59 Post – 1004 Comments
Joined 13 months ago

How did you configure the RethinkDNS. I tried it but I don't know how to configure the DNS not to block all my internet traffic.

Actually France is doing pretty well IT-wise, but the majority of the countries in Europe are greatly lagging in IT development and digitalization.

This looks like a pretty fun game to play. I will give it a try.

Yes, I was thinking in the same direction but for me it is important for my banking app to work and don't want to do some hacky way to trick it.

Yes, the provider is having very good coverage. Is it possible that the SIM card reader has bad contact with the SIM card and because of that to have issues with the coverage?

If you know what RAM is, and you bought an 8GB Mac in the last 10-years, then you are likely self-aware of your limited demands and/or made an informed compromise.

Or you simply refuse to pay $200+ to get a proper machine. Like seriously, 8GB Mac's should have disappeared long ago, but nope, Apple stick to them with their planned obsolescence tactics on their hardware, and stubbornly refusing to admit that in 2023 releasing a MacBook with soldered 8Gb of RAM is wholy inadequate.

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If you are behind CGNAT and use some tunnel (Wireguard, Tailscale, etc.) to access your services which are running on Docker containers, the attack vector is almost not existing.

Just changing the SSH port to non standard port would greatly reduce that risk. Disable root login and password login, use VLANs and containers whenever possible, update your services regularly and you will be mostly fine

Damn, imagine working in the marketing department of Boeing.

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We and our 1314 technology partners ask you to consent to the use of cookies to store and access personal data on your device.

Damn, and no.

It comes just days after Musk announced plans to cut more than 10% of its global workforce.

In a memo issued to staff Musk said there was nothing he hated more, "but it must be done".

I am speechless, are his employees and shareholders buying this ****?

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Back then I read an article about how M$ is crippling the ability of other office packets to read their docx and xslx formats which are supposed to be open formats, but in reality are written in a way never to be fully integrated by competing products. More information about their pseudo open standard:

Munich in the past have used Linux PCs for quite some time until eventually switching back to windows. Back then they were citing the same incompatibilities to open and read and display M$ office files correctly. So Microsoft is definitely abusing their position as a market leader and trying to cripple competition as much as they can.

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Apples was and is still extremely anti-competitive and anti-consumers oriented.

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How many more civilians need to die for the Western democracies to start openly condemning Israel. This is making me so sick. And it shows the double standards that we have.

And I am tired of hearing that Israel has the right to defend themselves, this doesn't give them the right to cause humanitarian catastrophe, displace hundreds of thousands and kill a disproportionate number of people.

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This eerily reminds of books burning.

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Don't forget the "Hyperloop" in Las Vegas, which is just a tunnel where Teslas are driving people around. IMO that's the stupidest and the least efficient use of this tunnel.

The cars are not even self-driving, and mind you this is a closed system and easier to implement self-driving. So far with his self-driving copium, and robo taxis bullshit.

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And this doesn't have anything to do with sky high rents, youth unemployment, low wages, etc. right? It also doesn't help that prices in the bars here after Covid grew by 20-30%. Beer used to be 3-3.5, now it is 4.5-5. Coffee shops saw similar price hikes. Groceries as well.

Seriously, being young now sucks big time. Especially if you are not one of the few who happen to have rich parents.

Here you can't get your own place unless the rent is no more than 0.33 times your own salary. And guess what, rents have been steadily increasing in the last years (decades) and less young people can rent their own places.

So they are now faced with the following dilemma, whether they should go live with roommates and spend a big chunk of their salaries still on rent or live with their parents and have a bit more disposable income at the end of the month.

So instead you are cheering when civilians on the other side are being killed. Great logic. I hope you feel morally superior and can sleep better at night.

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This whole Horizon IT scandal is so dystopian and I am to this date amazed they didn't sue the shit out of their management.

Imagine how many people were wrongly convicted just because your software was shitty and buggy. How many lives have been ruined?

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What a huge waste in times where we have global warming and urgently need to cut our carbon footprint a bunch of greedy people are living like there is no tomorrow.

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3878 Cybertrucks were produced from November to April, that doesn't bode well for Tesla. Are there any recent numbers of the reservation holders for this abomination? I am curious to know how many have canceled their reservations.

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To be honest I don't know anyone in Europe using iMessages. We are using Viber, WhatsApp, Messenger, Signal, Telegram, Threema, etc. and none of those options are iOS or Android exclusive.

iMessage is a typical American thing which, we Europeans, have a really hard time comprehending what is the obsession with it.

And we also have a much bigger Android market share, so it would be stupid for iOS users to use some messaging app, that would be iOS exclusive.

