Jordan airforce shoots down Iranian drones flying over to Israel to World – 145 points –

I am honestly surprised by how Jordan leadership are handling this compared to how Jordan citizens are handling this.

What's happening?

They tried to burn down the embassy last month, a couple militia groups moving through Jordan to attack Israel, etc.

TBH I understand and applaud Jordan officials for trying to reduce harm, as much as it pains me to say it.

Jordan is like the sensible cousin.

They show up to the wedding, have a good time.

Not sure it’s relevant but the Jordanian king is also a Star Trek fan. He was in an episode. My point is he’s a little more modem than some of the previous leaders. I know his wife has ruffled some feathers as well.

Its truly much easier to understand once you realize theyre still a british client kingdom that only exists due to american checks. You dont have health care because Jordan needs to serve as an airstrip and a buffer, else it would be swallowed by syria or saudi arabia.

Jordanian "leadership" are American puppets hosting military bases and using American weapons to oppress their citizens.

There's reason America gave them 1.7 Billion dollars last year. All to protect israel

Egypt is basically the same.

Okay but Egypt isn't exactly doing the USA any favors what with the Houthi situation.

What does Egypt have to do with the Houthis? I thought that was Yemen

Well technically the Houthis were a group of Iranian origin occupying Yemen, but semantics aside:

While tons of western media articles will tell you all about how Egypt economy will suffer from Houthi strikes on cargo ships, Egypt and Saudi Arabia have so far declined to join forces in dealing with the Houthis. I believe at least one official was quoted saying the Gaza situation is a more immediate problem, even after an intercepted Houthi Drone strike towards Israel ended up falling on Egyptian citizens.

To clarify, though, I am not on the side of Egypt or Israel in this conflict, nor the Houthis. Just pointing out Egypt Politics don't align all that well with US interests.

Eh, link there'll blame their diarrhea after taco night on the Biden administration.

Princess Salma in her F-16 shooting down drones is quite a picture for that part of the world.