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Joined 2 weeks ago

U ain't wrong...

While info is useful, it ain't worth breaking opsec for it

don't invalidate the bigotry that I've experienced and others have experienced

jfc... yes let's make this about you now...

You really sound like you're coming from a place of privilege here.

Is this privilege in the room with us right now? Did dad finally come home with that pack of cigs?

Just uses the one that works best for you.

They are about the same, ie good.

Your girlfriend is an immature child and manipulative.

You can't make somebody like that happy. It won't get better either. You can try reason with her but maturity issue will prevent her from out growing it.

She will need a few more boyfriends if she is ever to to learn why this clown behavior is no good.

I am shilling for Palestians

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I gave you a positive statement and you keep trying to turn into something it is not... by inverting the statement. This is a logic fallacy FYI

How many jews died today in the US?

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My understanding is that if you going through customs they can do it in any jurisdiction... but you are right US is extra degenerate in its application of this law because it covers 80% of population lol since we all live 100 miles from border or airport


Exactly, I am shilling for Palestians since they are the ones who really need it now.

All this circle jerk is waste of energy.

My opinion, nothing more tho people can make their own choices and set their own priorities.

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Prejudice is real, antisemitism is just a small subset of that also... within US we have other groups of people who are face a lot more of it vis a vis domestic jewish population

But all we hear since Oct 7, is about this specific issue...

It is dilatory and it is bad faith behavior by the media cartel.

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I don't have issue with vertical integration per se esp in aviation industry but let's be real Boeing under current leadership will abuse monopoly power. This is who they are! They have show in 69 times already lol

Yes let's consolidate a corrupt industry even further!!!

Pinky promises prices will go down, plebs!

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If you want to know how windows behaves check out this app:

The amount of hard to explaining pinging that is going on will hurt your brain but you will notice that every time click start or search OR SETTINGS

This bitch is furiously pinging Sundar the creep lol

Your choice people...

Comparing what china is doing as a UN security counsel member with some black guy in NYC knocking an asian granny is a bit disingenuous... similar to what is happening with Israel and "antisemitism" fake news campaign.

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There is a time and place for everything... flooding news with "antisemitism" on the rise is a dilatory operation for the benefit of the genocide conducted by Israel.

Bad faith behavior should not be rewarded and should be called out for it is.

With that being said, no person should have to suffer bullshit but we all do, every day. Nothing special about being Jewish there unless you think that a jewish person within US suffers more prejudice than others.

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Yeah but he is on "our team" though!

People can't spot corpo propaganda, a lot of educating to be done.

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Before Oct 7, people gave Israel a lot of deference which is getting impossible to do short of being a Zionist or acolyte.

Boomers hopped on cable teevee still larping it up too but otherwise who can support this savage behavior esp person living under "rules based world order" we get shoved our asses every day to "cope"

Treating people with dignity and respect creates a functional society...

Doing the opposite ...

Until we start naming people who are doing this nothing will change but NPC normies worship their dear daddies

you would be lucky if they don't sell that shit to data brokers...

"simps for big titties asians" is valuable data point for data brokers selling to shiti ad companies

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My understanding is using hot chicks to market to Becky's actually works

Unlike using "hot" men to market to men

Men don't judge each other on look per we but rather based on their "idea of musculanity"

People for 1st and 2nd amendment purposes

Legal persons for tax and criminal law purposes!

every power structure is the same*

aka an extractive regime

Talk about toxic culture ...

How we treat sex worker and other types of people who are less privileged is what the society really is.

Also, how Catholic clergy abuse got handled.

I know people need their copes but this behavior has consequences.

Everybody so alpha to chimp out a like poor abused young woman who is forced into prostitution.

But the alphas tuck their dicks, do some vague lip service about Catholic church and then hack to spazzing about these whores.

This is what a Clown society looks like folks!

Cute of you to assume laws esp criminal law apply to these people.

nothing is free! hence why we must labour to make him rich!

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Urban malls seem to be doing mostly fine. Its mostly suburban once that are flopping. Selection is trash

“I’m trying to think of a polite word to describe the experience, but it has been just chaotic and inefficient,” said Dr. Andrea Brault, the head of the Emergency Department Practice Management Association, a physicians’ trade group. “It’s a costly, lengthy process.”

Insurers, however, charged that big physician groups — some of them owned by private equity investors — are trying to manipulate the process to squeeze out higher payments. “A small but significant number of bad actors” have flooded the system with cases “as a way to maximize revenue,” said Kelly Parsons, a spokesperson for the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association. “Should this trend continue, health care costs are likely to rise unnecessarily.”

Health insurance battling PE owned doctors over who gets to milk us.

Well u see your employer reserves the right to always be right!

That's the benefit of being "leadership"

Do Germans also get shiti pizza parties at work instead of proper comp?

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Rent seekers... Jfc

Sign you up for a goy slop subscription.

You know capitalist pigs love recurring revenue!!! Plus feeding you poison makes you sick! Win win

Is this capitalism in the room with us right now?

Not sure how this is relavent here considering most of them are owned by the same holding and their goal is to ensure engagement with their shite platform.

But sure let's just start out by shitting on the user base

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Internet will wipe a lot of smaller cultures outright over next few generations it seems.

Everything so homogenized but if you don't keep up, you lose on the benefits of global online community and trends

Germans still have not come to terms that Merkel Geo politics was completed failiture and huge contributor to the detoriating security situation in Europe.

It took a year into the war for Germany to finally step and provide proper backing to the afford to march its size and economic role in Europe.

All of this despite being warned and advised the key allies these choices were not good for the alliance.

Many people took notice of Germany's bevhaior, actions have consequences. Esp when the blundering party was acting so smug about it.

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How is waffen-IDF not on the list?

Ain't that their main money driver now?

Are you denying these operations happen?

bureaucracy in action.

That excuse is getting tiring. In tejas, we call that corruption while not malicious this behavior for profit results in the same outcome.

German elites and industrial producers were driving policy at expense of their allies and esp fucked Ukraine here.

Also, bureaucracy inherently ain't a bad thing, shit needs admin. Captured bureaucracy working on behalf of interest groups is criminal but yet here we are.

There is wisdom in this one haha

Cast iron skillet... Lodge

There are many products like that but I agree with over all sentiment. Most shit ain't right.

However, we as customers also have choices, considering this was posted within this comment section:

Gotham Steel pans. They work decent the first couple times but I found the non-stick part of it wore down real quick

Why are people buying something like this?