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I think the fact is that most Linux users have a more technical background and work in the tech/IT sector. They know that filling a bug report requires a clear explanation of the problem, and steps to reproduce it, hence the greater quality of their reports.

But still makes me happy that even though Linux has a small market share, game devs actually start caring more for them. And a lot of this is also thanks to Steam, I don't think we would be here without their relentless work to make this happen and the Deck.

They do have a plan, but it doesn't include finding a peaceful solution and a path to long standing peace.

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I guess this is Nvidia's reaction to projects like ZLUDA.

And that's a textbook case why monopolies are bad for pretty much everyone except the shareholders of that monopolistic company.

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What I struggle with the most is how the West just shrugged shoulders when Israel hit embassies in foreign countries.

If this has happened in any other country/embassy the international outcry would have been much bigger. Those double standards which we apply to international politics are despicable. And this also creates a sense of impunity in Israel and we all see what that leads to.

How can you preach morale when you yourself are wicked?

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In total, since 2005, only 3% of investigation files opened following ideologically motivated offenses Israelis committed against Palestinians in the West Bank led to convictions.


Let that sink in!

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Tell me you know nothing about coding without telling me

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Didn't China also recently introduce a limit of hours adolescents can game?

The world would be a better place without those transactions in my opinion. It might sound extreme but in my view this is the first step towards gambling addiction.

We as humanity are becoming really obsessed with everything digital instead of spending more time physically interacting with our peers. And unfortunately I am no exception.

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Point is that if this had happened anywhere outside Israel and the remark would be towards Israel, there would have been a huge outcry, and this guy would have been arrested, but now I am not even sure he will be removed from the government or returned silently after some time.

Justice for me but not for thee.

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You guys are hating on Android, but the reality is that I will pick Android any day.

At least with Android I have the freedom to install custom OS versions, change the default browser, sideload apps and to be honest I find Apple's anti-consumer practices appalling, not to mention their very questionable legacy, etc.

On my Android I have changed the default browser to Firefox nightly and loaded the libredirect and I am enjoying a lot of sideloaded apps, including Newpipe and it is running beautifully. I personally find Android a lot more powerful and customizable.

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The conspiratorial me is having a hard time believing that Israel's intelligence was kind of unaware that something big was brewing up.

In times like this people are getting united in their grief. Like this Netanyahu would get a green card to conduct a large scale military operation in Gaza, which of course would lead to even more civilian casualties and suffering, he will probably introduce some new legislation, giving him even greater rights to govern and escape justice and probably introducing even more restrictions in the area, which logically would only increase the tension.

I highly doubt that anything good will come out of this situation and that's really sad.

Yes, the whole idea of countries being able to veto UN resolutions are leading to exactly this, Russia vetoing all resolutions condemning their aggression in Ukraine and the US vetoing all resolutions concerning Israel.

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And unfortunately the world is doing nothing to stop them achieving their goal. No sanctions, no political isolation, no international outcry.

It just comes to prove how wicked international politics is and clearly showing the double standards there, where our allies are good no matter what they do. And believe me, if something like this was happening in Russia, China the reaction of the West would have been completely different. And no, I am not defending any of the sides for their wrongdoings, I am just triggered by the hypocrisy.

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Humanity would not prevail.

Their current stance of the Israeli government is that there is no such thing as a humanitarian crisis, the UN is presenting a false picture of the situation in Gaza and that the civilian casualty numbers are severely exaggerated.

Despite them restricting food, water, electricity and fuel and even blocking on purpose humanitarian aid to the enclave.

Despite their indiscriminate bombing, flattening out complete neighbourhoods.

Despite them hitting targets south of the line the IDF suggested civilians to go.

Refusing to admit your own mistakes or wrongdoings is the first step towards dictatorship even though some might argue that they are already one.

And let's not forget that the UN was the institution that ratified the creation of this whole country. Oh the turntables!

I think we should get a blind match dating app, where we emphasize on the content and not on the visuals. You just add some information about what kind of a person you are, what you are looking for, etc. and after you match and exchange some messages, you can open the pictures.

But dating apps are turning into those cheap e-commerce sites where everyone judges the items by the packaging and no one actually cares about the content. And mind you in a lot of cases the pictures of the packaging are highly exaggerated or from a couple of years, from better times. And you know, no matter how shiny this package is, there would be a day you will need to throw it in the trash and you will need to decide whether to throw the product along or only the package.

Excuse my metaphors.

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It is amazing how many companies rely on ffmpeg and built their businesses around it.

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Hmmm, this didn't age well, I guess.

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While at the same time they forbid AI generated answers on their website, oh the turntables.

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