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They don't give a crap about religion. That's always been just something to motivate gullible idiots. Look at the stupidest and cringiest billionaire constantly whining about racial superiority and needing to breed people etc. they want you to work and they want 60% of whatever you create or labor for and they want you to have children that you pay for college for. They want you to rent your own slave quarters in buildings that they own. When I read history and compare it to ourselves, I can't help but think we're livestock that has been trained to be docile. At any other point in history, somebody would have murdered the worst offenders gleefully. They either managed to program us well or convince us to never do anything because we're so comfortable at the cost of destroying the environment.

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Of course they have to go out of their way to not explicitly name Israel or its military. Because then people might remember that Israel's military consists of 70% of its citizens, excluding the ones that don't have to serve because Israel is openly racist. Nobody ever seems to want to talk about how 70% of Israelis either have abused Palestine, continue to abuse Palestine, or will abuse Palestine in the future. That's like fascist government 101, make the teenagers become complicit in your crimes and they'll never vote to be punished. And because they'll never vote to be punished, we get netanyahu over and over.

There are almost 20 cities in the United States with more residents than all of North Dakota. I don't know how she got so huge in her own mind. It would be far more believable that the mayor of New York or La would be hobnobbing with world leaders, than the governor of South Dakota.

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I mean duh? If you told me there is a bill in the Senate protecting reproductive Rights, my very first thought and response would be Republicans will never let it pass.

We can't fight back ever because the other side might fight back even more. So let's just capituate now. Story of Democrats my entire life. At best.

This is a silly take. SCOTUS members have specific protection in the Constitution that needs to be dealt with. They have to be impeached. There's no other legal remedy. Republicans are a cult and have broken the government, just as the funding fathers feared.

Do you think that people are pouring millions of dollars into elections because they are stupid and wasting it? This seems like a bad faith question.

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And if it always has been, than why were the 70s, 80s, 90s, 2000s, all violence free? Why was there heated debate between the two sides, but not violence? What's changed now?

This is the most straight white comment ever. Most of those decades still had lynchings. And why are you ignoring the '60s while looking back at our history? Seems like you don't want to look at that decade specifically. The reality is that conservatives have been murdering liberals for as long as this country has been around. Even people as conservative as West Virginia coal diggers were massacred by conservatives using police and the pinkertons for being just liberal enough to believe in getting paid fairly.

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Kind of hard for him to be taken seriously talking about ending fascism while actively supporting Israel which was founded by open fascists.

Has anyone been banned for only posting good stuff about Biden?

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DRM manages rights for products you own. Twitter does not own your posts. Simple.

"how much sense would it make blocking black citizens of SA from visiting your country -simply because they live under apartheid?"

What kind of tortured logic is this? Nobody is saying we're going to block the Palestinians from traveling anywhere. Only the perpetrators, not the victims.

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He should have said the right, which many Democrats are, not Republicans. The point stands.

They don't give a s*** about promoting domestic violence. What they want to do is create a situation where people are cowed and do nothing but labor and produce the future labor like we've done to women for most of history. Whether the women get beat or not doesn't mean anything to them as long as the outcome is the same.

The post-war plan for Gaza has been set since the 1930s.

Not the ones in power for the most part. An interesting historical fact is that Zionism didn't really take off in terms of Europeans headed to Palestine until a few years after sunscreen was invented.

Let's wait and see how their recovery process goes compared to the other states it affected. Then you might have a point. I predict it's going to go poorly and probably there will be rate hikes for the captured customers, while the politicians pocket whatever they can squeeze out of the federal government.

The brand means nothing. It literally just means Alex Jones to everyone. If Alex Jones isnt on info wars then infowars dies. Wherever Jones goes he'll do the same thing and have the same audience.

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I would support those people getting individual exceptions. Also the people who are excluded from the draft because of the racism.

Maybe it would be easier for me to say that I just think everybody who ever served in the IDF should be banned from other countries.

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Right? Couldn't somebody just post "I'm Michael Anderson's cousin and he's full of shit" and that would balance out the original post since they are both just made up?

