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"The scary socialist madman" accompanied by the Democratic Party apparatus? A presidential candidate Sanders along with a moderate liberal VP would have gotten both the traditional Democratic vote (as long as the party collaborated with him, rather than giving him the Corbyn treatment, which I don't trust liberals not to do) and a considerable chunk of the electorate who doesn't feel represented by either party. The day you guys understand that you don't have to fight the Republicans in traditional terms, but rather, to change the coordinates of the fight, you'll force Republicans to choose between evolving or getting buried. But the real problem by this point is whether it is too late.

The vibes I get from the French left in social media remind me of the days when Podemos (in Spain) was soaring. It gives me a bit of hope. Good luck.

A lobby heavily aligned with the interests of a foreign power being capable of dropping by and dumping tons of money in order to place politicians loyal to their agenda in positions of power is not a sign of a healthy democracy.

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Both of these guys are ancient. I wouldn't care if any of them used drugs (as long as they don't pose long-term risks for their health) because they might as well be medication. Or are we going to be so dense that the idea that two 80 years olds are likely taking some medication is going to fly over our heads? Furthermore, where do we draw the line of what a "drug-enhancing drug" is? Coffee? Most adults take it to function under inhuman schedules. Adderall? If you do have ADHD, you do also need it to function; if you don't have it, it's going be even less useful than coffee. Anything else that they bought at a pharmacy? I don't care.

All in all, this looks like a talking point made up by people who want to treat politics like a sport, where we're supposed to watch "athletes" compete with equal opportunity for performance, which is definitely not what a presidential debate should be about.

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The typo will stay.

Look, you haven't sold me on the idea, but I'm going to upvote you because, if nothing else, this is an original take.

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Canary Islands. Great place, but the mass tourism is actually killing them, provoking skyrocketing rent and shortages of power and water.

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Do you know what's worse than stimulating your fear response? Stimulating your anger response. And millions of people choose do that daily in their interactions with social media.

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Plenty of different reasons.

Historically, Greece was a poor country in Europe because it was the periphery of the Ottoman empire and therefore barely received investment.

Through the 20th century, the country went through pretty corrupt governments (one of them being a dictatorship).

When they joined the European market, it was already a very unproductive country in relative terms, which tends to force you into remaining in the periphery under normal market conditions; and their most educated citizens saw a very easy and profitable opportunity in just migrating out.

On top of that, the only sector of the Greek economy that had any sort of strength was tourism, which very rarely provides good wages.

By the 2007 crisis, they already had a dangerously high debt. Because they were, again, a tourism-focused economy, when the countries that had the most tourists going to Greece entered into recession, Greece's income plumetted as well, and the debt just soared.

A little bit later, Greeks elected Syriza, which had simply accepted that they were in a debt spiral that would ultimately crush the country. Syriza's leaders told the other European governments that their debt had to be renegotiated (annoying for Greece's creditors, but at least it would be possible for them to pay in some capacity), or they'd leave the Euro-zone and just declare bankruptcy (thus they wouldn't pay back anything) (terrible for Greece, but perhaps not as terrible as the alternative).

The rest of Europe told them to fuck off for a variety of reasons (plenty of German newspapers had chosen Greece as their sacrificial lamb, often calling the people of Southern European countries lazy, the Spanish president back then wanted to crush Syriza because they had been associated with a growing Spanish opposition party, generally a lot of them were into fanatical fiscal conservatism).

Then Syriza chose not to leave the Euro-zone anyway (which provoked Varoufakis to leave the government, out of principle), and just stick to managing the country's misery. It has only been shit year after shit year for Greece since then, as any possibility of steering into a different direction was shot dead. It's just a country without hope at this point.

Hey! I will not tolerate this kind of racism against influencers! /s

As far as I know, Adderall for people without ADHD induces the self-perception of higher performance, yet increase in performance isn't actually statistically noticeable, so it might be useful for someone who feels emotionally stuck (afraid of failing, tired), but not for someone who does not have the capacity to do well, much like caffeine only gives you the self-perception that you're less tired than you actually are.

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Welcome to the shittiest timeline.

Jassy told his employees that he spoke to scores of other CEOs and that “virtually all of them” preferred having their employees back in the office.

CEOs try not to think they're the center of the world, the challenge.

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Gee, I wonder why people think Trump supporters are fascists.

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Giftedness easily becomes a social disability if your environment isn't good for it. The education system isn't ready to handle you constantly being ahead of the class? Get ready to sleep in school as the best years to take advantage of it pass by. Your topics of interest are too complex for everyone else around? Have fun enjoying your friendships less than everyone else. You don't mask your intelligence? Here, have 10 lottery tickets to get bullied, no, you can't return them. Congratulations, you graduated from college. Do you have the money for a masters degree? Oops, guess you studied for nothing. Got into debt and got a masters, but the job market isn't booming? Do you have rich parents, or rich friends? Aw shucks, guess you couldn't network your way into the type of job you would have liked.

