3 Post – 515 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

"Why don't you buy Apple products?"

Me: Gestures broadly at this:

Ever the innovators, Apple introduced a new dimension to repair that our scorecard simply didn’t account for: namely, that you could take a highly repairable design like the iPhone 14, install a genuine Apple replacement screen or battery, and then… it fails to work. Following the correct procedure was no longer enough.

Today, you need one more thing: a software handshake, using Apple’s System Configuration tool. It contacts Apple’s servers to “authenticate” the repair, then “pairs” the new part to your system so it works as expected. Of course, it can only authenticate if Apple knows about your repair in advance, because you gave them the exact serial number of your iPhone, and they’ve pre-matched it to a display or battery. This is only possible if you buy the screen or battery directly from Apple. Forget harvesting parts—which is a huge part of most independent repair and recycling businesses. It’s also impossible to pair any aftermarket parts—which means only Apple-authorized repairs can truly restore the device to full functionality.

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Archuleta himself, though, has a history of anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric. He previously blamed LGBTQ+ individuals for the Club Q shooting and said that queer people are “groomers” – or child sex abusers – a negative stereotype that has been used to justify hatred and discrimination.


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42 Dems voted for this nonsense.

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I've defended in the past when people have blamed the entire instance for the actions of a solitary, overzealous moderator, but this genuinely concerns me:

This must have been action taken at the instance admin level, considering all those communities have different moderators.

Is there any way to probe the modlog to see which account it was?

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Important context: the synagogue in question was holding a real estate sale for land allegedly stolen from Palestinians in the West Bank.

Poster of Illegal real estate sale

Screencap of property being sold

This protest was not against Jews praying at a synagogue. This protest was not antisemitic. This was a protest against the ethnic cleansing of the West Bank and against settlements that Biden's own administration considers illegal.

But I suppose the AP doesn't consider that relevant information.

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And yet again we have congress members clapping like trained seals to debunked Israel propaganda and the characterization of anti-war protesters being in favor of the killing of civilians.

"My friends, defeating our brutal enemies requires courage and clarity. Clarity begins by knowing the difference between good an evil. Yet, incredibly, many anti-Israel protesters choose to stand with evil. They stand with Hamas. They stand with rapists and murderers. They stand with people who came into the kibbutzim -- into a home -- the parents hid the children, the two babies, in a secret attic. They murdered the families -- the parents. They found the secret attic and then they murdered the babies. These protesters stand with them; they should be ashamed of themselves."

*Thunderous applause, standing ovation

This is 2003 Iraq War levels of state-approved disinformation. I feel nauseated.

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Hi-resolution audio, especially for streaming. The general idea is that listening to digital audio files that have a greater bit depth and sample rate than CD (24-bit/192Khz vs 16-bit/44.1 KHz) translates to better-sounding audio, but in practice that isn't the case.

For a detailed breakdown as to why, there's a great explanation here. But in summary, the format for CDs was so chosen because it covers enough depth and range to cover the full spectrum of human hearing.

So while "hi-res" audio does contain a lot more information (which, incidentally, means it uses up significantly more data/storage space and costs more money), our ears aren't capable of hearing it in the first place. Certain people may try to argue otherwise based on their own subjective experience, but to that I say "the placebo effect is a helluva drug."

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“I don’t hate these people, man,” Yarbrough said.

Oh, but you do, buddy. You do.

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“You have your tax dollars being given in grants to things like the Fringe Festival, which is like a sexual festival where they’re doing all this stuff,” DeSantis said during a Thursday press conference, according to the Tampa Bay Times.

Hmm, I wonder what kinds of "sexual stuff" he's referring to.

the Tampa Bay Times reports that the governor’s spokespeople did not respond to questions about specific events he found objectionable.


Florida Rep. Anna Eskamani (D), who attended this year’s Orlando Fringe festival, told the Times that she saw nothing “sexual” at the festival.

“It does feature drag queens and other forms of artistic expression that DeSantis has wanted to censor despite courts telling him otherwise!” Eskamani said.

So a man dressing in women's clothes is an inherently sexual act, according to these sexually repressed freaks.

