Pro-Palestine demonstrators in Portugal assaulted by Israeli tourists to World – 375 points –
Ativistas pró-Palestina agredidas por turistas de Israel em Coimbra

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There, the tourists “violently intimidated one of activists, who is a racialized woman, calling her ‘fascist’, ‘monkey’, telling her to go back to Africa and even threatening to kill her.”

Sounds on par for ethnic supremacists.

The "go to Africa" made me confused because all the people seemed to be white Portuguese. I saw nobody of African descent (and it still wouldn't be OK).

Maybe our nice tans were to offensive for those snow flakes.

Do Israelis not also have tans?

The majority of Jews and Israeli people are of European Caucuses descent today. Very few are descendents of the Semites. Ironically, the majority of Palestinians are closer descendents of the Semites than the current global Jewish population... Hmm...

I was thinking more I was thinking more of tans from sunlight. And guessing you get a decent amount of sun in Israel as you do in Portugal. It seems like the original comment was saying Israelis are more white than Portuguese. I was just wondering if that’s really true, or at least a common perception anyway.

Not the ones in power for the most part. An interesting historical fact is that Zionism didn't really take off in terms of Europeans headed to Palestine until a few years after sunscreen was invented.

This might actually be true. When was sunscreen invented?

What does it mean to be racialized?

Person of color, but only in a background where it has any significance. So a Chinese person is racialized in France, but not in China, and a German person is racialized in Japan, but not in Germany.

It's translated by Google from "racializado" I think. I think it's being singled out because of your race...or something...