1 Post – 102 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

couldn't help but lol at this quote:

US copyright law is designed to adapt to the times.

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looks like we need ad blocker detection blockers now.

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well this is fascinating. I would love to know what you THINK they meant. I can't seem to frame it your way.

the problem I have with this is that you're basically saying more people should have guns. a significant part of the issue is that there already are too many guns around and accessible and that is statistically going to result in more alterations resulting in shooting. you can talk about how much respect guns should be given all you want. but if more people have guns then there will be more gun violence.

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many interesting conversations here and looks like a lot of folks who ride these often without issue.

I'm a motorized skateboarder for well over 15 years now. I've ridden one wheels a few times and while they are intuitive and versatile they are also the most dangerous option in an already very dangerous category. it's anecdotal, but all the worst injuries I've directly and indirectly confirmed were all from riding one wheels. I have lived on the edge and done plenty of dangerous things but owning a one wheel will never be one of them. the number of times I've had to be very nimble very quick would not have been possible on a one wheel. they simply lack the quick stability required to safely jump off from either foot and run out in any direction.

all that to say I'm not surprised that they have done some version of a recall and I'm wondering how they can legally sell them at all. yes, they are impressive vehicles and can be used relatively safely. but they are absolutely objectively more dangerous than 4 wheels.

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these ass hats know what they are risking. they just plan for a "sorry we got caught" apology ready if needed in the hopes that they get away with it.

frankly, I don't know of many countries, if any, whose government isn't at odds with its population.

why do people insist on talking relatively recent content and plagiarizing it mere days later? karma is even less meaningful here. what is the point?

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on the radio I heard two scholars discussing recent polls that reveal a surprisingly strong level of support for Hamas among gazans even now, despite the level of backlash that has resulted. when asked why, they said that Palestinians have long given up any hope that negotiations could achieve their goal of freedom and independence. they said that since negotiating has clearly failed for decades, Palestinians feel that the only remaining option Israel has left them is aggression and violence. and Hamas is the leadership that is willing to resort to violence.

while I certainly feel awful about any innocent Israelis getting caught up in the original attack, I can't help but feel like Israel has done this to themselves. they have caged an entire group like wild animals for decades and somehow have the audacity to blame them for lashing out.

but let's be honest here. we have all heard these points and most of us have already made up our minds about it.

lol. I'm a cis make and peeing sitting down is my absolute favorite. why the hell does any guy want to make an uncomfortable mess?

I've seen some doozies in my time but this one takes the cake. should probably be a community for it.

it's pretty inconclusive if there's no context for how that code is called. I'm kinda confused why the article wouldn't have provided any additional detail other than a single line of code. why bother digging at all?

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judging by the votes, you are deluded

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there is nothing relevant or acceptable about suggesting that an unhealthy person could reasonably die by being arrested. The methods of arrest are objectively fucking incorrect if they result in death for anyone generally being non violent.

if only wall street fines from the SEC were like this...

am I the only one who counted? it's only 25. you could have used the real number you lazy ass.

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no no. dig UP, stupid

this is incredibly inaccurate. we just hired for a single position and got well over 250 applicants. a junior dev friend of mine says he and none of his friends can find work. with all the layoffs tech jobs are just very scarce right now.

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obviously he doesn't as insisted repeatedly and frantically by dick bags like you.

I think it's pretty obvious where the blame would be if Trump wins: the stupid folks who refused to vote out of principle. If it was possible that neither could win then your strategy could make sense. But there are ONLY 2 OUTCOMES. Requiring dems to earn your vote is unfortunately meaningless when the only other option is FAR WORSE YOU CRETIN OF INANE CONCLUSIONS.

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why OP gotta use a 3 panel layout when the pictures are just repeats of the same picture?

to be fair, at least a few additional data points would be required to call that proven. german culture has a particular history which i think must contribute to the ability for this to work.

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how did they censor? i saw so much fuck spez that didn't seem to get censored at all.

I'm so confused. it was a dance music festival with civilians. are they not allowed to have those? I fully support liberating Palestine. I also think Israelis should be able to have music festivals where people feel good about themselves while having a good time. what's wrong with that?

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I'm the guy who thinks it would be great... for 3 seconds anyway.

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this is exactly the situation. if everyone gets guns to protect from other guns then every thing turns into a gun battle and we all end up blind. and dead.

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seen as how it's abundantly clear that the Israeli govt is also an incredibly terroristic institution, no one with a moral compass should accept their existence either, right?

so Republican, got it.

I tried to use but when I went to login I got an error that says the server version (0.17.4) is too low. but when I check all the popular instances they are all on the same version. so how is it working for other instances?

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it would have been SO easy for them to make their API changes the way that it's typically done - with ample warning time and semi-reasonable prices. the only obvious explanation is that they really don't want third party apps and this was their way to shut them down without saying it explicitly.

there's only one person looking the fool around here.

Canada / BC. we use a gravity carbon filter for our water and since getting used to that i can usually taste the chlorine in regular tap water. what's more is there is a pretty gross brown sludge that i have to clean off our filters about once a month. so that's something too.

the bees episode.

it's totally fair to criticize Biden as long as we can agree that the alternative is much worse.

the alternative: genocide plus fascism.

correctly, so


the point of saying allowed is that consumers and the market in general should not put up with it.


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everyone needs to block this absolute garbage troll

the most intelligent posture is surely to take the side of the oppressed and the innocent which obviously will include a great deal of both Palestinian and Israeli human beings.