2 Post – 925 Comments
Joined 8 months ago

Guys, this is what success for the working class looks like.

If the ruling class is upset, it's because we're doing something right.

If they're content, it's because they're fucking us up the ass with no lube or reach-around.

They literally want us to roll over and just take it. And some of us are proud to. Glad that number is rapidly diminishing, though.

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We can start by stopping aid to Israel. They have enough wealth to fund their own genocides.

They have a fucking Intel fab.

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No joke, I'd be way more willing to pay for stuff if business were open about their expenses.

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Client-side anti-cheat has always been a scam to offload server processing onto client machines.

This results in worse cheat detection and wastes client resources, but companies like EA can spend less on servers.

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I mean, we learned all about citing and sources in 8th grade social studies.

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I mean, the solution isn't to just say the other guy is bad.

It's to run someone who is good.

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Sideloading is one of the greatest things we have.

I'm so glad we have it. It almost feels like power and control from a bygone age.

Of course this guy whose net worth is >$100m will be telling us not to use it.

Fuck him.

"As always, the paying user has the worst experience."

So true.

At some point, communities and social circles need to be able to moderate themselves.

Disseminating nudes of peers should be grounds for ostracizing, but it really depends on the quality of people around you.

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I mean, old people die.

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I wonder why this is.

Perhaps it's because they're NB. Perhaps it's because they support policies that might upset the status quo (cartels making as much money as possible and killing anyone who opposes them without repercussion.)

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Israel can take it from their ruling class.

Israel has an intel fab, just to highlight how wealthy the nation is.

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That's the point.

Expect things to continue to get worse as long as most people believe the disparity in wealth should continue to grow.

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There is a slight difference when we're talking about trans people.

I'd wager they would allow a man to play a woman's role and vice versa. I think this is purely the anti-trans agenda taking hold.

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What a shitty tagline. What have I been doing these past few years, lol?

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Wow, Unions work.

I guess this is why the ruling class and useful idiots are so against them.

It's really accurate, though.

Most texans believe texas is the greatest place on earth while never having even left their state. That's how delusional they are.

Wait, he pushed her. That counts as assault. He put his hands on her first.

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"Trust us bro."

"We've never lied to you before."

"Especially about the Middle East."

What is it the US said when they implemented the surveillance act? "Nothing to hide, nothing to fear?"

Well, they're hiding something. So I guess they have something to fear. Might be the truth.

The only people who should care about apple's "happiness" are those who are invested in it.

"Happiness" for a for-profit corporation just means how much they're maximizing profit.

I never tip these days. It's a band-aid solution that needs to end.

When tipping, either the customer is getting fucked or the employee; never the owner. I choose to fuckover the employee because they'd rather fuck me and lots of them support tipping culture saying "they make more in tips."

Well, good. You can "make more in tips" without me. I guess that way everyone literally wins.

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I mean, as soon as the US decided to withholds its information on the matter we already knew the answer.

Israel is a bunch of lying shitbags. Can't trust them anymore than Russia.

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I want there to be a list of all the broken promises nations have made throughout the years.

There should be a big fat percentage next to each promise that represents how often promises are kept.

"US pledges to reduce carbon emissions by X amount in 10 years! (US has a record of keeping only 5% of its long-term promises.)"

Kind of puts things into perspective for everyone.

And Israel is the only nation with nukes that gets to lie about having them.

Fuck Israel. Fuck zionists.

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Once the sympathy strikes got going, McDonalds folded pretty quickly and decided to start following the hotel and restaurant agreement in 1989.

As fucking usual, the companies could have done this all along. They're just going to give the least, while charging the most.

I don't really trust things coming out of jpost at face value.

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It's sad. There are a lot of capable people in Texas who would be smarter if they had better education.

The education system in Texas was a real wake up call for me after spending most of my time on the East Coast. It's a world of difference.

This is a fantastic movie and everyone should see it in our age of grifters and misinformation.

It should be shown in schools, but it's a little risque sometimes.

I'm sure they can find some other way to be useful to society.

Always sad to see people trying to stifle progress so they can avoid adapting. That's not how work works, lol. You do what society deems useful, and then you get paid. If what you're doing is no longer making you money, then you have to find something else to do.

You work for society. Society doesn't work for you unless you're paying them.

I say Israel is still not justified in bombing hospitals or killing civilians.

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Boots on the ground.

Soldiers should risk their lives to save children.

Or if that's too much to ask, maybe negotiate? Try to talk with the people they've been blockading since 2007. See how they can make gaza less of a shithole so the people there have better things to do than lash out at the people who keep them there.

It'll cost money, but Israel has plenty.

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There needs to be a special needs awareness campaign in the US.

Too many times I've come across people in my adult life who should know better how to address people with special needs and they just don't understand it.

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Must be god punishing them for California again.

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Help them understand by running a candidate that isn't just 'the lesser evil.'

If Trump was so bad, maybe dems should've nominated Bernie instead of the least-electable candidate in the history of the US.

But let's be real. In the eyes of the ruling class, Republicans are great while Democrats are good. It's better they have someone like Trump or Biden in power than someone like Bernie because Bernie fucks with their money.

Trump doesn't. Biden doesn't. That's why nobody cares about american politics anymore. It's all a crapshoot setup by the ruling class to maintain control while making people think they have a voice.

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I never really trust institutions that put money above all else.

Not sure why people think colleges are exempt from scummy behavior. They're a business, not a charity lol.

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Kids are easily influenced, and make mistakes, a lot of them.

And adults aren't? Tired of this nonsense that people reach a certain age and all of a sudden they can tell right from wrong.

Were you one of those kids who couldn't tell right from wrong? I wasn't, and neither were most of my peers. It's a cultural issue, not an age one.

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"It's easier to fool a man than to convince him he'd been fooled."

Crazy how accurate Mark Twain was about the United States even way back then.

Yikes. Funneling money to the ruling class is what got us in this situation.

Funny how they didn't do this for Ukraine.

Guess it shows where their priorities lie. Actions speak louder than words.

Looking forward for when Nazis get the pirate treatment.

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