
4 Post – 171 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I have a Timex Computer 2068, a ZX Spectrum clone made my Timex Portugal. My dad bought it sometime in the 80s. I still turn it on from time to time, mostly out of nostalgia. That one is the oldest in my house. I was too young to remember it being bought but it had to be some time between 1985 or 1987.

I also have the first model of the European Sega Master System made in 86 or 87 but I bought it second hand less than a year ago.

No, definitely a loving symbol.

PS: I had to explain the tattoo to my cute innocent girlfriend. I think something died inside of her (not me).

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What a shit article. All she did was support the Palestinian cause and now they're putting shit in her mouth (no pun intended).

I don't like how the narrative is being forced in this conflict. They are clearing the way for something very sinister. We're about to witness a western sanctioned genocide. There's no way Israel is letting this opportunity go.

Something is going to happen soon in the West Bank too, I call it.

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The audacity of entering someone's country, trying to control what they do and say and then tell them to go somewhere else "where they came from". Who would've expected an Israeli of being capable of such a thing.

The "go to Africa" made me confused because all the people seemed to be white Portuguese. I saw nobody of African descent (and it still wouldn't be OK).

Maybe our nice tans were to offensive for those snow flakes.

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In their defense, you'd have to be insane to open a gay club in Pakistan.

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It's almost funny how some people, who didn't follow the conflict before Oct 7th, are so shocked by this. Like this isn't a regular occurrence in the West Bank...

Nice. I put on my wizard robe and hat.

EDIT: Goddamn it, everybody thought of this one!! The Interwebz is too small.

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Who the hell hurts winRAR? That's like punching Dolly Parton.

Is somebody going to tell them?

The problem isn't the law. It's that it isn't enforced.

Coimbra is traditionally an academic city. The demonstrators were very peaceful. Had they done this in Porto, for example, it could've earn them a beating.

Portuguese peope are very good hosts, but you don't enter someone's "home" and tell them what to do. It's one of the most insulting things you can do as a visitor. And you don't tell us to "go to Africa". Honestly I'm surprised some old lady didn't came with a broom and sweep their asses into next week.

I haven't seen anyone supporting Hamas as much as I've seen people opposing Israel.

"I know he deserves a B but he could get an A if he tried harder so I'll give him a C to motivate him"

Yeah, I had a few teachers adopting that reasoning. While kids who knew less than I did but were perceived to try harder were given better grades. Surprised pikachu when I started to barely do enough for a D.

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Reddit is scary after this whole thing started. You have people calling for outright genocide being upvoted to the sky. People saying the old disproven zionist claims (Palestinians are not native to Palestine, etc) are getting extreme support too.

I surely hope this is bot propaganda because, if not, we're about to witness one of the biggest crimes against humanity.

This just contributed for me to steer ever more towards Lemmy where the opinions are more...human.

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Portugal is dealing with a major housing crisis. Due to excessive tourism and privileges for digital nomads and foreign retirees our population is being priced out of our own country.

Everybody knows lots of people who were forced to emmigrate. Families broken apart, relationships ended, etc. Everybody has multiple stories like that. I mean EVERYBODY.

To make matters worse, tourism needs low pay workers, but there's a lack of workers willing to live and work for 800 euros in a city where rents start at over a 1000. Instead of improving conditions for its citizens the solution was to bring in a wave of immigrants from very poor countries who are willing to work here in deplorable conditions. Right now our own capital is overrun by tourism and you can barely hear Portuguese being spoken. And it's spreading to the other cities.

More and more people just give up and leave every day. Universities are failing to fill their quotas because it's no longer affordable to live in their cities. Politicians and elites don't care because they have their interests in tourism.

In the bigger cities, when you enter a shop or restaurant, you can feel the annoyance as soon as they hear you speak Portuguese because they think you won't spend much. It's not improving at all and the only measures we had to improve it are half-assed. Right now I'm wondering how long until I give up and leave to join the others.

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My God said your home belongs to me so...gtfo. Please, leave something in the fridge for dinner. /s

Palestinians themselves, like Jews, descend from the ancient Hebrews. While the Jews left and (somewhat) assimilated in the lands they moved to, Palestinians were assimiliated by the Romans and Arabs. While their language and religion changed they are basically the same people.

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Is the IDF taking lessons from the Russians again?

