1 Post – 129 Comments
Joined 3 months ago

Drink is assault, punch with broken bones is aggravated assault.

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Well I'm not advocating for them both to get the same sentencing. He should obviously get a heavier sentence due to severity. I am however not a fan of excusing violence just because I happen to agree with their cause.

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Ok, now you're the one making extraordinary claims. It's fairly obvious to anybody who stops to think about it that throwing liquids at others is not legal. That she's not getting charged is a case of partiality on the side of the AG, and is why I'm bringing it up as an injustice. I don't care if she's on my side, assault / violence should be a no-no.

Or Batman's more popular because he's a more interesting character. Superman can only experience kryptonite so many times before you start to suspect he never actually left the planet Krypton.

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Buzz Aldrin, punching a flat earther

assault and violence are not the same thing.

If you want to get semantic... from the Britannica

violence, an act of physical force that causes or is intended to cause harm. The damage inflicted by violence may be physical, psychological, or both. Violence may be distinguished from aggression, a more general type of hostile behaviour that may be physical, verbal, or passive in nature.

It's damage to belongings, and psychological.

Secondly, that’s about Arizona law and this happened in New York City.

Are you trying to claim that throwing liquids at somebody you dislike is legal in NY?

I don't even understand what point you're trying to get at. Are you claiming it's fine to just toss random liquids at others? My point is they both broke the law, they both should be impartially judged for it. How and why is that even controversial?

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I live in Norway, who's pretending? Not my fault if you make assumptions.

If he hadn’t assaulted her he might have been able to make her pay his dry cleaning bill.

Yes? I don't quite get the hostility. I'm curious about the legalities, nothing more.

Yeah, it wouldn't be self defense since he wasn't in any danger. Possibly provocation as the other commentor pointed out.

what the story with Lex Luthor is about

I dunno, seems to end with a big fight and / or kryptonite almost as often anyway. Then again, doesn't that kinda undermine your original point?

Thanks, that's the first I've heard of this legal concept.

It may be ... sufficient to justify an acquittal, a mitigated sentence or a conviction for a lesser charge. ... In extremely rare cases, adequate provocation has resulted in the defendant never being charged with a crime. In one famous example

Though in this case, doesn't throwing a drink at somebody in itself constitute an offense of some sort? Could both parties not be prosecuted? I suppose AG bias might come into play then?

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useless in the face of the corruption of the system and the businessmen who abuse their power

You could put any superhero in that situation and have a story. But if it's just a white-collar crime setting, would Supe then be any different from any other Tom Dick or Harry? Is it even a superhero comic at that point? It would be interesting to some, but I can see why the writers wouldn't want to take that risk.

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I feel like there might be a culture gap here. OP hasn't mentioned where he's from, or what his neighborhood is like. I've lived in places where women do NOT want to be alone at any time, and I suspect many of the commentors here have never experienced a place like that.

It might just be an unhealthy relationship, but depending on context, it might be a very reasonable and understandable reaction.

PS - none of this is gaslighting. OP, do you even know what it means?

Edit: Nvm, OP mentioned they live in a safe city in the comments. Proceed with the traditional calls for breakup!

The execs are certainly living up to the crazy portion of the name

IF she threw the liquid at him, and he punched her in retaliation, who's actually in the wrong, legal-wise?

Edit: From the downvotes it seems people think I'm defending the guy. I was not, this was an actual question.

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I think that's kinda the point of the comic...

It has a max speed of 13 kph, that's practically crawling. And she was on a sidewalk. This is just much ado about nothing

Why btd 5 over btd 6?

Coursework can be similarly adapted.


Just picked up Bloons 6, (~$1, 90% off) for those who like tower defense games. Lots of unlockable content and metaprogression, if that's your jam.

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A lot of students do not perform well under exam conditions due to stress and pressure. Also, unless you're entirely eliminating coursework, it doesn't remove the issue.

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The difference is that the settler romans and indigenous population at this point are indistinguishable from each other

So what you're saying is, if one side fully wipes out and/or swallows up the other fully, colonialism is then ok. How is that different from what Israel is currently trying to accomplish? If they succeed, in a century or two somebody would be saying the same thing you are now.

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Colonialism is not a rare event, it happens ALL THE TIME, EVERYWHERE. If you're only finding fault with the ongoing efforts, and giving the rest a pass because they are no longer visible in your day-to-day life, you are effectively saying success justifies it. Otherwise, you're just being arbitrary and inconsistent.

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The point that I and others have made, is that all states in existence today are ultimately founded on colonialism. It's disingenuous to suggest that some are innocent of it. They are not, they merely finished earlier. Given that, why do some states deserve to be dismantled but not others?

If the purpose is to halt the process of colonialism, there are ways to do so that are less drastic and controversial, and more likely to have a net positive result for all parties involved (or happen at all).

They have an inability to admit anything bad happens there

Don't know which Europeans you've been talking to, but I live in Europe and we certainly have a lot of complaints to go around.

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Sweden, which is currently experiencing an outbreak of gum violence, has 62 fatal shootings in 2022. To put that in perspective, adjusted for population, the equivalent would be 2000 shootings in the states.

Actual number of fatal, non-suicide shootings in the states? 20000.

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Getting to space. Fuck Musk, but SpaceX is doing great work.

Oh wow, they picked up Hades. I could see some potential here, if they're getting high quality content instead of the MTX trash.

No, apparently Biden is worse because he didn't do this his 1st day in office. Some people are just never happy.

My point being, go far enough back, and you WILL have found a people or tribe that got wiped out so another group could claim their territory. Where do you (arbitrarily) draw the line?

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I agree, we all need to move back to Africa. All 8 billion of us.

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if they’re using way above their share of bandwidth

Based on the numbers reported in the article, that's a significant chunk of their customers. The ISP was probably reluctant to upgrade their infra like they should have.

Unless you're asserting that none of your ancestors have ever claimed land at the expense of somebody else, you're a colonist.

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This would be news if it were current. At 2 years old it's just clickbait

I'm mostly just annoyed that democracy was sold that cheaply.

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Ooh, ooh, do the nintendo switch next!

There's a lot of irony here considering how so many Japanese companies have a track record of pulling this kind of shit themselves.

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You're perfectly OK with 8000 people worldwide being able to charge you for their meals?

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Have yet to see anybody 'excusing' it. Everybody's just holding their noses and sticking with him because the alternative is convicted felon Trump.

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It's legal to buy fertiliser. But if you buy enough to blow up the twin towers, and hide that purchasing from the authorities, I have a hunch they'd be interested in you.

secondary verification point

Like, running a card sized piece of plastic across a reader?

It'd be nice if they were implementing this to combat credit card fraud or something similar, but that's not how this is being deployed.