from wear and tear (unplugging/replugging constantly) but also from cables being tripped over or otherwise pulled. Highly recommended if you're using VR! Sadly there are no standards to these.

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267K seems like such an impossibly high number that I can't even comprehend ever having that much in dollars. For these asshole that's just bribe money, pissed away on an RV he likely used once. And at that price it's likely one of the nicest RV's anyone's ever seen.

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It blows my mind that there are people on here that are cool with doing an airstrike on a playground full of orphans. Many (most?) of which already had to witness the same happening to their parents.

I'm sorry but there is zero justification for that. None. Your argument is invalid.

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I feel like I'm reading this same story once a month. There are so many people that need help and then the police show up and murder them. All the time.

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Is this the same baby that got flash banged a few years ago and the family is still trying to get justice for what happened? Or is this another baby that got flash banged? Either way, it's fucking disgusting and outrageous!

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So was she or was she not wearing headphones? That's something that should have been trivial to verify if true. Since it's a maybe I'm assuming she wasn't.

Also, why the fuck does a cop need to do 50mph over the limit for an overdose victim? Are we pretending he would have done anything helpful once there?

Fuck officer Kevin Dave.

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WTF is wrong with supporting a developer (Either with cash or ad revenue)?

Even if they weren't his children, that still doesn't mean they're being trafficked. What kind of mental gymnastics does someone have to do to reach that conclusion? All because their skin color didn't match? In 2023?? Man fuck American Airlines! I will never fly with them anymore. Not that they were good to begin with.

Who would say "no" to this??

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So many stupid, so very fucking stupid people in the US.

True, or I could just not.

When I was little it was completely normal for kids to fuck around the neighborhood with toy guns. Cap guns, water guns, whatever. And we "shot" each other and random people with them. This was even before they started putting bright orange barrels on everything.

And you know what happened? Nothing. Nobody freaked out. Nobody called the police. Nobody died. Kids being kids. Times sure have changed.

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