
4 Post – 204 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Most of Israel's trading partners are Nato or Nato aligned. They can't sanction Israel because they will be sanctioned in turn by the US.

I meant the US can't be trusted. It doesn't matter what they can or can't do. Cooperating with China over anything is out. The policy is to demonise them at every opportunity.

Moon rocks, shouldn't be affected by politics but they clearly are. The US politicises everything. I wouldn't trust them either.

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This is exactly what Israel wants


What could go wrong?

Would America just release tourists who broke their laws?

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The average mass murderer is a rank amateur compared to Netanyahu

The whole world new the Israel was bombing indiscriminately, and the whole was watching America and Biden's response, and the whole world saw America plummet to a whole new low in its geopolitical shenanigans.

They are not supposed to survive.

Regards, Benjamin Netanyahu.

He just wants to kill them all

They were told to leave their homes and go to the city Centre. Then the city Centre was bombed.

The media were given a curated tour of the things the IDF want the outside world to believe.


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The US and Israel are losing the propaganda war, they need a name for it's news outlets to focus on and vilify. They know from experience that promoting hatred for one figurehead will stoke hatred for all Palestinians

At least in China they get busted instead of bailed out

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Unless, of course, your plan is to draw Iran into a wider war. Which is what both Israel and the neocons have been gagging for, for years

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No they are not they use it for drug trafficking and murder cases. That doesn't mean I approve of it, I deplore it.

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The Eurovision Song Contest is an incredibly easy thing to boycott

It's not meant to be sufficient, it is meant to make Biden look like he's doing something other than merely prolonging the slaughter by sending arms to Israel.

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They are voting for things based on lies and disinformation from unscrupulous politicians and their gofers and propagated by devious and opaque algorithms.

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Fat lot of good that will do.

It's like Biden thought, "what can we do that will makes us look like we are doing something, but will have absolutely no impact at all. "

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America is a basket case but the UK isn't much better. Both would rather criticise and shout at others rather than address their own problems.

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U.S. Intelligence Says

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Maybe the US should make as much effort to deter Israel from obliterating Gaza. The hypocrisy is breathtaking

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The US has been pumping out anti- Iranian propaganda for the last two 45 years

FTFY. The islamic revolution was 1979

In other news Texas bans water mandatory breaks

We’re not shaming anyone for voting for genocide. We’re shaming you for helping usher in an American Dictatorship

The choice between Genocide Joe and a fluorescent narcissist gangster, what a great democracy, eh?

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Having seen the heartbreaking destruction (as well as illegal logging) of ancient rainforest in Malaysia to make way for palm oil plantations, this can only be a good thing.

Corporate media decides whether the attention is negative or positive.

For myself, I don't approve of vandalism but I fully understand their rage

Well it is an arrangement between Pakistan and Iran. It has nothing to do with the US so they can go fuck themselves.

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US officials had been hoping Washington could avoid use of its veto

Why? In the hope that it wouldn't look like it is complicit in genocide? Too late for that.

Most propaganda isn't designed to fool the critical thinker, it is designed to give moral cowards a reason not to think.

Officials running the Pentagon and State Department have been in overdrive for more than 250 days in support of Israel’s ongoing slaughter of Palestinian civilians in Gaza. Supposedly dedicated to defense and diplomacy, those officials have worked to implement and disguise Washington’s war policies, which have taken more lives than any other government in this century.

Clear air turbulence is why you should always keep your seat belt fastened when seated.

Of course for Biden to admit that it is genocide would be to admit that that he is complicit in genocide. But whether it is called genocide or merely the indiscrimate slaughter of thousands of innocent people, he is still guilty as fuck.

Because Israel won't let any one in

The article says absolutely nothing about what Putin said

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They are always on the side of protestors in countries where they don't like the elected government. They even fund them through the NED

And then bomb the camp

That's because the Telegraph is a very right wing rag

War mongers want more weapons