New York City Mayor Eric Adams condemns ‘pure antisemitism’ outside Oct. 7 memorial to World – 27 points –

...blasted those who held up Hezbollah and Hamas flags, both considered terrorist organizations by the United States, as well as protesters who carried a banner saying, “Long live October 7th.” protester said he wished Adolf Hitler “was still here” because “he would’ve wiped all you out.”


“You do not call for peace and then come to a memorial site,”

Fuck off Pepe Frogface. If the Palestinians could have lived in peace none of this would ever have happened.

That in no way excuses people saying they wished Hitler was still around so he could have wiped out all Jews.

Just FYI: Jew and Israeli are not synonyms.

It’s really aggravating and sad that people just don’t have the capacity for anything resembling nuance anymore. And this isn’t even nuance. It’s basic recognition of who is what. There is no difference between anti-genocide people hating Jews and a white person getting robbed by a person of color and turning against the entire race. This is the type of shit that makes me think all hope is lost. We can’t even have a discussion anymore without having to take time to separate out these people and explain to them what’s wrong with their position. And that conversation never goes easy and never gets anywhere. And then the entire movement is derailed. Or taken over by them.

Here's the funny thing. Nobody bothered with nuance when reading my statement. They just took it as a flat out declaration of attack on whatever position they were holding, when in reality it was just a very limited scope statement

but tribalism, blaming out-groups, and simplistic reductive talking points make my lizard brain feel good >:(

Do you see anything in my comment saying anything about Hitler and Jews? I was referencing a specific statement of his. I'd thank you not to put words in my mouth that I didn't state myself.

So your comment had nothing to do with the context in which Adams made that remark, that context being someone calling for Hitler to return and kill the rest of the Jews off?

That's literally why you include quotations of the points of the argument you are addressing......

Yes, you can agree with certain aspects of an affirmation without agreeing with the entirety of the body of work, and vice versa.

Also, I don't particularly trust the mayor of the NYPD to really portray reality free of any biases. It would surprise me if that was ever really said by a real protestor who was there to help the Palestinian cause.

And even if it was, it's kinda dumb to label the whole protest as antisemitic because of the opinions of one person.

More than one. This sounds more like you didn't read the article.

No where in the article did it state more than one person claimed that Hitler should have wiped out all the Jews.....

And even if there were more than one person, that still doesn't make everyone involved In the protest an antisemite.

Kinda hilarious that you are asking people to adopt a nuanced opinion that separates the actions of Jews from the actions of Israel, despite the state of Israel itself conflating the two. But, you aren't able to do the same for antisemitic protestors and protestors trying to stop a genocide.

And even if there were more than one person, that still doesn’t make everyone involved In the protest an antisemite.

So I'm accusing someone of saying something they never said, but it's apparently okay when you do it.

So I'm accusing someone of saying something they never said, but it's apparently okay when you do it.

I mean you substantiated your position several times, unless I was supposed to interpret "More than one. This sounds more like you didn't read the article." as anything other than a tacit agreement with the articles sentiment.

If so, feel free to explain.

I'll explain when you acknowledge you implied I said something I did not say, something you accused me of doing.

Lol, the explanation kinda has a lot to do with determining what you actually meant with your rebuttal.

I took it as defending the premise of the article itself, which was attempting to paint the entire protest as antisemitic in nature.

How else am I supposed to "more than one" other than supporting the article?

I didn't accuse you of conflating antisemitism and pro Palestine until that particular rebuttal.

No, it's in the context of Adams having repeatedly proven himself pro-Israel and pro-genocide. I am not an antisemist. I am anti-extremists (on both sides)

Likewise with Palestinian and Hamas.

People seem to struggle so hard with this but it’s so obvious I have to assume it’s willful ignorance.

Willful for some, but I don't think it is for others. And Israel itself doesn't help because Netanyahu wants people to think this is a war to preserve the Jewish people. The number of Jews in the U.S. is about equal to the number of Jews in Israel. None of them are at threat from Hamas (who, as you said, are not all Palestinians by any means) right now. Not one.

Sadly, both American Jews and American Muslims have to put up with this sort of shit on the regular for probably all of the history of Jews and Muslims being in North America.

I mean that's a straw man argument, op didn't state any opinion on Hitler their affirmation.

I think another thing to keep in mind is that neoliberal news will amplify any behaviour they see that can be interpreted as antisemitism. We already have several examples of things like this being attributed to protestors when in reality it was a counter protestor or agent provokeruer.

I don't think any person who actually cares about preventing a genocide is a supporter of the most well know orchestrator of genocide.

I didn't say that OP stated an opinion about Hitler. Adams stated an opinion in response to someone saying that Hitler should finish the job and OP criticized Adams for it.

and OP criticized Adams for it.

Where? He just pointed out an internal contradiction within a particular statement. Criticizing how someone responds to something is not the same as criticizing that they responded to something.

I condemn pure idiocy from a man who I honestly think is potentially learning disabled and/or suffering from mental health issues. You know it's bad when Curtis Sliwa would have been the MORE sane/intelligent pick for mayor.