3 Post – 217 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Nobody here read the article, don't take the rate bait. This was a small group of idiots in a larger protest. The organisers quickly shut them down and made it clear this was not welcome.

I wish I know what happened but I'm not listening to a whole podcast. What happened to posting articles.

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It's taking so long because their business model is selling ships and promises and never delivering.

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Right, so Biden should get no criticism for supporting genocide because the other guy does it more? Seems democrats can get away with anything by simply not being trump.

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They blamed Israel, not Jews. There is a difference. They were right too.

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Can't say that without spilling the deets. What language?

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These people entered legally as refugees.

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Just because some tech bros can make money from the Torment Nexus it does not become a good idea. Profit is not a great judge of ethics and value.

They shoot both the people waiting for aid but also the aid trucks themselves.

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Have you heard of the concept of a recycle station? There's a recepticle for paper, glass, metal, plastic, food waste, electronics and food waste etc next to eachother. You don't need to drive around.

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How many more billions does Israel need? If I was American I would be ashamed to fund a colonial ethnostate.

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You left a "woke" instance for one run by communists?

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Any recent CS grad is obsessed with rust, trust me. It's not hard to learn either with that background.

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It eggs series states

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Because everyone has a car and driving through rubble is no problem. Especially with a million people who do not have electricity, fuel or food.

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The main problems with the game is the extremely bland and boring factions and cultures. And the fact that it seems like most fights are against the same spacers in the same modular tunnels.

Would it kill the author of the article to actually include the cheat code?

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So they escaped russian occupation of Ukraine to Israel-occupied Palestine. Some irony.

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European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU). 26/27 EU members participating. and some non EU members..

You will only get anti-hexbear answers because iirc theyve been defederated. Hexbear is a communist instance that has its roots from /r/ChapoTrapHouse. They're disliked by some beause they're aggressive and often intentionally inflammatory.

What they're NOT is alt right trolls in disguise as some idiots claim. Some people just can't comprehend that there's any position to the left of neoliberalism.

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The US isn't tied up, they actively support Israel with money and weapons. They have a aircraft carrier group parked just outside Israel to send a clear message that no other country can intervene or the US will protect israel. Biden even calls himself a Zionist.

Modern US space projects are also basically welfare programs for aerospace companies.

Would have tried it out if the author wasn't a transphobic piece of shit. Might pirate it.

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The very start of Israel in 1948 was Israeli militias (one fascist militia with a line of continuity to the current pm) driving out hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from their homes, forcefully and with a few slaughtered villages to set an example.

Klarna had their best year so far, they lost a record low 11 billion SEK. (About 1.1 billion usd).

Why is this news?

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You're not supposed to? Not a native English speaker.

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I've never seen one without.

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Idk I stopped reading and immediately assumed the rest was horseshit when I saw the t word. Didn't even get to the n word.

It's about capitalism

It would be better if there was a no option and not just a delay.

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The reason for the convention is that it used to be just a pointer (adress) to consecutive elements in memory. A[x] is then literally translated to the adress of A + sizeof(x)*x. Meaning that the first element is at A[0].

Join a more radical organisation than the democrats. Participate in rallies, protests and put up flyers. Its not easy.

Muslims, Christians and Jews lived together without conflict for most of those thousands of years. With a few exceptions like the Crusades, which was mostly the Christians fault.

The idea that the current conflict is complex, ancient and impossible to understand is Israeli propoganda to make most people afraid to be wrong rater than rightfully criticize them.

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According to Israeli TV, so not reliable at all.

Like they already had but sneakily removed

He is a Trump supporter at the very least.

The 3hz frequency might even be a bigger problem

Check out /r/localllama. Preferably you need a Nvidia you with >= 24 GB VRAM but it also works with a cpu and loads of normal RAM, if you can wait a minute or two for a lengthy answer. Loads of models to choose from, many with no censorship at all. Won't be as good as chatgptv4, but many are close to gpt3.

The cheap arc are great, no amazing, for homeservers and transcoding.

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