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It's funny that this article doesn't mention the one company that pretty much single handedly created the need for this legislation in the first place.

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I prefer the original version with the Rupert Murdoch allusion.

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Why are we giving this odious little twerp the oxygen of publicity?

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For those who aren't aware, this bill aims to effectively enshrine into law the IHRA definition of antisemitism, which has been a controversial doctrine since its inception because critics say it unnecessarily curtails freedom of speech.

Hell, even the Zionist Anti-Defamation League say on their website that the IHRA definition is a guideline that should not be codified into law because it could be used to infringe the First Amendment:

ADL does not support the adoption and application of the IHRA Definition in a manner that would create new categories of legally prohibited speech that are subjected to either civil or criminal penalties – something we believe the First Amendment and principles of free speech would prevent.

This bill does very little that existing legislation does not already except have a chilling effect on freedom of speech on university campuses, and the fact that it got such widespread support from both Democrats and Republicans in the House is an absolute farce.

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And LosslessCut is a ffmpeg frontend, so that checks out.

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That's how it goes all too often with these settlements, sadly. Remember when Fox News got to settle with Dominion over the fact that they knowingly pushed election fraud claims that they privately knew to be false? They just paid their fine and went right back to business as usual.

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I was also banned from and had comments removed for "Re-enforcing neo-liberal cultural hegemony" and "Believes in objectivity in media lmao".

My offense? Saying that a report sourced solely from an eye-witness account via Al-Jazeera regarding another massacre of civilians and aid workers in Gaza needed to be corroborated by further evidence before we regard it as hard fact. The irony is I'm very much pro-Palestinan.

According to the mods, however, that apparently means I have to throw all media literacy out of the window and blindly accept any anti-Israel claims without question.

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Because he is the owner of the very platform that helped to stir up the recent neofascist riots in the UK that led to POC being attacked and terrorized and properties looted and burned. His tweets are seen by millions of people, and greatly contribute towards online extremism and polarization.

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Free market capitalism is inherently about generating wealth for primary stakeholders but externalizing the social and environmental costs. It's basically how the entire system works.

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In a word: Proton.

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I used to be a fan of it, but in the past couple of years I've seen MBFC rate sources as "highly credible" that are anything but, particularly on issues involving geopolitics. That, plus the inherent unreliability of attempting to fix an entire news outlet to a single point on a simple Left <-> Right spectrum, has rendered it pretty useless, in my opinion.

There days I'm much more of the opinion that it's best to read a variety of sources, both mainstream and independent, and consider factors like

  1. is this information well-sourced?
  2. is there any obvious missing context?
  3. is this information up to date?
  4. what are the likely ideological biases of this writer or publication?
  5. What is the quality of the evidence provided to support the claims made in the article?

And so on. It's much better this way than outsourcing your critical thinking to a third party who may be using a flawed methodology.

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Most ultra-orthodox Jews are actually anti-zionists. It's not uncommon to see them joining pro-palestine peace protests.

Within Israel they are a minority, and their broadly anti-war stance combined with their dependence on the state for financial support (most of the men are unemployed) have made them quite unpopular in the eyes of the general population.

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It's probably worth mentioning that an "arranged marriage" can mean anything from when two families agree to marry off their children without their children's consent, to when families play match-maker and set their children up on dates but their children get the final say.

In India, for example, you get both, with the former being more common in conservative, rural areas and the latter more common in urban and middle-class areas. So it's not a one-size-fits-all situation.

As to why it persists? Practicality, I suppose. If you want to get married, it helps if you filter out all the people who aren't serious about settling down. Plus it's not like love marriages have a superb success rate, given how common divorce is nowadays.

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  • requires a fair bit of post-installation configuration (suboptimal OOTB experience for newbies)
  • Uses btrfs by default but comes with no snapshots or GUI manager pre-configured for system restore
  • Less software availability compared to Ubuntu or Mint
  • More likely to break than Ubuntu or Mint
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MRW I've been comparing US politics to WWE for years

Well there it is Jeff Goldblum meme

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Smacking a muslim woman protesting a genocide on the head with a WE LOVE JOE sign is a very specific type of irony.

