51 Post – 80 Comments
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Yes, I replied to someone who implied that the USA has been giving Israel military aid since 1944.

I don't understand what are you trying to say with the rest of your reply.
I already wrote that Israel bought it from the USA.

USA only started selling weapons to Israel in the 1960's, and initially only defensive weapons.
Before that, the USA had an arms embargo on Israel. Israel got its weapons from Czechoslovakia (under Soviet rule) and later, France.

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Systems Israel bought and later also upgraded to GEM+.

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I highly doubt it. But one can hope.

These systems were bought years before the US military grants were started for Israel.

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How is this "pro-IDF"?
I thought people here aren't pro-Hamas?

This whole week I posted.. 1 article about Hamas. Truly hustling.

other than the 834 executions last year of protesters / dissidents and general killings of protesters, here's 1 known killing of an iranian journalist.
there's also the other attempts to kill iranian journalists abroad, but fortunately they're incompetent.

"To a lesser extent, China and Iran also peddle disinfo in hopes of influencing voters."

"As an example, social media posts by sock puppet agents of the Chinese Communist Party promoted former President Donald Trump and criticized Biden."

Plenty of articles like those here.
And plenty of people denying there's any rise in hatred and violence towards Jews.

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The French source mentioned in the posted article -

"Un deuxième mineur aurait confié aux policiers avoir frappé la jeune fille au motif qu’elle aurait eu de mauvaises paroles à propos de la Palestine."

A politician who got the 36th position in the Likud list 10 years ago.
The party he founded after that didn't get even 1 mandate.

The sovereign base areas of Akrotiri and Dhekelia is a British Overseas Territory. Cyprus has no sovereignty over that area.
If that's Hezbollah's issue, they should've threatened the UK.

Adding to the other comment, Cyprus has also welcomed tens of thousands of Lebanese refugees over the years since the 80s, and lobbied the EU to financially assist Lebanon.

I mean.. It's even in the name there. RAF is Royal Air Force.

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The "Plenty of articles like those here." was a reply to the first part of your post.

Yeah, it's receiving coverage because there has been a serious spike in hatred and violence specifically towards Jews since the 7th of October. Not just in France.

And the rape was specifically because she's a Jew. Like the other recent case of a French Jewish woman who was raped specifically because she's a Jew.

their official slogan:

God is the Greatest
Death to America
Death to Israel
A Curse Upon the Jews
Victory to Islam

i have a hunch they'll just be happy to see more dead jews

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70% of eligible voters voted.
the current government's parties were voted in by 49.5% of those voters.
out of those, 14.13% were ultra-orthodox parties who always go with bibi because he gives them everything they want. about half of those are non-zionist.

It's because Ben Gvir and Smotrich wanted to join now that Gantz is gone.
It's still being convened, just not officialy and not as a "war cabinet".

He has never been part of Israel's government.
Like I wrote in another comment, he was 36th on the Likud's list 10 years ago, and later founded a party that didn't even get 1 mandate.

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around 27% of israel's citizens are not jewish. they have the same rights jews have, so yes they can buy land wherever a jew can.
there are 4 arab parties in the knesset.
one of them was part of the 2022 government.

so i'm guessing you're referring just to israeli jews? not israeli druze, bedouin or arabs?
and which jews are you referring to that "choose to live there"? as a lot of israeli jews have been there for some generations by this point. it's their home (let alone the families who remained since the kingdom of judah).

and that's some nice propaganda for israel, but unfortunately israel's poverty rate is among the highest in the developed world. while also being one of the highest cost of living countries.
bibi's economic policies and transfer of funds to ultra-orthodox organizations and private education institutions has only made things worse for most over the years.

“sufficient for us is allah, and the best disposer of our affairs."

more or less

he's called that way because he can create a coalition with anyone, even with a non-zionist ultra-orthodox party like the utj.
and even when it seems like he has no chance of getting enough mandates / forming a coalition.

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How is the link tenuous?
You could write the same thing about neo-nazi violence.
There's a clear issue here.

The reality is that this is a part of a global spike of cases against Jews since the 7th of October, who are targeted because they are Jews.
It could've been someone else. Another Jew. Like the other French Jewish woman who was raped because she's a Jew and was done as "revenge" in the eyes of the perpetrator.

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they also sent cruise missiles

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You didn't even need to use that conflict as an example. Most Israelis are brown.

hizballah and co. have been shooting rockets at israel from lebanon and syria since the 8th of october.

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in the last election 70% of eligible voters voted, 23% voted for the likud (bibi).

and people have been objecting to his policies for years, but didn't believe protesting would help. especially after the 2011 protests changed nothing.

rashid ali was an iraqi muslim, so was yunis al-sabawi, so were al-futuwa youth that marked jewish houses before the farhud and so were the iraqi mob and police that massacred and raped jews.
arabs aren't infantile human beings with no agency or responsibility.

you wrote that these things only happened in europe. iraq isn't europe.

either way i gave other examples without any kind of european presence. and there are plenty more.

you do realize a large part of israeli jews came back from arab countries? yemenite jews, iraqi, iranian, etc.
their skin color isn't white.

So let's leave the skin colors of Israelis out of the conversation in relation to Palestinians. Please.

that was the point of my comment.. the skin color is irrelevant

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helmets, flak jackets, humanitarian aid, field hospitals manned by israeli medical personnel (which is mentioned in the article), generators for hospitals and refugee assistance centers.

and i didn't remember that, but apparently there were already israeli anti-drone systems approved for export to ukraine last year. not sure if these are the same ones though.

they helped, just not with weapons.
as russian forces are present in syria.

but now that israel is already at war with russian-iranian proxies / allies, there's no need to hold back anymore.

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which happened once by likud activists.
and yet more arab israelis voted than ever before in the election after that.

they have trade agreements with both egypt and jordan.
and both jordan and mainly egypt import a lot of gas from israel, while jordan also imports a lot of water.

not necessarily.
there are quite a bit of druze who vote likud, and a surprising amount of muslim israeli arabs and bedouins who vote for shas.
i haven't seen an article that mentions how much of a percentage they are out of all likud or shas voters though. but in some towns and villages they are as much as 30%+

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Yeap. Although this "trend" isn't very new.
Antisemites calling all Jews, Zionists, was done from even before the founding of the state of Israel. One example from before its founding, is of Muhammad Rashid Rida.

this addon for firefox:
works great also for mobile. but i use the fennec version from fdroid.

sounds like it.
i forgot i have a paywall bypass. looks like there are more articles about it now:

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