Being intelligent helps, if you're patient, hard-working, and have the means to look out for the less conventional options, but not so much as one would instinctively think.

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BRB, on my way to withdraw all funding for an UN agency with 30.000 employees because 12 of them have been denounced by Israel.

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Sounds like a hell of a lot of money for a CEO who kept insisting that he had to kill 3rd party apps because Reddit still isn't profitable.

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There, the tourists “violently intimidated one of activists, who is a racialized woman, calling her ‘fascist’, ‘monkey’, telling her to go back to Africa and even threatening to kill her.”

Sounds on par for ethnic supremacists.

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Some user at a .ml community the other day was mocking the idea that Russia was trying to destabilize Europe, comparing someone else's depiction of Russia as if it was an EU4 country. This is another piece of evidence that Russia has been financing far right politicians, parties and think tanks in several countries, including Germany, France, Italy and Spain.

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How about policing the boys' damned behavior for one fucking time in their lives, then?

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Explicit meaning gang.

All my homies hate the astral hidden meaning shenanigans gang.

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A corporation's apologies should never be taken seriously. If they consciously break regulations in order to make money, there must be punitive fines, if not prison. Otherwise you're just creating a system where executives will try and calculate how much bullshit they can get away with.

Has No Solution for Its AI Providing Wildly Incorrect Information

Don't use it??????

AI has no means to check the heaps of garbage data is has been fed against reality, so even if someone were to somehow code one to be capable of deep, complex epistemological analysis (at which point it would already be something far different from what the media currently calls AI), as long as there's enough flat out wrong stuff in its data there's a growing chance of it screwing it up.

The father is blind and his daughter doesn't yet know how to tell him that she's been on HRT for 2 years now.

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As much as I dislike Macron, I'll just remember that he was one of the European leaders that was favoring finding a diplomatic solution the most during the earlier weeks of the war. He's probably being more opportunistic than brave, honest or committed, but at least you can't accuse him of being a bloodlusting warmonger.

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There's a very common mental trapping in humans where, once you've identified a serious problem or antagonist, you immediately become more sympathetic to its opposites or declared rivals. A lot of them had a genuine, valid concern with a capitalist society that was screwing them over, turned that into an identity, and ended up in echo chambers where that fallacy wouldn't be called out. It's difficult to get them out of there because they feel like they have to defend their identity and their social group, so in the rare cases where they meet someone who does understand and share their valid anti-capitalist positions but is capable of reasonably calling out their campist bullshit, they immediately jump to think it's just "another lib" and refuse to engage.

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When you're not sure if the bot isn't passing the Turing test, or if the corporate environment has removed any trace of humanity from the CM.

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Civilized countries make this shit illegal.

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The Onion should start fabricating positive headlines for a change, given that everything they write becomes increasingly truer.

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There's a pretty big fucking difference between normalizing nudity and people putting the faces of 14 year olds in porn video through deepfakes.

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Comparing the current ruling party in Spain with the inquisition is specially ironic, if you know that they voted in favor of granting the descendants of the Sephardic Jews expelled by the Inquisition the Spanish nationality if they applied for it, less than 10 years ago.

If anything, you could argue that this created an Islamophobic or Pro-Jewish double standard, since the descendants of Muslims expelled by the inquisition weren't granted that right.

South Korea, are you ok?

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(...) boy B rowed and could not decide on whether to keep the baby or have an abortion.

Boy B claims he tried to end the relationship but did not know how to, called her a "paedo" and told her to find someone her own age but claimed emotional pressure came from Joynes to keep their relationship going.

Just in case someone is uneducated enough to not to understand why grooming is bad, this is what it leads to.

Reading this was constant pain.

Missing the last two points:

> Would do it again

> Did nothing wrong

Myers, who says he’s a licensed security guard, was sitting in his car Wednesday to conduct “overwatch” while his son trains because “he has seen numerous crimes occur” in the parking lot, according to the probable cause statement.

Well fucking congrats for contributing to the statistic.

"I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops"

  • Stephen Jay Gould
  1. Agree
  2. Agree sarcastically
  3. Agree with a coarse tone
  4. Disagree, but still go along with it because the storyline requires it

I'm seriously on the fence with this one. A couple of points make it really difficult for it to not to be satire, but I've met guys who would unironically think of "can think for herself" as a malus - but they wouldn't admit it out loud. Now, can there be some kind of cave creature so pulled apart from civilized life that they would think this and post it?