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Someone was overdosing. If he was too slow he would loose his chance to fear for his safety and shoot him dead.

Israel doesn't give a shit about Gaza. Gaza is a distraction. The real deal is the West Bank were the settlers/militia are being armed by Israel. There are already videos of Ben Gvir giving assault weapons to the settlers and riling them up. They are the ones who will commit the genocide in Israel's behalf. Shit is already going down. The militia is depopulating villages, commuting murder and arson, all while the IDF just stands and watches. But the media only shows Gaza. Even Biden already realized what happened and is shitting his britches realizing he supported what is about to happen. This are the first stages of a genocide.

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That, or he grew up to find it's the only way he can get off now.

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"My personal life is personal."

I've seen videos of starving Palestinian children and not once have I seen them condemn Hamas and the October 7th attacks! The audacity of those people!

Now I'll never know how to make that inverted d

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without addressing the fact that being extremified by that would necessitate pre-existing white supremacist beliefs on the part of the main character

But they do explore that. They clearly show that he was already developing racist ideals influenced by his father even before the murder. The father's death was just the tipping point.

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Uh? I'm Portuguese and it works in the same in my language. I don't know what the big deal is. You get the gender by the arti...


There's a difference between just looking the other way and actively endorsing it.

The West is 100% backing Israel and they're not letting this chance go. Palestininans are going to be killed and deported, including Israeli Arabs. I call it. Something will happen in the West Bank soon or even in Israel itself and then Israel will come up with its own "final solution". We'll definitely see mass expulsions. The propaganda machine is already clearing the road ahead.

And when we see what we were actually endorsing we'll try to take back our support but it'll be too late. Their blood will be in our hands.

"Your military robots slaughtered that whole city! We need answers! Somebody must take responsibility!"

"Aaw, that really sucks starts rubbing nipples I'll submit a ticket and we'll let you know. If we don't call in 2 weeks...call again and we can go through this over and over until you give up."


"Suuure, please hold."

When I was in high school I screamed in the middle of biology class "those are not gonads, those are balls!". I still feel bad about it because the teacher was so nice and I was a nightmare.

I feel a bit better.

The school I work at is implementing this starting next week.

Except it's a music school so they can use metronome apps. Also, they can use it to send emails to the copy room to print music sheets. Or to use in class when it's required. Or for whatever exception they can think of. And they actually expect us to enforce it with all these exceptions.

Yeah, I'm sure it will work /s

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Had both my lungs collapsed. Forced me to quit pot which made my life take a 180 degree turn.

Video and pictures of the incident


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Maybe check that again. Those reports came from a less than reputable Israeli newspaper and was based on claims from IDF sources. There's no independent confirmation. It's pretty much just war propaganda to dehumanize the Palestininans and clear the road for the atrocities to come.

"Hey buddy, it would be a damn shame if something happened to your viewer experience. Oh, no, we're your buddies, eheheh. For a small fee, we'll make sure your experience will be safe."

Oh yeah? Well, study thi...oh...

  • wink, wink *

Fire that cop and give the acorn a badge.

Israel just murdered 200 children in 3 days, so far. Was that justified?

Oh, but they're Palestinian so they don't count. Otherwise people like you would have lost their minds decades ago.

When the Hamas murders children it's terrorism, it's an atrocity, it's inhuman (and I agree).

When the IDF murders children it's Tuesday.

It's on the news every day. And people like you couldn't care less.

Keep chewing on that nice Zionist propaganda. I choose humanity.

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I'd say 2001 Space Odyssey. The film has its interesting parts but the pace is absolutely awful. It makes it unwatchable. I watched it a while ago and couldn't finish it. Multiple long dragged sequences showing off the ships where nothing happens. Everything is an excuse to drag the scene, even a goddamn elevator. By the time I got the HAL part I was fed up with it and couldn't go on. It has multiple parts (starting with the music at the start) where it seemed they had a script but had to have a movie yay long. Like a class film. So they took every opportunity to stretch it.

Some people say I don't get it because it's not Michael Bay. That I have to appreciate the art in those long drawn out scenes. Well, excuse me, but I wanted to watch a movie, not a painting. Also, I shouldn't be expected to be on acid while watching. A disclaimer would help.

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Actually, he seems to be at peace with it now.

Jesus christ, I'm horrible.

I'll see myself out...unlike others.

Holy mother of God...

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