Not only is it still Android but the thing that the article says is special about it, blocking trackers and stuff, is trivial to do without installing a custom OS image. Change your DNS, trackers/ads gone.

I'm with the prosecutors. This seems like some rookie journalist is just parroting the stories he's told by a criminal before trial without providing any evidence. He could have at least talked to some scholars or lawyers or get somebody to agree but it's really just a story that seems to be made up.

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What do you think would happen if you tried to sell "Legos"?

Do you think Lego would agree with you then?

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And this is the game we always play. Biden will try to get enough conservative voters to overcome the resistance from the actual left. If he manages then we go further right like we always have and if he fails we go even further right like we always have. That's the great thing about Democrat presidents. They accomplish the same thing as Republican presidents. Just a little bit slower.

Cool. What does ja rule think? He at least had a reason to have a moniker since we seem to accept that for rappers. I don't think Leonard mcclevy or whatever Charlemagne's real name is actually has a justification for using that moniker. He certainly is not intelligent, insightful or has ever really had a good take on anything... He's a useless obnoxious attention whore and always has been.

But a CVS burned down!!

I got really lucky and hit by a car 5 years ago that let me buy a condo that has doubled in value. This leftist is going to call it a day. I'm looking at places maybe in Uruguay to move to hopefully before November. I don't know who to blame but I do know the Democrats and the Republicans are both not anything I ever want to support. And sure give me a party of Democrats that is built from politicians like Bernie Sanders or AOC, and I'll happily vote Democrat but that's a fantasy. The Democrats themselves are far right enough that they hate those candidates and their positions.

And they aren't even just murdering State actors. They are murdering journalists left and right from wherever. Just like aid workers and people trying to feed the Palestinians that they are starving to death on purpose.

That ethnically cleansing a native population and throwing parties outside of their concentration camp doesn't always end great?

Any settler that leaves Israel should be arrested by any civilized country. Treat them the same as terrorists.

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I think it's a bad take to pretend that people who served in the military and can still be called up for service are regular civilians. Or civilians whatsoever really.

It is no different than Republicans in Congress making symbolic votes when they know that a bill will pass without their support. I could not care less about what stuff she says in a concurring opinion. It will be newsworthy when she actually rules separately from the rest of the heritage foundation appointees.

That's fair. People have to pick their own targets. If I ever encounter people that served in the IDF currently in the future I'll definitely think of them as targets.

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He hasn't been deplatformed. He lost a brand name that is synonymous with himself. He can add a 2 to his web addresses and be right back where he is in a few days. Frankly all this attention he's getting from the media will probably just help him accomplish that. His listeners are total morons, but they are also addicted to his bullshit. Addicts find their shit, Even the dumb ones.

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I'm aware.

The media and Joe Biden personally lol

I'm a knowledge fight wonk but if I wasn't I'd say "that guy that failed to marry Christina Ricci"

Why does it have to be different from that and how does that have anything to do with what I said?

Are they settlers? Then they aren't in Israel and they should be considered international criminals.

Losing your brand and website is being deplattfomed. People act like it's a binary thing where deplattforming either needs to wipe you off the face of the earth or it was pointless

Sorry but words have meanings and he's lost no access to any platform as a result of this.

The disruption will cost him viewers because while he sets up a new base his viewers will get bored and go to watch other things.

I hope if this ever actually happens you'll come back and rub it in my face. I'm not going to bother taking a note because it isn't going to happen and you won't. In reality, every trump voter that didn't listen to Alex Jones already is going to watch the news and start regardless of whether it's on Infowars or Infowars. 2.

Ask any creator on the internet how bad a disruption in viewership is.

That's your job brother. You go ask some and come back and prove your point with their answers. It's not my job to try to beat my own point. I'm sure they don't like it but I also don't give a s***. Andrew Callaghan seems to have bounced back just fine.

And frankly, it's just silly for you to compare Alex Jones to YouTubers or whatever you are considering content creators to be.

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