President Joe Biden ‘appalled’ by violence during pro-Palestinian protest at Los Angeles synagogue to World – 41 points –
President Joe Biden 'appalled' by violence during pro-Palestinian protest at Los Angeles synagogue

Important context: the synagogue in question was holding a real estate sale for land allegedly stolen from Palestinians in the West Bank.

Poster of Illegal real estate sale

Screencap of property being sold

This protest was not against Jews praying at a synagogue. This protest was not antisemitic. This was a protest against the ethnic cleansing of the West Bank and against settlements that Biden's own administration considers illegal.

But I suppose the AP doesn't consider that relevant information.

The solidarity on this is insane. The powerful and influential have seemingly locked arms to prevent anyone stopping the erasure of Palestine. Bombing Bethlehem has never been so profitable.

Yup, and they're very careful to avoid talking about who actually instigated the violence.

Much as it was when the counter-protesters showed up at UCLA last month and attacked the protesters with pepper spray and sticks for hours while the police stood by and watched.

So AP not real journalists anymore, good to know.

I mean . . . It’s a different kind of spin. The facts reported - such as can be verified - usually are real facts.

That’s more than a lot of other “outlets” have. After that though, it gets a little slant-y.

Lies of omission are still lies.

There is an awful lot of things that AP, as well as Reuters and AFP feel is stuff you don't need to know.

You act like Biden cares about US or international law...

I used to think he did, but he clearly doesn't.

It’s a fairly impressive propaganda double dip

DON’T explain the context, beyond “synagogue” and “antisemitism” and some vague language about how violence “evolved” into existence. Thus, anyone who isn’t pro Palestinian sees the story in a very particular way that will reinforce a particular wrong perception of the protestors.

But DO bring Biden’s name into it for literally no reason at all, so that the people who support the protestors and are able to realize that there’s probably more to the story, will have their particular wrong perception, that quite a lot of them probably have, that he’s anti protestor, reinforced.

It’s a rare and cunning story that can simultaneously communicate “look at these scumbag anti semitic protestors” and “look at Biden thinking these protestors are anti semitic scumbags” simultaneously, with each population receiving the message which is exactly appropriate to misleading them and them specifically.

Wild that the Times of Israel, reporting second-hand, has a more factual accounting of the event.

Violent clashes broke out Sunday between pro- and anti-Israel demonstrators in Los Angeles after the latter held a protest outside the Adas Torah synagogue, where an Israeli real estate fair was being held.

The first line establishes the relevant information, not some vague idea that there were protesters just stopping Jews from worshipping. The only context missing is that the real estate fair probably isn't for apartments in Tel Aviv. It's probably for West Bank settlements, which are heavily populated by Americans.

CNN surprisingly actually had a more detailed accounting, albeit surrounded by the dominant anti-Palestinian narrative.

Synagogue hosted Israel real estate event

The protest stemmed from an Israel real estate event on Sunday at the Adas Torah synagogue, according to the synagogue’s security director and social media posts from organizers.

The event at the synagogue was organized by My Israel Home, a firm that markets real estate in Israel and West Bank settlements and was advertising on social media. CNN has reached out to My Israel Home for comment.

In one video, two men appear to be wrestling on the ground as others kick at them. Later, one of the men – holding an Israeli flag – appears to have a bloodied face and mouth.

Additional video showed an egg thrown at a pro-Palestinian activist and a man wearing a keffiyeh, a traditional Palestinian scarf, chased and punched on the ground by a man wearing a Jewish yarmulke or kippah.

During many of the altercations, bystanders worked to pull and hold people apart.

CNN and fucking USA Today have been doing quite a bit of actual complete and honest reporting recently.

I have no idea where it came from, but I’ll take it

They even quoted a protester, which shouldn't be an unusual event when covering protests, but here were are.

That’s what I mean. It’s like they are trying to get at an honest presentation of the facts of the story.

It’s fuckin weird from ANY corporate US news outlet but from those two it’s like bizarro world

They’re trying to salve their conscience for their role in the ongoing disaster that is the demented orange rapist. Maybe.

I guess they are likely getting feedback that boomers and normies aint accepting the propaganda, so they needed to improve it... truth does have some power still.

But… why? I am honestly baffled as to the business reasons behind the decision. I don’t think people are sick of propaganda. People love propaganda.

But it’s hard for me to say you are wrong, also, simply because like I say I have no idea what the thinking behind it is.

My only guess would be people can get better propaganda elsewhere and the CNN propaganda was supposed to fly under the radar as coming from a "real" news station. CNN has had various stories about right-biased reporting which actually damages their brand, unlike Fox where the target audience is all in.

People love propaganda ONLY WHEN IT CONFIRMS THEIR BIAS tho

Everyday when I wash the dishes I ask my google home to give me the news, it goes CBC to CNN to PBS and those very mainstream sources have been pretty decent in communicating how high the death toll for Palestinians have been and how dire the situation there is.

Despite being in Israel and obviously suffering from that inherent bias, the Times of Israel actually does some pretty solid reporting overall.

What a fucked up headline. Was he there? No. Was it in DC? No. Perhaps he’s giving a speech nearb- No.

Could the governor be quote-appalled-unquote? Apparently not. Could the mayor be quote-appalled-unquote? The police chief, the rabbis, or possibly anyone at all on god’s green fucking earth be quote-appalled-unquote except Joe Biden for this headline?

AP sez: “No. We’re attaching Joe to this because we can, and any further inference your own mind declares is not our responsibility. Just because we’re hoping to juice the horserace a little, for the roughly $50 million worth of clicks we want. Uh, don’t quote-unquote us on that.”

But strangely NOT appalled by genocide.

Or selling off illegally settled real estate out of a synagogue…

Per Nicholas Kristoff's reporting in the NYT, Biden's been an advocate for Israel murdering as many children as possible going back to their invasion of Lebanon in the Reagan administration. The only issue he's never flip-flopped on is murdering children.

And the only other option, trump? Genocide too, you say?

Who do we choose then, oh sage? If someone doesn't getting to 270 Congress appoints trump as per their power under the constitution.

Sorry, I didn't mean to do a doubleplus ungood by saying something true about Dear Leader. We should support anything he does because Emmanual Goldstein.

the city’s mayor, who called for more police patrols.

You don't need more police patrols, this was a protest with insufficient police staffing, not a random event the police would need to stumble upon. Somehow even with planned events the police knew about and were already present at, mayor's answer is just more police wandering around.

All things considered it’s probably the least of the bad options