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If only he were part of a political party that could execute policy matters without him, as opposed to solely developing and passing legislation and department policy by hand...

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For the people who are actually on the DNC rules committee and run the party, the DNC is their social club they want absolute control of. They only participate in elections to fundraise so that they can run ads and take a cut of the ad spend to fund the party and their own lifestyle. If anything, a Trump dictatorship, as long as it allows fundraising and ad spending in "opposition" actually benefits them just fine. And if there's no possibility of them winning, only the most glassy-eyed cultists remain in the party so no more internal dissent, which is perfect for them.

At this point it has negative votes. The neolibs are literally downvoting reality to try to protect the man who will make them lose to a man they claim will be a dictator if elected. It's truly amazing how they've become Blue MAGA.

Yeah, where was all this "The president can just have you killed without due process!" outrage when Obama had a Denver born 16yo citizen killed without due process? Neolibs haven't held this party to account since the 90's, and are now surprised (or unconcerned) that it's become a social club that cares more about maintaining internal control than winning elections.

Yes! They ARE blue MAGA. It's insane.

Neolibs: "It is wrong that the GOP has become nothing more that a vehicle for Donald Trump's ambitions."

also Neolibs: "It would be wrong for the DNC to be anything more than a vehicle for Joe Biden's ambitions."

Your VPN isn't forcing you onto its DNS and is using your ISP's. I'd assume Proton has some kind of "antitracker" option or similar in the client that would make it use a Proton-provided DNS server. Failing that, you can use a public DNS server located outside of a piracy shield country by setting it manually.

Parties don't have primaries out of the goodness of their hearts, they have them to avoid situations like this. But the geniuses at the DNC won't learn a damn thing from this because they cannot fail, only be failed.

I think Fedora is the current best distro. I've used everything under the sun over time, and if you use linux for 20+ years, you'll find you need to distro hop because every distro will get bad (and ideally good again).

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It will be a genocide when the Israelis recognize ANY genocide they can't use as a cudgel for the benefit of their own ethnosupremacist agenda... so half past never...

My favorite thing about Rishi is he Littlefingered BoJo to try to become a billionaire with that India deal he never got done. So while he will never be rendered un-rich, he will be forever known as the Tory PM that almost ended the party, assuming they even survive, and he won't even get a billion pounds. #winning

Yeah, I use Gnome, and I kind of hate it and feel like a bunch of religious ideologues are constantly trying to break my window manager on update so I find Jesus, but I'm used to it, so it's what I use...

If you have npm anyway, the npm json package is pretty nice, you can even edit with readable syntax


Nice try, bot

This account is a bot, ignore it

Per Nicholas Kristoff's reporting in the NYT, Biden's been an advocate for Israel murdering as many children as possible going back to their invasion of Lebanon in the Reagan administration. The only issue he's never flip-flopped on is murdering children.

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Yes, it would be deeply unfair were a hypocrite need to deal with their actions...

Sorry, I didn't mean to do a doubleplus ungood by saying something true about Dear Leader. We should support anything he does because Emmanual Goldstein.

I condemn pure idiocy from a man who I honestly think is potentially learning disabled and/or suffering from mental health issues. You know it's bad when Curtis Sliwa would have been the MORE sane/intelligent pick for mayor.

Hochul was chosen by Cuomo to be such an unthinkable choice for governor that he could never be impeached. Now, because the DNC doesn't do primaries (except when Israel wants someone's head) she's governor for life.

Because he's an arrogant, venal sociopath who's been running for this office since he had to drop out in 1988?

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This kind of in-accountability, where you neolibs cover for Biden and the DNC like a child hiding their alcoholic parent's empty nip bottles, is A) sad and B) to blame for being in this situation to begin with. Enjoy they fruit of your labors.

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Well, you certainly are an expert on being complete trash...

This comment adds nothing, which seems to be your deal, Trump has declined, it would be noticeable if the DNC hadn't put up someone who's literally PAINFUL to listen to speak because he's overtly about to die evermore over time

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