10 Post – 1484 Comments
Joined 13 months ago

I don't know what Xcode is so yeah, I haven't been found wanting with my 8GB M2. Videos, downloading, web browsing, writing, chat applications, some photo editing, games (what I can actually play on a Mac, anyway), all good here.

16GB+ is obviously going to be necessary though, and not exactly that expensive to put into their base models so it should be put in soon.

A UN court, UN is btw very against Israel

I wonder the fuck why.

"We certainly do not want you to lose access to your games or account"

So why do this? Corporate greed.

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Man who was almost sucked off

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Export or stop making so much (or discount it, or give it away).

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As opposed to what?

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Yours is anecdotal by definition.

Only -231 degrees required, nice.

Is clock speed a thing anymore rather than cores?

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Why is legislation= outlawing to you?

No one is disputing the crime. Providing fake evidence and telling everyone to accept it is nonsense.

Most Americans didn't vote for Trump in the previous two elections.

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You don't know what you're on about and you cannot read.

Yes, let's blame a whole country and genocide them because of Hamas.

Apple did it to apps I bought years ago, Microsoft has done it with Live Arcade games I can no longer redownload, and Nintendo closed their online stores to consoles they stopped supporting. The only store I can think of at the moment which doesn't seem to fuck people is Steam (perhaps Epic but it's too new to cast opinions on).

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No advertising whatsoever; this was a thing on the mobile apps without paying. Nice it looks streamlined and less cluttered too.

I am the same and find that life is enough for me as it is. I'm also on the spectrum so it's easier to not burden myself unnecessarily.

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That's interesting that a thousand "settlers" are rioters but those on Oct 7th are terrorists.

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Or get rid of these titles altogether, they don't serve much of a purpose and I stopped using them a long time ago.

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The rural population of... Where?

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It's making fun of people who think the death penalty shouldn't exist except for...

Either you think we should have it or we shouldn't. Allowing it means it can be used against so-called undesirables.

Only pure death figures which match Auschwitz are actual genocides. Got you.

(Fucking what?) Because that didn't happen. "The" vaccine was multiple different ones, including some made in China and the UK.

Russia did this to Ukrainian kids also.

Well, now you're definitely not going.

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Tu further remarked that the laptop is not great from an environmental standpoint either – recycling its material won't be easy, or cheap.

If they are producing them, this is their job, to make them more sustainable in terms of the hazardous materials used (and the ability to remove them safely), the way in which precious metals are harvested from them (reducing usage of thin layers of them which are inherently difficult to recycle), and for repair and reuse.

Why doesn't this person understand who makes the profit? Sounds like their job also.

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"Thanks to a flaw in a decade-old version of the RoboForm password manager"

Yes, cheers for that.

Thanks, scientists, couldn't have known that without you.

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Well done on completely missing the body of the post and the whole article as you spent more time posting something completely unrelated to the topic.

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Why is it "Steam's"? The article is as bad as the game supposedly is.

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Why do you think so many people bring their gun to the airport?

Is it... Because they're fucking morons?

Capitalism is why we have ruined the environment.

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Based on what? With your garbage posts and nonsense based on nothing but your hatred for Palestinians means very few people give a fuck what you have to say.

But the law isn’t listed in the 33-page candidate requirement guide and there is no space on the petition paperwork to list any former names.

The V1 seems weird to spend so much on when the V2 and OLED exist for the same or less money.

Emulating on a Switch is also an odd choice, it's mainly for pirating current games. For €300 you could find a second hand V1 Deck and emulate Switch games instead.

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At least read the summary in this thread, it's shorter than your very incorrect post.

It does, that's five months, but it may well be because she didn't have access before that point, which is obviously horrific.

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Can but it's still not normal or typical.

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You not knowing how to pronounce something isn't reason enough for it not to exist.

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Perhaps in the US but it's not so pronounced elsewhere. I think I only know one person with an iPhone.

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What about all of the others?