This isn't a new phenomenon. Netanyahu was already deeply unpopular before October 7th and large scale protests have happened before.

However, it's important to note that these are not anti-war protests. Most Israelis still support the military action in Gaza; They're just protesting the fact that Netanyahu hasn't done a good enough job of bringing the hostages home.

Hoo boy, I can't wait to see how the State Department try to spin this one.

Edit: who am I kidding? It will be "Israel has admitted this was a mistake and we believe they remain committed to minimizing civilian casualties".

Edit2: Ah, no. Turns out they instead played the "We are waiting for the results of Israel's investigation into its own actions" card. Was a 50/50 chance.

Immediately after October 7th, there were various sensational and outlandish claims made by Israeli officials that babies were beheaded, put into ovens, murdered in their nurseries, and generally singled out and made to suffer with intentional violence. Since then, no evidence whatsoever has been provided to substantiate these claims and the majority of them have been dropped completely.

UN records indicate that one baby did actually die along with her family after Hamas fighters opened fire into a safe room in Kibbutz Be'eri (page 10), but there were no recorded cases where multiple babies were intentionally targeted and killed in the way that Netanyahu describes.

None of this is to diminish the atrocities that were committed on October 7th, but it is telling that Israel and Netanyahu in particular seem dead set on making the events on that day seem as barbaric as possible in order to somehow justify the large-scale massacring of men, women, and children that is happening in Gaza.

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Lol talk about a rhetorical question. Israel just assassinated the political head of Hamas. This should serve as proof that that any talk of a deal or a ceasefire over the past six months has been a sham. This means months or even years of war and thousands of more deaths, which is what Netanyahu wanted all along, while the US argues weakly in support of Israel's "right to defend itself".

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Meh, who cares about performance benchmarks for phones?

I'm much more interested to see how power efficient Tensor 4 is, and whether or not they've fixed the connectivity issues.

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Democrats have nobody to blame but themselves. They stayed mum for three and half years and now they’re reaping the whirlwind.


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CNN: US releases $3.5 billion to Israel to spend on US weapons and military equipment

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That's quite uncharitable. We don't know anything about the woman, much less that she thought school shootings elsewhere were "fine".

It's pretty normal for people to mentally compartmentalize these types of shocking incidents as "things that happen in other places" rather than their own local community.

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Or the EMF generators they carry around with them in their pockets, A.K.A their phones.

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It's acceptable in the following contexts:

  • In a comic
  • In content designed for children

That's pretty much it.

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Except this "series of unfortunate events" appears to be entirely self-inflicted.

We're not talking about a couple of hobbyists making YT videos in their spare time; LTT/LMG are by this point a huge media content factory whose unrelenting drive to produce the next hot slice of monetized infotainment means they are making constant (and often quite large) errors and not giving these products the time and attention required to assess them properly.

If you have the time, Gamer Nexus' initial video critique where they matter-of-factly listed all the reasons why LTT need to seriously reevaluate how they do business is a very interesting watch.

Edit: wow, it seems to have finally sunk in - LTT posted this video not two hours after I posted my comment.

(Piped link because apparently the apology video is monetized 😑) :

Western aid workers, most importantly.

Over 100 aid workers have been killed since last October, but the others weren't nearly as newsworthy due to being of Arab descent.

In circumstances eerily similar to the recent drone strikes on WCK, aid workers and medical staff working with Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders) were bombed and killed by Israeli forces even though they had notified the IDF of their location, and their convoy was fired upon as they tried to evacuate workers and their families from northern Gaza.

Don't forget digital music stores like Qobuz and

Artists get more money when you buy their music outright instead of stream it.

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I personally don't see the Fedora team breaking away from Gnome just yet, but he makes some good points.

Starting in 2025, KDE Plasma’s release cycle switches to a semi-annual cadence that lines up with Fedora Linux releases, enabling a tight interlock of development and integration between Fedora and KDE.

This is the key change that might make such a move viable, imo. One of the key benefits of Gnome to point release distros, and Fedora in particular, is the predictable 6-month release cycle. If KDE achieve the same, then it will make the proposition a lot more attractive.