US announces visa bans for Israeli ‘extremist settlers’ in West Bank to World – 203 points –
US announces visa bans for Israeli ‘extremist settlers’ in West Bank

The Biden administration announced Tuesday it will implement visa bans on Israelis viewed as “extremist settlers” in the West Bank. The policy move follows President Biden’s warning last mont…


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Fat lot of good that will do.

It's like Biden thought, "what can we do that will makes us look like we are doing something, but will have absolutely no impact at all. "

Oh you mean like "nothing will fundamentally change"? Classic!

While still sending that military "help" to Israel, who desperately need more rockets so that they can bomb even more AI- picked targets. Like Israel bombed more than 20K targets. I have a really hard time believing that there are so many legitimate military targets in Gaza.

Yeah, that's been the democratic platform ever since the Clinton administration.